Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Facebook Conversation

My wife has a cousin named Teresa that I'm friend with both in real life and on Facebook. She posted a picture of her vaccination a few weeks back, happy to announce that she too was doing her part. Besides, her vaccination would make it easier for her to travel around the world. It was not only the right thing to do, it was also the practical thing to do.

Teresa is an active Facebook user, so her friends get to see just about anything of note going on in her life. It's mostly about travels and food. However, today she posted a picture of a small heart shaped rash on her pulse.

My immediate thought was that it might be related to the vaccine. But I'm quite aware of my obsession, so I didn't do more than note it down as a possibility. Not sure what to do about the post, I neither liked it nor commented on it. However, when another post by Teresa came up on my wall later in the day, I got an urge to go back to the picture of her rash to put a "wow" reaction on it.

On returning to the post, a conversation had transpired in the comment section. A friend of Teresa wondered what the rash could be. Teresa didn't know. Stress related maybe? Her friend went on to tell Teresa that she too had broken out in a rash, but that hers was a lot worse. Her doctor had given her a cortisone injection to relieve her pain. She too was of the opinion that it was stress related.

I clicked on the name of Teresa's friend, and sure enough, a little down her wall was a post about the importance of vaccines to defeat the plague. I could safely conclude that she too was vaccinated.

Finding this worrisome on behalf of Teresa and her friend, I asked my wife to take a look at the conversation and let me know what she thought about it. But my wife found nothing disturbing about the conversation. All she could glean from it was that both Teresa and her friend were sick from work related stress. She didn't see any connection to the vaccine.

Time will tell if I'm right or simply reading too much into what I see. Two people breaking out in a rash is no proof of anything, but I can't help finding it disturbing.

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