Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Quantum Space Theory

I recently came across a web site promoting Quantum Space Theory; the idea that space is quantized. The theory was first proposed by Lord Kelvin back in the 19th century, so the idea is neither new nor fringe. Furthermore, it hasn't been satisfactory refuted, so its validity cannot be ruled out. The theory isn't dead. It's merely ignored. Once Lord Kelvin fell out of favor, his ideas were tossed out with him it seems.

The similarities between Quantum Space Theory (QST) and my particle theory are striking. A series of logical steps led me to the same conclusion about the nature of space, despite me never having heard about QST.

My starting point was the assumption that everything in the universe is made up of particles. This led to the ultimate conclusion that space itself is made up of particles. The aether and space are synonymous. Lord Kelvin started out with the assumption that the aether is composed of particles, and concluded from this that space and aether are interchangeable concepts.

Kelvin's aether exists in a super-space. My aether exists in a void. Kelvin's aether particles are different from known particles. My aether particles are low energy neutrinos and photons, particles that we now know to exist, but were as yet unknown to Kelvin. Kelvin imagined his particles to be vortexes. I propose no particular form. My position is that whatever they are, they are three dimensional and they have texture, something Kelvin agrees with in his own way.

The similarities between QST and my theory are so many that my theory can be considered a variant of QST. Readers who like my theory should give QST a read as well, not least because QST contains the formality that my books lack. My approach has been deductive, without much focus on mathematical formulas. QST contains the formulas, and explain their significance in the context of quantized space.

My work complements QST in that it gives the reader a simple introduction to the basic ideas of quantum reality, where everything in nature is a consequence of something real and easily conceptualized. Nothing counterintuitive exists in nature. There are no mysterious dualities that can only be understood in mathematical terms. On the contrary, everything can be seen in light of particles knocking into each other to produce force and hooking up with each other to produce structures.

A particle quantum
A particle quantum

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