Monday, January 10, 2022

Conspiracy to Deceive

There are two conditions that have to be met before we can hope to see a repeat of the Nuremberg trials.

  1. The current political elite must be deposed
  2. A case must be made based on natural law

The first condition will only happen if a sufficient number of people wake up to the crime that has been committed against us. The second condition requires some basic understanding of natural law:

Only those directly involved in criminal actions can be held responsible for damages. Hence, it's the minions and mindless drones of the establishment that will stand trial for direct bodily harm.

Very few among the elite have engaged in any coercive action. They have merely promoted it, which is legal. However, they have also conspired to deceive the public. That's fraud, which is a crime.

The case against the elite will have to be based on the presumption that they conspired against the public. There has to be prof of this, and there has to be evidence of damage directly connected to this.

Damage caused by order followers cannot be directly attributed to the elite. The evil was executed by minions, not the elite. However, the minions can in many cases defend themselves by claiming to have been deceived, in which case the damage done by the minions will be attributed to deception.

This will spawn a dynamic where everyone blames everyone else. The minions will blame the elite, and the elite will blame others. They too will claim to have been deceived.

The ultimate scapegoats are likely to be media censors. It was after all the job of fact checkers to keep everyone informed. The claim that the vaccine was safe and effective will be held up as a prime example of deception, and whoever came up with this phrase will be targeted by minions and politicians alike.

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