Saturday, January 8, 2022

Incompetence on Full Display

Lawyers and judges are no more competent in making life decisions than anyone else. This is now on full display in the American Supreme Court. Not only are some of these experts clueless as to the severity of the virus, some have taken the vaccine in the belief that it will protect them from illness. One of the lawyers arguing against Biden's mandates took the vaccine in the belief that it would protect him. Yet, there he is, infected all the same.

The fact that all supreme court justices have taken the vaccine is proof positive that they are no smarter than anyone else when it comes to basic decision making. They are as gullible and prone to group think as anyone.

If they were as smart as many believe them to be, they should have known within weeks of the vaccine rollout that it was both dangerous and ineffective. It should also have been clear to them as early as April 2020 that the virus was mutating towards something harmless. After all, if a layman like myself could figure this out from evidence picked out of news stories, experts should have seen it all the more clearly.

Then there're the politicians who spend all their time arguing about how to deal with what is by now a mild flu. One would think that they might have better things to do than to fret over the sniffles. However, these geniuses are now in their third year arguing about what remedy to choose.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the people who thinks themselves in charge of things are in fact clueless. Even the simplest challenge is a struggle for these people, and it's right down dangerous to trust them with anything.

This comes as no surprise to me. I've been a practicing anarchist since 2011, and I never trusted the so called experts even before this. Truth is that we have no need of any of these busybodies. Everything can be organized voluntarily, including law and security, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we'll be rid of the dead weight that is the political elite and their bureaucracy.


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