Thursday, July 15, 2021

Power and Humiliation

It's almost a year since I wrote this piece on power and humiliation. It outlines the mechanisms used to subjugate the general public. Specifically, it analyses how public commissions in the art world serve to humiliate both artists and the public, exalting the commission members in the process. The only one untainted by the process are the commission members who gain power as a consequence. They are not the ones being degraded. On the contrary, they are the ones in charge of the process, and hence in control.

In retrospect, the post seems prophetic. It was written before the plague, yet it outlines the mechanisms now employed to humiliate both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. A network of highly corrupt individuals are going all in with their efforts to subjugate everyone to their will.

The vaccinated are as much a victim of this as are the unvaccinated. However, they are wilfully ignorant to what's going on. They know deep down that something sinister is afoot, but they choose to suppress this. For instance, it's well known that the vaccine is experimental. It's also well known that some get seriously ill from it. If it wasn't for non-stop propaganda, people wouldn't take the drug.

If the purpose of the vaccination program was merely to subjugate people to the will of the ones in charge, the injections would have been harmless. However, the vaccine isn't merely a saline solution. It has active ingredients, and it hasn't been fully tested. The ones taking the vaccine are in other words doing the job of lab rats. The vaccinated are willingly accepting this humiliating role.

The vaccinated will never admit that this is the role they've taken. But that doesn't matter. In fact, it makes the humiliation even stronger. The vaccinated are denying what they know to be true. They are like Dr Mengele's patients, clinging to him for advice and help while fully conscious of the horrors that he's doing to them.

The insights into the irrational trust in authority that were gained through Dr Mengele's research are widely acknowledged as both profound and disturbing. People will tend to trust more in someone who abuses them than someone who merely mistreats them. The worse the abuse, the more desperately people will cling to the authority figures. This explains why the vaccinated are often the ones most hysterical about the plague.

The vaccinated are in turn told that their problems are not due to propaganda or the vaccine itself. Rather, all their problems are due to the unvaccinated who must be held responsible for any adverse developments. The unvaccinated are unclean, and must be kept out of hospitals for the general good of everyone, and they must be denied access to hotels and restaurants.

The unvaccinated can still get limited access to liberties reserved for the vaccinated. But that can only be achieved by sticking a device up our noses. There has to be an act of humiliation, or no freedoms can be granted.

The charade has the general form of a false religion. It pretends to grant privileges while it's in fact restricting freedoms. The privileges gained are merely whatever freedoms were naturally available from the start. Unlike true religions, false religions give us nothing of value. True religions give us all sorts of useful advice and insights. False religions give us humiliation. Yet, people are flocking to the false ones. Promise of instant salvation are just too much to resist, and true religions are so tarnished by propaganda that most people refuse to give them an hones hearing.

The situation may seem hopeless. However, there are some things that the people in charge are overlooking. For one, compliance is not the same as conviction. I've stopped using my mask, and most people are either fine with that, or they look away in shame. I haven't come across anyone with sufficient conviction to tell me off. That's a step in the right direction relative to where we were just a few months ago.

The call to hate and detest the unclean has largely falling on deaf ears. Both my brother and my daughter have taken the vaccine. My brother did it for practical reasons. My daughter did it because she trusts the narrative. Neither of them seem very committed to what they've done, and I know for sure that they will not partake in any witch hunt of the unclean. I asked them, and they were horrified at the idea.

Politicians have doubled down on their shenanigans, and they will no doubt continue this into the future. The only thing that will stop them is the chaos that they are unleashing when their own minions one day turn against them. In the meantime, we need to get people on board about the need to play things down and not take things too seriously. Those of us who stay unvaccinated must approach our vaccinated friends with the modest request that they help us in case of total tyranny. At the very least, they should remain passive. Those of us that find it impossible to avoid the vaccine must similarly do our part to help the unclean, and not suddenly switch sides.

With so much hyperbole on the side of the official narrative, it's easy to take the side of reason. In general, we should tone things down. Make clear statements and respond with a "really?" in case of objections. If they expand on their thoughts, respond with "okay". Let them defend their irrational position without objections from our side. That's often enough to sow some doubt.

Things we can mention in order to curb whatever zeal still exists in the pro-vaccination cult include:

  1. The plague was never very deadly.
  2. Vaccines are experimental and ineffective.
  3. Healthy young people are better off trusting their immune systems.
  4. The plague appears to be used for political purposes.
  5. Hardly anyone takes the vaccine for its health benefits.
  6. The world is not facing some existential threat from the plague.
  7. There's hardly any difference between the plague and the flu.
  8. The hysteria is a sign of irrational fear.

The message must be clear: There's no need to descent into the vulgarities of the past just because some journalist tells us to do so. It's time to stand up and regain our dignity.

We don't have to stand on corners and shout. It's plenty good enough to point out that certain types of behaviour don't belong in a civilized society. If we talk reason to friends and acquaintances, the network takes care of the rest.

William Pyne- The Costume of Great Britain (1805) - The Pillory.JPG

Public Domain, Link

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