Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In Search of Atlantis

There is no doubt that something very dramatic happened some eight thousand years ago. In the space of a few generations the entire Scandinavian Ice Sheet as well as the Canadian Ice Sheet disappeared completely. Sea levels rose several hundred meters. North Africa went from lush and fertile, with lakes and rivers, to barren desert land. A large number of animals went extinct in the process, especially those with habitats close to the vanishing ice sheets.

Most of the population of North Africa had to move due to drought, while people in places such as Doggerland and Sundaland were uprooted due to flooding. Under such terrible conditions, any civilization that might have existed at the time would have been greatly reduced or wiped out entirely. This would in turn have given rise to legends of great floods, paradise lost, and cities disappearing into the sea.

The fact that we have concrete evidence for a climate catastrophe lends credibility to the legends, including the possible existence of a lost ancient civilization, predating the Sumerians by several thousand years, spanning the world from Egypt to Peru. Such an empire would explain the curious similarity in ancient building techniques found in places like Crete and the Andes alike. The use of polygonal stones as building blocks in locations separated by enormous distances, as well as similarities in stone cuttings and various megalithic constructions, indicate communication across vast distances.

Position and extent of Atlantis and its empire, postulated by Ignatius L. Donnelly in 1882 

By Ignatius Donnelly; cropped by Beyond My Ken (talk) 22:14, 28 September 2010 (UTC) - This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID cph.3b36915.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information., Public Domain,

This all points to a relatively advanced civilization with trading routes across oceans, which in turn lends credibility to the legend of Atlantis. The location of this legendary city would most likely be in an area that is today submerged by water, but which was at the time a port at sea level. Areas of interest are therefore places along the shorelines that existed during the ice age. As we get more detailed maps of the seabeds around the world, the location of this legendary city may reveal itself. As archaeologists turn their attention to the seafloor, many settlements, towns and cities may be found. If so, the evidence of an ancient lost civilization would prove conclusive as such settlements would predate the Sumerians by thousands of years.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

An Active Hurricane Season

This year's hurricane season looks like it may go down in history as one of the most active ones on record. This is by many seen as proof that global warming is both real and  dangerous. An uptick in extreme weather events is after all one of the predictions made by the human made global warming theory.

However, there is an alternative theory that makes the exact same prediction. It sees hurricanes as mainly electrical in nature, and therefore something that comes and goes in intensity according to the sunspot cycles. When the sun is active, with many sunspots, Earth is well shielded and there is little hurricane activity. But when there are few sunspots, Earth is exposed and there is an increase in hurricane activity.

Historical data supports the electric model. Almost all of the most severe hurricanes in recorded history have occurred during solar minimums. The fact that global temperatures are relatively low during such minimums has not dampened the severity of storms. Rather, the opposite appears to have been the case. Solar minimums are associated with cooler temperatures AND more severe weather.

Since we are currently moving into a solar minimum, there is no way of telling whether the uptick in hurricane activity is due to man-made global warming or low solar activity. However, we can say with certainty that such upticks have historically been associated with low sunspot numbers, and not higher temperatures. The assumption that higher temperatures will lead to more severe storms has no basis in historical facts.

Current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24

By David Hathaway, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center –, Public Domain,

For more in depth information of the relationship between light, electricity and weather, I can highly recommend the lectures by Dr. Gerald Pollack. He makes a very compelling case for the electric nature of various weather phenomena.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Cyclones and Galaxies

Cyclones on Earth and spiral galaxies in space have several features in common. They both have spiraling arms coming out of a center that is hotter than their surroundings. The arms rotate almost as fast as the center, with rotating speeds falling off with distance from the center more slowly than is the case of vortexes and solar systems. The center of a cyclone pushes air up, and spiral galaxies are often seen to eject matter up and down perpendicular to their plane of rotation.

Plasma jet ejected by a galaxy

By NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) HubbleSite: gallery, release., Public Domain,

Conventional theory sees these similarities as purely coincidental. Cyclones are driven by difference in temperatures, while spiral galaxies are driven by gravity. Any electrical activity seen in cyclones in the form of lightning, and in galaxies in the form of plasma jets, are secondary to the primary drivers which are temperature and gravity.

However, the Electric Universe community sees this differently. Their interpretation is that cyclones and galaxies are primarily electric phenomena, with temperature and gravity playing secondary roles. The primary driver is in both cases charge imbalances, pulling light matter in towards a center from which it is subsequently ejected up and away. Cyclones pull air in towards their centers in the same way and for the same reason that galaxies pull plasma in towards their center. Heavier matter, such as clouds and rain, or stars and planets, are pulled along by the air or plasma currents while simultaneously thrown out to the sides by the centrifugal force. This produces the rope-like patters of the arms seen in both cyclones and spiral galaxies.

This model of spiral galaxies requires no dark matter or dark energy to explain the rotation speeds of these bodies. It only requires the existence of plasma currents in space. Seen in this perspective, cyclones and galaxies look alike because they are essentially the same thing. Galaxies are as it were cyclones in space.