Friday, August 20, 2021

Not Exactly Free

Of all the selling point's I've come across with regards to the vaccine, the stupidest one is the claim that the vaccine is free. As if that makes it a great deal. And it isn't free. Tax funded services are paid for by taxpayers. All that's added in way of services is the removal of choice. Had the vaccine been something we would've had to pay for directly, we would've had the choice to decline, and few would have taken it.

Who would willingly fork over good money for a jab that does nothing for our health? But this isn't the biggest error in the free stuff argument, because we're paying for the vaccine in more ways than one. Even if it's free of charge, we have to pay the piper. Our lives are shortened by the jab. That's the true cost of getting vaccinated. It's also the more effective argument against the free stuff story, because socialists don't absorb basic economic facts. However, they do relate to economy when their own life is at stake.

Next time anyone tells me that the jab is free, I'll ask them if they consider a reduction in life expectancy a fair price to pay for it. Then I'll throw out a small percentage like 1 or 3 as my best guestimate of what the jab costs. It's like inflation, only it's drawn from our life expectancy rather than our savings account. It's also like tobacco in that it hits unevenly. Some people are hit harder than others. Some have no reduction in their life expectancy, while others see their lives dramatically shortened. This will have health nuts stomped, because the analogy fits. Tell them that a vaccine shot is like smoking ten cigarettes a day. It's not very dangerous, but some meet an untimely death. If an argument ensues, reduce the number to five cigarettes. Be generous. Maybe as little as one cigarette. But to deny that there's a price to be paid for the vaccine is pure nonsense.

Wilting plant
Wilting plant

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