Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Month in the Life of an Active Volcano

The La Palma volcano is in a constant state of flux. It started the month of November looking like this:

La Palma Volcano on November 1, 2021
La Palma Volcano on November 1, 2021

Its two main fissures were facing towards the camera.

On November 30, those two fissures are notably less active. Instead, there's activity to the back of the volcano, as seen in this close up:

La Palma Volcano on November 30, 2021
La Palma Volcano on November 30, 2021

Lava can be seen to the left, flowing from a fissure to the back of the volcano. Activity has moved one step south along La Palma's ridge of fire.

This change on the ground corresponded to a change in the height of the volcano's ash cloud, which had been tall until the first week of November. It then reduced in height ahead of a lull in activity. This is what it looked like from a distance on November 9:

La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 9, 2021
La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 9, 2021

However, five days later it was back to what it looked like before the lull:

La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 14, 2021
La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 14, 2021

This was followed by great lava flows from the original fissures, as well as further opening of fissures to the south where activity is currently centered.

The ash cloud proved correct in predicting both a lull in activity and a subsequent uptick. The height of the ash cloud appears to be predictive, but only for a few days into the future.

Judging from this picture taken on November 30, there will be plenty of activity as we move into December:

La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 30, 2021
La Palma volcano's ash cloud on November 30, 2021

As long as the ash cloud remains tall, we can expect activity to remain heavy on the ground.

God aka Nature

I'm not a religious man. However, I do believe in the existence of reality as something coherent and absolute. Nature follows its own rules which we can only infer from observation. We learn a lot about nature from simply observing it. But we never know for sure if we really understand it. This is why true science isn't about absolute certainty. There's always some degree of faith, even in science. We only know the outcomes of our experiments and undertakings when framed in extremely sterile and predictable environments. In the real world, things are uncertain and unknowable.

This is why I often use the words nature and God as synonyms, even if they're technically not the same thing. The distinction is that nature is reality as it is, and God is the rules that governs this reality. However, as far as everyday life goes, we can think of the two concepts as being the same.

This line of thinking leads us to two lines of enquiry into reality. One being that of observation and deduction, and the other being that of reading and extrapolation. Science is our method of investigation into the nature of reality, while history books and the Bible give us insights into universal truths related to our existence.

I use both approaches, and I see no conflict in this. I look at things from a scientific angle to figure out how the mechanics of the universe is put together, and I read history and religious texts to learn about universal patterns in nature and human behavior. Then, I put it all together to form a model of reality.

This is how I've been able to anticipate and predict a lot of the madness that we're seeing around us. It started out with a hunch that something was about to go seriously wrong, and I've since developed something of a system around this to further my ability to anticipate and predict.

An insight derived from the Bible, and history in general, is that reality has a tendency to reward those who are in tune with it while punishing those who operate in defiance or opposition to it. From this, we can expect bad things for those who went along with the experimental vaccines, because the rollout was anything but scientific. The vaccines were half baked. They were also sold as superior to nature's own remedy; namely natural immunity. Hubris is everywhere. Politicians and doctors image themselves greater than God.

What we're seeing is a classic recipe for disaster.

The punishment for defying God has already started, with some getting seriously ill and others dropping dead for no official reason whatsoever. However, there has been little in the way of rewards for those who declined the vaccines. But this is the nature of reality. It reacts slowly, with punishments dished out before rewards.

The reason for this is that we can make a lot of mistakes before reality catches up with us. Reality doesn't always react instantly. It can be pushed back for a long time before it comes thundering back. A few may be struck dead due to their excessive risk taking, but that's as far as it normally goes at the start.

What follows is a surge where reality reasserts itself. More people become ill. The economy crumbles. Institutions collapse. All sorts of unintended consequences appear, and the only reward for those more in tune with God is that they are relatively safe from the havoc. Those in tune with reality have positioned themselves at a distance.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, there's a reward, often in the shape of something sinister, and this reward has now arrived. The latest virus variants are both mild and contagious. They spread at lightning speed, rendering everybody who haven't taken any of the vaccines immune to future mutations. The latest variants are God's own vaccination programs, and they provide much better immunity than anything cooked up in a lab.

However, the rewards won't stop at this. Society is going to transform, and the new order of things will be in the image of those who were in the right. The meek will inherit the world, and it is they who will set the rules for the future.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Tower of Babel (Vienna) - Google Art Project - edited.jpg
Tower of Babel

By Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Levels adjusted from File:Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_(Vienna)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg, originally from Google Art Project., Public Domain, Link

Monday, November 29, 2021

Lessons from Switzerland

The Swiss have held a referendum on vaccine passports, and the results came in with 62% in favor. However, the vote didn't come out equal across all age groups. The young were against it by more than 50%.

This illustrates that direct democracy is no guarantee against tyranny, and only marginally better than representative democracy. Direct democracy makes it impossible to capture representatives through corruption. But the power of propaganda remains strong. 

Politics cannot be fixed with direct democracy. The only way out of our current mess is to construct something completely new. The Bible talks of the kingdom of God for a reason. Even back then, people knew that democracy ends in tyranny, and that the way out of this mess is to create a system based on the golden rule. But that is only possible among people of high moral standing, and the Swiss failed in this respect.

A morally upright society will never sacrifice its young for the benefit of its old. However, the Swiss did just that. The old were eager to sacrifice the health and lives of the young in the hope of gaining a few more days of life for themselves.

Once again, we see that we must act on our own if we are to be free. We must build communities based on the golden rule.

This requires no central planning. It requires no violent revolt, and no great risk taking. All it takes is determination to do the right thing for ourselves and our loved ones, and the recipe for this can be found in the Bible as well as anarchist philosophy and manuals.


From One Wedge to Another

The gold price broke out above $1830 a day after I wrote about this possibility earlier this month. However, it didn't reach $1900. Instead it was slammed lower on leaching $1860.

Having broken out of one wedge formation, the gold price is again trapped in a wedge. One with a steeper line of support to the downside, and a flatter line of resistance to the upside, as is evident in the monthly gold chart:

Monthly gold chart
Monthly gold chart

This means that our year end target of $2100 is unlikely to materialize. However, we're well positioned for a strong move higher next year. Resistance has been weakened and support has been added. We're more likely to move higher than lower from our current price level at $1790.

The monthly chart reveals a giant cup and handle formation that's been in the making for more than a decade. The cup was completed in 2019, and the handle will be completed once we reach $2100. This will then signal a move up to $3000. To the downside, there's support at $1760 and $1690.

There's also fundamental support for the gold price. Inflation anxiety has accelerated demand for physical gold, which has pushed gold into backwardation. People are willing to pay extra for early delivery. This puts pressure on the futures market because it opens for arbitrage based on physical delivery. There's money to be made by delivering physical gold while at the same time buying futures.

This trade can only continue as long as physical gold is delivered when future contracts expire. With arbitrage in favor of physical delivery, there's less willingness to roll paper contracts into the future, and it becomes increasingly dangerous to be on the short side of trades. With fewer willing to go short, prices go up.

Cup and Saucer LACMA 47.35.6a-b (1 of 3).jpg
Rococo Cup with handle

By Vincennes Porcelain (France, circa 1739–1756), Francois Binet (France, active 1750-1775, born 1731) - Image: http://collections.lacma.org/sites/default/files/remote_images/piction/ma-31852871-O3.jpg Gallery: http://collections.lacma.org/node/229367 archive copy, Public Domain, Link

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Online Anagram Solver

Anagrams aren't as challenging as they used to be, thanks to online anagram solvers like this one.

Anyone can now solve anagrams simply by typing in their chosen word. I was challenged this morning to find an anagram for "moronic", and this is what I got.

What would have been tiresome and difficult to find out on my own was revealed to me in seconds.

portrait photograph of a 55-year-old Johnson
Boris Johnson

By Ben Shread / Cabinet Office, OGL 3, Link

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Like a Regular Cold

The latest virus out of South Africa is more like a regular cold than a flu in terms of severity. It's even less severe than Delta. The only thing about it that may be worrying to some is that it spreads quickly. However, that shouldn't concern anyone but the most fragile. A fast spreading virus is a good thing when it's as harmless as this variant, because it spreads immunity to itself as well as more dangerous variants. It acts as nature's own vaccination program, and it has finally arrived.

None of this should come as a surprise to anyone. I called it back in April 2020, and all it took for me to do so were some basic insights into how viruses spread and mutate.


Bedridden Sportsmen

Sportsmen are falling ill with heart problems at a rate five times higher than previous years. It's a major increase that can only be explained in terms of some common action taken by those affected, and the obvious candidate is the vaccine that they were encouraged to take.

Once again, we have direct observations that can be used to predict future trends. If cases of heart disease are up five times for sportsmen, then something similar is going on in the general population. Ordinary people may not be as prone to heart disease as sportsmen, so it may not be a fivefold increase. But it's sure to be in the hundreds of percent.

The overall mortality rate for this year is going to be higher than previous years, and a statistic to look out for will be the number of young men falling ill to heart disease.

Great plague of london-1665.jpg
Great plague of London

Eating its Own

Radical collectivist revolutionaries always end with everybody lashing out at everybody else. They are so set on control that they cannot bear even the slightest difference in opinion.

This was on full display after the French revolution. The first republic was ruled by radical revolutionaries that soon turned on each other as well as everyone else. Thousands of people were executed for trivialities. Dissent of any kind was punishable by death.

The Russian revolution followed a similar pattern, and it appears that we're going through something similar again. The West has lost its mind. Fear driven propaganda makes people flock to vaccination centers where the faithful get themselves injected by a mystery serum that's supposed to cure all ills, but which are in fact less than useless. Yet any opinion dissenting from the official narrative will get people in trouble, so everyone goes along with the charade out of fear for repercussions.

This has led to a strange situation in which the revolutionaries have skipped a step in the normal trajectory of revolutions. The revolution we're living through has started eating its own even before it has properly won control of the narrative.

The unvaccinated are targeted as dangerous enemies, as expected. However, it's the vaccinated that are dying in hospitals. The revolutionaries are purging the ranks of their followers. The opposition needs only to wait and take cover, and things will blow over on its own, as happened more than 200 years ago in France.

Execution robespierre, saint just....jpg
Execution of Robespierre

By Unknown author - This image comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b6950750j, Public Domain, Link

My Son's Classroom Zoom Call

My son had two Zoom classes yesterday. All his colleagues were there, including the virus positive kids, and not a single one of them showed any symptoms. There was no coughing or sneezing.

Direct observations contradict once again the official narrative. The virus is nothing to be concerned about. It's only in the parallel world of propaganda that people are getting seriously ill from it.

Porto neighborhood
Porto neighborhood

Friday, November 26, 2021

100 Days from Now

Pfizer will have a vaccine ready for the latest virus variant in 100 days from now. That's in March, when flu season is over. This means that injections will start just in time for Pfizer to take credit for what nature is doing perfectly well on its own.

My guess is that Pfizer will succeed in this. A lot of people will take the drug and think themselves protected by it through the summer. However, come next November, the vaccinated will find themselves once again unprotected, and that's when the scam will unravel.

Pfizer (2021).svg

By Pfizer, Team - Own work using: https://www.pfizer.com/our-visual-identity, Public Domain, Link

Vaccine Passports are not Very Effective

Bodø is a small town in the north of Norway. The town has a vaccination rate of about 80%, but when its health director was asked about vaccine passports, he replied that he didn't see much point in implementing such restrictions.

To clarify his position, he pointed out that not a single recent case was transmitted by someone unvaccinated. Every case they had managed to trace was transmitted by someone with at least two shots of the vaccine.

My prediction from July appears to be coming true. New variants of the virus are targeting the vaccinated.

Wax plant
Wax plant

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Taking the Booster

According to a recent survey, as many as 70% of fully vaccinated Norwegians will take the booster once it's available to them. This was posted as good news on Facebook by the notorious opinion machine; my autistic friend and fervent vaccine supporter. However, when we do the numbers, we see that this is too little to support a permanent implementation of medical apartheid.

With less than 80% of all Norwegians fully vaccinated, and only 70% of them willing to take the booster, we end up with less than 56% who can boast of having taken all three shots required for a green pass.

As far as vaccination rates go, we're past the peek. People will revert to their unvaccinated statuses, and if the next booster receives the same lukewarm response, we'll be down below 40% by this time next year. That's not enough for strict medical apartheid, and therefore the likely end of the psyop.

Making things worse for the pro-vaccination camp is the fact that all the smart people are leaving their camp. Portugal used to have a smart guy in charge of their vaccination efforts. He left a month ago, and has now been replaced by a complete moron.

My autistic friend is another example of bad PR. He's not exactly a picture of health, and his misadventures related to the vaccine are several. Shortly after taking his second shot, he was in need of a doctor, and from his latest series of selfies, it looks like he's on chemotherapy. His hair disappeared a few weeks back. Then it came back as a crop of fine baby hairs before suddenly disappearing again. That's not a great backdrop when pushing booster shots to everyone who cares to listen.

Smallpox vaccine.jpg
Smallpox vaccine

By Photo Credit: James Gathany Content Providers(s): CDC - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #2674. Note: Not all PHIL images are public domain; be sure to check copyright status and credit authors and content providers. Deutsch | English | македонски | slovenščina | +/−, Public Domain, Link

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The 5th Empire - Signs of Hope

Strange things are happening in Portugal these days. Something is stirring under the surface, only visible in glimpses. Not only are there bands of young French Jews roaming the streets. There are Catholic priests in open rebellion against Pope sanctioned mandates and vaccines. There's also something strange going on with the vaccine rollout. The department of health failed to buy sufficient vaccines for their planned rollout of boosters. The cockup looks deliberate, as if the halls of power have been infiltrated by organized resistance. Portugal's large number of secret societies and brotherhoods appear to have been stirred into action.

The anarchy embedded in Portuguese culture isn't readily visible in times of calm and stability. However, when there's government overreach, shadows become visible in the stirrings of practical politics. Politicians may say one thing, but things don't go their way, and when they do it's for reasons that have little to do with their stated agendas.

Similar stirrings are happening in Brazil, the US and many other places. Governments are being sidelined by interest groups that have agendas at odds with the state, the Vatican, the EU and the UN.

These interest groups may be hierarchically organized internally, but their need for cooperation between themselves necessitates a network structure. Hence, there's no central node dictating actions from above. Actions are opportunistic and dynamic.

Nation states are being challenged by a system without any centralized government, precisely as predicted in the myth about the 5th Empire.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Planning a Summer Vacation

My guess is that our current situation will last another year. However, that hasn't kept me from planning next year's summer vacation. There was a lull in the madness this summer, and I'm hoping for something similar to happen next summer.

I've involved my children in Norway in the planning to get them warm to the idea of coming down to Portugal for a week to stay with me and my new family. The plan is to rent a house by the sea for us to stay in.

However, this planning has had an unfortunate side-effect. My unvaccinated son decided to get himself vaccinated for the trip. He has taken his first shot.

That was not at all what I had in mind for him. Besides, the trip will happen more than six months from now, and vaccines are only effective for about five months. He'll have to take a booster to keep his green pass.

Everyone who's fully vaccinated today will have to take the booster by next summer if they are to use their green passes.

This had for some reason escaped my son. I had to point this out to him. Only then did he realize what sort of mess he's getting himself into by joining the vaccine bandwagon.

Hopefully, my son will come to his senses and refrain from taking the second shot.

Smallpox vaccine.jpg
Smallpox vaccine

By Photo Credit: James Gathany Content Providers(s): CDC - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #2674. Note: Not all PHIL images are public domain; be sure to check copyright status and credit authors and content providers. Deutsch | English | македонски | slovenščina | +/−, Public Domain, Link

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Plot to Kill Us All

Politicians keep doubling down on their push for universal vaccination, despite ample evidence that their experimental drug is a failure. This has led some people to conclude that there's a plot to kill us all, and this may be true, but not for the reasons most people believe.

The push for universal vaccination is not as insane as it may seem to the casual observer. Forcing people to inject an experimental drug is not an illogical thing to do for people bent on power. Allowing a foreign agent with unknown long term side effects into our bodies is an act of submission, and hence a perfectly logical thing for would be tyrants to demand of their subjects.

Humiliation and degradation are key elements in any tyrannical government, and the push for vaccination folds into this pattern.

There's also a lot of money involved. Vaccine producers sell their products directly to governments. Kickbacks are everywhere in the form of money and cushy jobs to fall back on after a career in politics. However, only those willing to sell their sole to the devil get in a position where this kind of deals are made. People with integrity don't make it big. Only those willing to push the boundaries of ethical behavior are rewarded with this kind of riches.

This has been known for millennia. The Bible talks of this in the story where Jesus meets the devil. Jesus is promised the world in return for an act of submission to the devil. However, he refuses the offer and ends up nailed to a cross for his insolence.

The necessity of corruption in order to attain outsized earthly rewards requires a system of mutual restraint among the corrupted. Corruptible people don't trust each other, so there's a need for some mutual contract that keeps them from telling on each other, and that contract is invariably a mutual crime.

The specific nature of the crime is not important. The only thing that's important is that everyone involved knows that they are engaged in a crime. When the crime is executed, everybody involved becomes tied together, and therefore trustworthy. A person corrupted in this way can go all the way to the very top of the hierarchy.

This is how Epstein's network operated. Deals could be struck on his island in the comfortable knowledge that everyone there was a criminal, and hence trustworthy.

The same mechanism can be used to explain the push for universal vaccination. It's a crime that ties everyone involved together into a unified force. Everybody knows that there are serious issues with the vaccines. They have known for a long time that it's counterproductive. However, their knowledge and motives don't extend beyond this. They are not plotting to kill everybody. They are merely banding together in a mutually beneficial way.

The social contract
The social contract

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Scary Stories

For a story to be scary, there has to be something hidden and unknown. There have to be darkness, empty voids and plenty of places for evil to lurk. There has to be room for our imagination to fill in the blanks, because the most scary part of any story is the bits we fill in ourselves.

This recipe was used with great success in the movie Alien. Things were dark, mysterious and set in the cold environment of space. However, they made one mistake. They revealed the monster in its entirety at the end of the film. What had been a vague and ubiquitous danger was in the end revealed to be specific and well defined. Suddenly, the monster was merely a well armored humanoid.

Something similar is now likely to happen to the narrative spun around the virus. Once people come in direct contact with it, it will become evident that the virus is but a variant of the flu. It's nothing to be worried about, and everybody will be wondering what the fuss was all about.

We're not there yet, but it will happen once the flu season starts in earnest. Faced with the disease, people will notice that children don't get very ill from it, that most adults weather it like a regular flu, and that few end up in hospitals. The monster will be revealed to be largely harmless.

Taking my son to song lessons at his school today was interesting in this respect. Most of the children were there, despite the option to stay away from the school because of the cases of infection discovered on Thursday. Few of the parents were so concerned that they kept their children home. There was more mask wearing, and some parents were keeping more of a distance than before, but apart from that, there was little sign of concern.

My guess is that the current level of anxiety will be as bad as it gets this time around, which is a great deal less than was the case during the height of anxiety a year ago. From here on, it will be down hill as far as the official narrative is concerned. Once the infected children are back to school in a little over a week, we'll be able to talk to their parents, and we'll learn from them that the kids were hardly bothered by the disease.

The only reason the virus has been scary is that its nature has been hidden in a haze of media rumors. Once actual cases emerge, the haze lifts and reveals to us a relatively harmless virus. However, this will not be the end of the story. It will be its beginning, because a lot of people have injected themselves with something truly obscure and mysterious.

We're about to witness a plot twist. What was imagined to be protection against an unknown evil is itself an unknown. For the people injected with it, there's no escaping it, and there are no certainties, only rumors.

We hear that people are dropping dead for no apparent reason. There's also cancer and heart disease, and overall mortality rates are up. The official narrative is that this has nothing to do with the vaccine, which is safe and effective. But this won't sooth anyone's anxieties for much longer. On the contrary, official denials will heighten anxiety, because once people start questioning the narrative, they will find plenty of unknowns where imagination can run wild. For those who took the vaccine, the horror story is just getting started.

Mask of the beast
Mask of the beast

Austria's Large Control Group

The fact that 35% of the adult population in Austria is unvaccinated is a problem for its politicians. They describe it as shameful. However, the real problem is not that it's shameful, but that it's revealing.

Flu season is upon us, and we are seeing spikes in cases everywhere. Everybody will soon know somebody who've caught the virus. In countries where hardly anyone is vaccinated, politicians can blame the low vaccination rate for the spike in cases. In countries where just about everyone is vaccinated, politicians can claim that things would have been worse without the vaccine. However, in countries like Austria, where people are split into two similar sized groups, everyone will be able to see for themselves who gets ill and who doesn't.

It will be very hard to make it look like the vaccine works when people see evidence to the contrary in their daily lives, and that's the most likely real reason why politicians are panicking in Austria.

They locked down the unvaccinated. But that didn't stop the latest spike in cases. It merely made it all the more evident that the vaccines don't work.

Realizing their mistake, they decided to lock down the vaccinated as well, but only in places where cases are especially high. However, the highest case counts are in areas with the highest vaccination rates, so this too is likely to backfire.

This winter looks likely to be especially severe when it comes to virus cases, and it will become evident everywhere that the vaccines don't work. But this realization will first dawn on people in places like Austria, and that's bad news for Austria's vaccine pushing politicians.

2018 Eva Maria Holzleitner (39466339270) (cropped).jpg
Eva Maria Holzleitner

By SPÖ Presse und Kommunikation - Tagung SPÖ Parlamentsklub, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Friday, November 19, 2021

Virus in the Classroom

One of the girls in my son's class was in contact with someone with the virus, which prompted her parents to give her a virus test to be on the safe side. This test came out positive despite her showing no symptoms, and this fact was communicated to everybody last night.

This led to a great deal of commotion. Everybody agreed to test their children, and the school sent out an e-mail with instructing on what to do. Being a private school, they have some flexibility in how to handle the situation.

The school made the decision to allow all children with a negative test to continue classes. Apart from that, it's up to the parents to decide whether to keep their children home or not. The school sends out homework assignments to the children that stay at home. Those that go to school will receive regular classes.

This incident is interesting in several ways. First off, it reveals that few families have had much experience with the virus. Two years into the plague, and many have had no direct contact with it. Their only knowledge of it has been through media sources.

Additionally, the school's response is typical of the flexibility inherent in Portuguese culture. They didn't slavishly refer to official guidelines prescribed by the state. They came up with something sensible on their own.

The incident will also reveal a full list of who's fearful and who's not. Showing up at school on Monday with my son, I'll make a note of who's there, and I'm going to be there without my mask, as is my habit these days. That way, I get to know where the parents stand, and they will get my position confirmed.

With the most fearful parents gone for ten days, as recommended by the state, there's an opportunity in this. My fellow fearless parents and I can expand our reach in the style of attrition warfare. I'll make the most of this by striking up conversations whenever possible. Ten days on, and we might know each other quite well, which will give us an advantage on the fearful who've been huddling at home in isolation.

When the fearful return, they will be met by people as unfussed as ever, and this will hopefully relieve any additional fear that they might have built up at home.

Conversely, if the fearless fail to make the most of this, we might see things deteriorate. The fearful will be more fearful, and with no counterweight on the part of the fearless, it will be them rather than us that gain ground in our struggle for influence.

Mask of the beast
Mask of the beast

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Austrian Fiasco

A few days into the Austrian lockdown of the unvaccinated, and we can already conclude that the measure is a fiasco. Their spike in cases has continued unabated. There's been no flattening of the curve.

As predicted back in July, the vaccinated have become a highway for virus transmission. The homogeneity and general weakness introduced into the population through vaccination has opened up for super-spreader events that otherwise would have been impossible. Austrian politicians are locking down the wrong segment of their population.

This insight requires no special knowledge. It's well known that genetically homogenous populations are more prone to disease than those that are genetically diverse. It's also well known that good general health is key to fighting diseases. Weakening people and making them more genetically homogenous through vaccination is therefore a recipe for disaster. Weeding out healthy and diverse individuals by isolating them only serves to exasperate the severity of the situation.

Yet, politicians in Germany and England are eager to implement measures similar to those that are currently failing in Austria, and this is necessarily done in the full knowledge that such measures are counterproductive. The politicians do what they always do when confronted with the prospect of criminal charges due to massive overreach. They double down on their evil policies.

2018 Eva Maria Holzleitner (39466339270) (cropped).jpg
Eva Maria Holzleitner

By SPÖ Presse und Kommunikation - Tagung SPÖ Parlamentsklub, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Buying Influence

I've just ordered a print of a drawing made by a nephew of mine. The young man loves to make finely detailed drawings of phantasy cityscapes, and this particular drawing has taken him more than a year to complete. His perseverance deserves credit, and I thought it only fair that his uncle should dish out some money as a reward. Besides, the print will look great on the wall of my ten year old son.

Additionally, there's a political aspect to my decision. My nephew sees me as his weird uncle in Porto; the one with crazy ideas about conspiracies and anarchy. I'm looked upon with suspicion by many of my relatives, so my gesture towards him will be noticed and talked about.

By buying my nephew's print I've bought myself some goodwill, which might rub off in various ways beneficial to me and my ideas about how things should be done.

For one, I'm supporting a local artist. He may be living far from me, but he's part of my circle of influence, and hence local to me and my family. This gives him the option to pocket my payment without paying any taxes. It illustrates the strength and importance of networks. My anarchist position is no longer a mere theory. It's a real world possibility.

My nephew has a quirky sense of humor in which authority is often questioned as to its legitimacy. This hasn't made him an anarchist yet. But I might have nudged him further in that direction simply by being generous towards him.

An important part in this is that I've refrained from stating anything out loud. Nowhere in our correspondence have I said anything political. Doing that would reveal my ulterior motives and render them impotent. My nephew knows perfectly well where I stand on things, and that's all that's needed to have him think my ideas over once more.

Similarly, I've refrained from asking any favors. I could do with some illustrations for my latest book on physics, and some pen drawings would be great. But this is not the time to discuss this possibility. Mentioning this would merely spoil things.

The only thing I've mentioned in our correspondence is that he might like to see Porto one day. This town has an eclectic style, with buildings often appearing to be built on top of each other. That's something he would like, judging from his pen drawing.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Bands of Young French Jews

My guess is that we're about to enter the final year of a three year psyop. Things are going to get weird and polarized, and evidence to this effect is everywhere. Not only have Italy and Austria banned the unvaccinated from work, and lock them down in their houses, Latvia has effectively introduced a one party rule where only the vaccinated are allowed to make laws, and a third shot will be required in England for anyone wanting to enjoy a sliver of the liberty they once took for granted.

Politicians in Norway and Denmark are itching to reinstate lockdown measures, mask mandates and social distancing rules. The same is happening in Portugal.

Meanwhile, it's becoming increasingly evident that the vaccine is counterproductive. Emergency rooms are swamped with vaccinated people suffering from ailments that have nothing to do with the virus. Death rates are up. Just about everybody knows more people ill from the vaccine than from the virus. Many won't admit this, but it's nevertheless true.

The aim is to demoralize and confuse the population to the point of collapse. A collective nervous breakdown will render the population incapable of coherent resistance, and a totalitarian one world order can thus be installed. However, the plan is doomed to failure. It's hubris, and the outcome will be very different from what the planners have in mind.

Pushed into a corner, people either conform or leave. Those who conform do so reluctantly while those who leave do so resolutely. This leads to a polarization between regions with a strong willed culture and those with a submissive culture.

History teaches us that strong willed cultures end up the victorious. Case in point being two Muslim expansions into Europe that both failed. The Arabs were defeated in Iberia and the Turks were later defeated in Austria. Europe continued to thrive while both the Arabs and the Turks went into moral and economic decline. The religious fervor of the Muslims burned itself out. Submissiveness and lack of liberty rendered the population lackluster and demotivated to the point of cultural regression.

Something similar can be expected to befall the totalitarians. They may have a great number of minions ready to rush into battle. But they have no moral spine. They will fail in the face of resolute opposition. Once the tide changes, they will scurry away. Their lack of conviction and moral standing will work against them until they become as lackluster as the Arabs and Turks became after their failures to take Europe.

The two Muslim expansions caused a great deal of upheaval. Those seeking liberty fled the territories that the Muslims entered. Intellectuals, artisans, as well as devote Christians and Jews entered Europe in search of safe havens. They brought with them capital and knowledge, and a will to resist the Muslim expansion. The best of the best joined the armies defending Europe. The more the Muslims pushed, the stronger became their opposition.

Seen in this light, it's interesting to note the latest influx of Jews into Porto. Having overheard their conversations as they walk home from the local synagogue, it's clear that most of them are from France, a country currently in the grip of mass immigration from Muslim countries, and hell-bent on the implementation of strict vaccine rules.

There's also a curious absence of Muslim immigrants in Porto. I haven't seen any in a long while, and the ones I've seen have invariably left within a few months. I don't think anyone's pushing the Muslims out of Porto. It's not like they're discriminated against. However, they are not getting any special favors from the Portuguese state, and they cannot play the race card because a typical Muslim looks exactly like a typical Portuguese.

The bands of young French Jews that appear every Saturday are visible evidence of a polarization that's happening throughout Europe. Those looking for government handouts and protection at the expense of liberty are heading to places like Paris and London. Those looking for liberty are heading to places like Porto.

Further proof of this is that the Jews don't wear masks where wearing them is optional. They understand that masks are symbols of submission, which is precisely what they're hoping to avoid in Porto.

The influx of foreigners isn't limited to Jews. All sort of liberty seeking people are coming. But the Jews are easy to spot due to their kippahs. Other foreigners are not so easy to spot. They are easily confused with tourists. However, any architect in Porto can tell us that foreign demand for property and refurbishment is up.

It remains to be seen what politicians will come up with through the winter, but I'm optimistic as far as Portugal goes. Not only is Portugal receiving a lot of people that are willing to resist the totalitarian agenda, Portugal has a culture that resists totalitarian measures through subversion.

Politicians may decide on something draconian, but the enforcement of such measures will be lackluster. Portugal is not like Germany, France or Austria. Laws aren't followed slavishly, and politicians in this country run a real risk of being ignored if they overstep the ancient and unspoken boundary of their powers. If they push people too far, they will be ignored by everybody but the most submissive.

Casamento judeu1.jpg
Jews wearing their Kippah

By David Berkowitz from New York, NY, USA - Berkowitz_250, CC BY 2.0, Link

Monday, November 15, 2021

Being the Adult in the Room

The world has been polarized into two factions, one being the totalitarians and the other being those in favor of liberty. The totalitarians have control of the narrative, and they have no lack of followers. However, being in the majority is no guarantee of success. What's required is not numerical superiority, but character, and character is rooted in superior morals and good behavior.

This is not a new insight. It's been known for millennia. The Greeks didn't teach their children discipline and rhetoric just for the heck of it. It was seen as vital for the survival of their culture. It was to secure their continued success.

Conversely, the totalitarian agenda is not merely a whimsical agenda of destruction. Their attack on conservative values has a purpose. It aims to confuse our understanding of good morals and good rhetoric, so that they alone are perceived as educated and moral. They want us to come across as childish and confused so that they can tell us what to do and how to behave.

The best way to counteract this agenda is to keep in mind the archetype of an adult. Once we have a clear vision of this archetype, it becomes easier to act constructively against the current push towards tyranny.

The adult has several characteristics that we need to internalize. These include:

  • a clear vision of right and wrong
  • an understanding of relative importance and strength
  • patience
  • a preference for substance over ego
  • a distaste for physical conflict
  • clear and concise language

Adults don't rebel with violence and loud protests. They don't go headlong into a fight with their opponents. They don't strike with impatience. They don't care about the social status of their opponents, and they don't act on any desire to become famous themselves.

Adults are meek, and they engage their enemies in attrition warfare rather than pitched battles. No matter how things go, they don't play the victim nor the hero. All that matters is the end result and the legacy that comes with a life lived well.

An important part of this is how we formulate ourselves in our conversations with others, because our language and choice of subject matter reveals our character. It's important to show people that we care about them. We must also reveal who we are. We must always be our friendly helpful selves, polite and open for a good story or two.

We must avoid talking too much about ourselves and what we believe. We don't gloat. Nor do we express self pity. Once we've explained our position to someone, there's no point in repeating it.

Written text should be stripped as much as possible of adjectives and adverbs. There's no point in saying "very big" or "enormous" when "big" is equally good. If "big" can be removed from the sentence without loss to its meaning, then get rid of it. Adults don't engage in "very big" or "enormous" battles. They engage in battles, and even that may be an overstatement.

Done correctly, our language and actions speak for themselves. It's clear where we stand, and it becomes clear to everyone that we are the adults, and that it's the pushy, impatient and grasping totalitarians that are the ones who never fully graduated from kindergarten.

A relaxed conversation
A relaxed conversation

Sunday, November 14, 2021

An Increase in Traffic Deaths

Traffic deaths in the US are up since 2019, and experts are as clueless about the possible cause of this as they are about swamped emergency rooms. The year 2019 is somehow pivotal, and it's a mystery why this is so. Yet again, the obvious is either ignored or dismissed as irrelevant.

We're told that lockdowns cannot have had anything to do with it, because fewer people driving should have caused the numbers to go down. Yet the numbers went up when lockdowns came into effect, and the numbers remained high when the lockdowns were rolled back.

People driving with their masks on isn't mentioned. The fact that masks mist up people's glasses and limit oxygen supply is apparently irrelevant. Vaccines aren't mentioned either. Presumably because they were administered in 2021. But traffic deaths remain high, and may end up higher than the numbers for 2020.

Politicians and their minions are quick to rule out any connection between the rise in traffic deaths and the actions taken in response to the virus. Instead, they declare the situation a pandemic of traffic crashes, implying by this that it's no less sever and mysterious. What is in reality a relatively modest increase in traffic deaths is made into an emergency. The solution to the problem is as always more rules and regulations. The fact that Germany has some of the worlds lowest rates of traffic deaths despite having some of the most liberal traffic laws is ignored.

There are freeways in Germany that have no speed limit, and this is not a problem, so we can safely conclude that the number of deaths in US traffic has nothing to do with a lack of rules. Something else is at fault, and the uptick in deaths since 2019 is almost certainly due to lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccines. Here are some possible causes off the top of my head:

  • Suicides are up due to lockdowns. Some of these are presumably traffic related.
  • Restrictions on air travel means more long distance driving for people who'd rather fly.
  • Masks limit vision and oxygen flow. Errors are made by masked drivers.
  • Vaccines causes people to faint or drop dead while behind the wheel.
Blick auf A 2 bei Raststätte Lehrter See (2009).jpg
An Autobahn in Lehrte, near Hanover, Germany

By Jochen Teufel - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Plumes and Ash Clouds

The La Palma volcano hasn't changed much since I last wrote about it. It continues to belch out lava and volcanic ash. From up close it looks no different from a week ago. However, from a distance, we see that the tall plume and ash cloud are back.

Tall plume and ash cloud on the La Palma volcano
Tall plume and ash cloud on the La Palma volcano

The above picture was taken this morning. The contrast with the picture below, taken a week ago, is significant. Keeping in mind that the activity of the volcano as seen up close was no different then than it is today, there appears to be a message hidden in the height of the volcano's plume and ash cloud.

Low plume and ash cloud on the La Palma volcano
Low plume and ash cloud on the La Palma volcano

Last time this happened, the volcano became noticeably more active over the following weeks. If we get a repeat of this we have a pattern that might be useful in predicting the trajectory of volcanic eruptions.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Imminent Austrian Fiasco

Austria is about to impose lockdown restrictions on 35% of its population. Only those with a valid green pass will be allowed to enjoy the sort of freedoms that we all took for granted a few months ago. As such, Austria is going to be the first genuine apartheid state in Europe since the 1940s.

As horrible as this may sound, it's likely to work against the tyrants, because the plan suffers from the same flaw that has worked against tyranny in the past. It ignores the fact that it cannot be effectively implemented.

There's no way to control the movements of 35% of the population. Enforcement will be sporadic and brutish. There will be random arrests and show trials, making Austrian law enforcement look bad in the eyes of everyone but the most fearful.

The police is unlikely to embrace their role as jackboots. They may show some initial flare, but it will fade. Few are still fearful of the virus, and recent incidents have made it clear that the vaccine is likely to do more harm than good. We're dealing with a failed experiment, and few outside of politics want to be associated with it, especially in a country where 35% of the population is firmly against the whole charade.

2018 Eva Maria Holzleitner (39466339270) (cropped).jpg
Eva Maria Holzleitner

By SPÖ Presse und Kommunikation - Tagung SPÖ Parlamentsklub, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Sweden, Denmark, Norway and the Virus

Less than two months ago, politicians in Denmark and Norway were out congratulating themselves for their successful handling of the virus. Everyone were anxious to take credit for the reopening of society. Yet, they're now back to their old shenanigans. Lockdowns are being considered. Vaccine passports are being pushed, and borders with Sweden are to be sealed.

However, Sweden remains unwavering in their stance, which begs the question: what is it about Sweden that makes it so different from Denmark and Norway?

The answer to this can be found in Scandinavian history, dating as far back as the time of the Romans when Sweden developed a pragmatic culture to deal with the chaos along the periphery of the Roman empire. This culture was born out of a need to secure trade routs between Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and it turned out to be very successful; so much so that it was adapted and incorporated into local cultures in present day Germany and France.

Those who adapted the pragmatic culture of the Swedes called themselves Goths; a reference to Gotland, a powerful Scandinavian stronghold at the time of the Romans, and a major trading hub of the Swedes.

People continued to present themselves as Goths for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome. However, the habit faded into obscurity. The ruling elite adopted local names for themselves. They became Franks, Bavarians, and the like. However, the original culture remained strong in Sweden. When Scandinavia once again rose to prominence during the Viking age, Sweden took on its own role, separate from Denmark and Norway.

Sweden expanded south and eastwards while Denmark and Norway expanded westwards. The Vikings that settled in England were from Norway and Denmark. They were not from Sweden, and this has since defined the division of Scandinavia. Norway and Denmark became part of what is today the Anglo-Saxon world. Sweden on the other hand is neutral in its relations both towards the Anglo-Saxons and to its more fragmented neighbors to its south and east.

Denmark and Norway are part of NATO while Sweden has its own defense, and the significance of this is increasingly evident. Sweden isn't playing along with the globalist agenda. It has positioned itself on the side of the multipolar alternative. As such, Sweden is in opposition to its western neighbors.

Denmark and Norway are NATO's bridge heads against Sweden, which NATO seeks to incorporate into its ranks. Sweden, on the other hand, is pushing against their agenda. It seeks to win the battle by compelling its neighbors to go along with its alternative.

NATO is much bigger than Sweden, but they cannot very well start a hot war with this peaceful nation, so they aim to isolate it by effectively isolating it from its trading partners. The virus is being used as an excuse for trade barriers and sanctions. However, this cannot be said out loud. That would be seen as hyperbole. Sweden is therefore resorting to its own subversive strategy.

Sweden managed to sway its western brothers away from the globalist agenda for a few weeks by making them impatient with their politicians. This move is currently being countered by NATO. But it remains to be seen if this will be successful.

There's a limit to how long Norwegian and Danish politicians can act against their own people. My guess is that Sweden will emerge victorious. Sweden will not bow to NATO. It never was a part of the Anglo-Saxon world, and it makes no sense to become part of it in its present state of moral decay. However, Norway and Denmark may fold and withdraw from NATO, in which case Sweden becomes the dominant power of Scandinavia.

Trapeze Artists in Circus.jpg
Trapeze Artists

By Copyright by the Calvert Litho. Co., Detroit, Mich. - This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID cph.3g02091. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information., Public Domain, Link

Friday, November 12, 2021

If Everybody Did What I've Done

If everybody did what I've done, society as we know it would come to an end. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Besides, it's not like everybody will suddenly flip from doing things one way to doing things my way. Nobody's planning a revolution, and nobody's going to do things exactly as I've done. The whole point of anarchy is to allow everybody to do as they please within their realms. It's not a movement. It's an awakening.

The transition from nation state to anarchy will be gradual, and society will adapt to the changes as they happen. The process may in retrospect look sudden, but it will take decades to unfold. At no point will a large part of the population find itself rudderless in this process. Whatever chaos there might be will be the making of nation states, not individual anarchists like me.

This becomes clear from considering what I've actually done and what would happen if others followed suit. Step one in my awakening was a recognition that no-one but God (aka nature) stands above me. Governments represent no-one but themselves. I woke up to this insight partly due to the fact that I'm a peripheral member of the big club mentioned by George Carlin in this sketch. My family controls a portion of the state apparatus. This arrangement benefits me, but is no less distasteful for that reason.

Step two was a realization that very few care about my insight. When I mention the unfairness of the system, most people nevertheless defended it. They defend taxation as a necessity, and they see rules and regulations as something benefitting themselves. But the fact of the matter is that it's all for the benefit of the big club. My fixed income is secure because of taxes levied on others. Rules and regulations defend my family's business. However, people are blind to this, even when confronted with this by a member of the club.

Step three was to act rationally on my insight. If I'm a peripheral member of the club, why not take full advantage of it? I cut down on my exposures to the parasitic part of the system, and I firmed up my exposure to the parallel system that exists naturally in society. The balance was thus tilted more in my favor.  For every step, I became more autonomous, until I reached my current position where my immediate family is in a position of strength relative to how things would otherwise have been.

As things stand, I'm benefitting from the current system to a larger extent than I'm suffering under it, and I recommend this kind of positioning for everybody. I have an anarchist friend who lives off of a state pension, and I applaud him for this. He has personally achieved what my family achieved for me. I see little difference in his maneuvering and that of my family.

As a minimum, everyone should do their best to remove themselves from the parasitic side of the state. If the state hands out money in our direction, we take it. However, we mustn't make ourselves dependent on state handouts, because the system is unsustainable. It will eventually fail and drag everyone dependent on it down with it.

The rational thing to do is to take maximum advantage of whatever schemes are directed our way while simultaneously extracting ourselves from the parasitic part of the system.

This is so obvious that most people do this without thinking, and the only difference between them and me lies in my awareness of the inherent unfairness of it. As far as practical everyday life is concerned, everyone is an anarchist. Anarchy is the natural state of things, and as such, we have nothing to fear, because nature is arranged in such a way that we all benefit from it in it's natural state.

Anarchists act according to their own rules, laid out by each individual's conscience. A common denominator is the golden rule, which just about everybody abides by without thinking. Crooks and psychopaths are rare, and easily neutralized by the application of natural law, derived from the golden rule.

No ruling class is necessary for the orderly function of society. I behave no differently than other people. I'm as polite and helpful as anybody. There's nothing inherently dangerous about my position, and the same goes for anybody else who makes similar arrangements for themselves.

It's an error to assume that people will go mad in a world without rulers, and that we have to give up our liberties in order to prevent this from happening. Truth is that nothing bad happens if we each in our own way extract ourselves from the system. My actions have had no measurable impact on anyone but myself and my family. We have benefited at no cost to society, and the same will be true for anyone else doing the same.

The only long term effect of intelligent positioning is that the system will crumble under its own weight. However, intelligent positioning is exactly what needs to be done in order to make the transition into anarchy a smooth and painless affair.

It will be the job of those outside the system to arrange things differently for the future. It starts with ourselves and our families. The household can then be extended in order to take care of those for whom the system fails.

The collapse of social security will release a flood of labor that can be employed in various ways by us on the outside. The collapse of law will open for private arbitration under the golden rule. The collapse of social order will open for private security. The collapse of infrastructure opens for locally administered alternatives.

Every conceivable service can be arranged for within the natural framework of anarchy under the golden rule, aka the 5th Empire or God's Kingdom on Earth. Hence, a complete collapse of the current system will merely open for this possibility. If everybody did as I've done, we'd merely move this process along on its natural path. Nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, everyone who does this will benefit, and society at large will benefit too, because it is the outsiders that will inherit the Earth. We're the ones that will arrange things according to nature's own rules, and make sure that everyone is provided for.

Seen in this light, becoming a sovereign individual is not only a smart thing to do, it's a moral imperative required for the smooth transition from tyranny to liberty.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sovereign Wealth

Fernando Pessoa is an interesting character in modern literary history. He was ahead of his times in many of his ideas. He hammered out a modern vision of the 5th Empire, he saw himself as a sovereign individual, and he pretty much defined anarcho-capitalism in his short story on the anarchist banker. In one of his many reflections, he noted that a sovereign and an anarchist are two sides of the same thing.

This observation cuts two ways. It makes it clear that any individual aspiring to be a sovereign cannot at the same time be loyal to government. Conversely, governments are themselves anarchist institutions that operate by the rules set by themselves.

With governments everywhere becoming increasingly unhinged, thinking themselves entitled to tax our labor and wealth as they please, and control our lives as they please through mandates and regulation, Pessoa's world view becomes all the more relevant.

The state has declared itself master of all things, including the weather and our health. It thinks itself omnipotent. Nothing escapes its reach. Everybody has to obey by their rules.

However, nature, aka God, has arranged things differently. The world is immense and full of secrets. No bureaucracy can ever hope to know but a tiny fraction of it, so we can escape the grasping hands of bureaucrats merely by taking advantage of this fact.

Key to success is to realize that the state will take control of anything we register with it. Our labor and wealth must therefore be kept outside of the system as much as possible.

I realized this several years ago, and I've acted accordingly. I've reduced my registered wealth to zero, and I've acquired influence and unregistered wealth in its place. The immediate effect of this was a drop to zero in taxes and fees related to my possessions.

My wife and I live in a modest apartment with a minimum of fees and taxes. Our savings are in physical metals, hidden away in a place known only to us and two others.

Every year that passes, my existence fades in the memory of the taxman. As far as he's concerned, I own nothing and I have no income. I live off of my wife's meagre income.

However, my wife and I are better off than we appear. Our unregistered wealth is sufficient to allow me to work on projects for which there is no taxable income but plenty of other rewards. We're hunkering down while planning for a better future, and it's starting to dawn on others that they too need to do something similar in order to avoid confiscatory taxes and inflation.

Elon Musk is a high profile character who appears to have seen the writing on the wall. He's selling a portion of his stake in Tesla, allegedly to cover his tax obligations, but most likely to do some shuffling with his wealth as well.

Keeping in mind that anything registered with the state can be confiscated at will by the bureaucracy through the mere invention of a law, we see the shortcomings of bank accounts and registered shares. Real estate is even worse, having many fixed costs associated with it.

Crypto like Bitcoin may appear a sensible alternative to cash in the bank, but it cannot easily be acquired or spent without detection. Exchanges are required to inform governments about accounts and transactions. Getting money into or out of an exchange requires a bank account. Crypto becomes in this way a trap with multiple entry points for bureaucrats to access our wealth.

However, gold and silver can be spent directly, and no-one besides the people involved will ever know about it. If nothing is registered, all is forgotten over time. The very impermanence of time plays to our advantage. Once people fully realize this crucial difference between crypto and precious metals, we'll see gold and silver finally start to outperform their electronic competitors.

Portrait of Pessoa, 1914
Portrait of Fernando Pessoa, 1914

By Template:Cavalão - Nelson BrazUkA, Public Domain, Link