Saturday, September 25, 2021

Making the Most of it

People are partying in the streets of Norway. The same people who were pro-lockdowns a few days ago are now out in force, celebrating the rollback of virus related measures. Never mind that many measures remain in place, everybody is happy that some of their liberties have been returned.

My libertarian friends in Norway are less than impressed. However, there are real reasons for optimism, even for the cynics among us. The fact remains that the virus has been re-classified as mostly harmless. The rollback of measures are real. This represents opportunities in our war of attrition, and the mindless drones out celebrating the rollback are now partially in our camp.

Going forward, we should take full advantage of this. We have official backing for our claim that the virus is largely harmless. This adds to our repertoire of statements that we can toss into conversations. The more we can reduce people's anxieties the better, and this latest turn of events in Norway is giving us plenty of ammunition.

We should also encourage any kind of celebration. We can point out how wonderful the old normal was, especially the way things were back in the 1980s, and earlier. We should take advantage of the situation in every possible way, with the aim of rolling back the state as much as possible. We're not merely looking to get back most of our liberties. We're looking to get them all back. Stalingrad is behind us and it's time to march on Berlin.


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