Monday, January 17, 2022

Timely Sensitivity

I'm glad I didn't post anything derogatory about vaccine enthusiasts on Facebook this morning. The timing of such a post would have been horrible, because it turns out that my brother in law in Lisbon is terribly ill from the booster. This is the guy who kept on calling my wife, and almost managed to push her into taking the vaccine. However, I actually like the guy. I think he's misled by the constant propaganda, so I don't blame him for anything. I'm glad I didn't post anything to make him feel even more miserable than he already is. He's learning his lesson on his own. He doesn't need me to tell him that he's stupid.

Making things worse for the man is the fact that he went ahead and had his 5 year old son injected with the mystery serum a few weeks ago, and I got a feeling that the poor kid isn't feeling all that well either. The man has basically poisoned himself and his kid, and the latest news from a hospital in Lisbon isn't going to cheer him up much. A 6 year old kid has died of complications from Covid, which we now know to be code for "dead from the vaccine". The story is headline news, so I'm sure he's aware of it.

The news of the kid's death was coded in it's usual fashion. It was all about how the kid got Covid and how he died in the hospital from terrible complications. It wasn't until the very end of the news story that it was revealed that the kid had been vaccinated only days before being rushed to hospital. My dimwitted brother in law may not have picked up on the underlying message. He may also be so deep in denial that he's simply refusing to add two and two together. But my guess is that even he is starting to understand that he's been conned by a bunch of snake oil salesmen.

This sort of tragedies are now happening everywhere, and it's bound to wake people up. Now that the ugly truth is right in front of them, they can no longer deny it. The game is up. The con is exposed. My predictions for the year are panning out. We're seeing some weird stuff this winter. Politicians are all over the place. Some heading for the exits, and others doubling down with extreme measures. It's a complete farce, and a tragic one at that.

The social contract
The social contract

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