Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Short Range Repelling Force

If all forces in the universe communicated through photons. What happens when there is more than one force acting through the same space?

If we have gravity and electrostatics acting through the same space, the photons in between the two objects being acted on would presumably have to average out their behavior. In maths, we would use vectors, and sum them up.

The photons would not transmit two forces separately, but as a sum. Lost in the communication is the distinction between the two forces.

Seen in this light, the short range repelling force that I suspect exist between large scale objects will always mix with the long range force.

Having reduced all forces in nature to a single one, namely the electromagnetic force, the short range force would have to be electromagnetic too. The short range force is no more short range than all the other forces. It is the exact same force, but acting in a different manner.

The obvious candidate is the electrostatic force, acting as a repulsion between the surfaces of large objects.

Since we are attached to Earth, we are in electric equilibrium with our planet. There is only gravitation pulling us down. However, between our planet and the Moon, there must be electrostatic repulsion too.

Since the electrostatic force is calculated between the surfaces of objects, it becomes dominant when two bodies come into very close proximity. In fact, if two bodies do not harmonize their charges completely, the repulsion will go to infinite as the distance approaches zero.

However, this repelling force can be ignored for large distances. This is because the difference in distance between the center of two objects and the surface of two objects approaches zero at such distances. The electrostatic part of the overall force between two large objects becomes nothing more than a minor factor when the distance between them becomes large.

But on the inside of our planet, the electrostatic repulsion of the internal walls will always be a large factor of the overall picture. The electrostatic force ensures that there is a cavity inside all planets.

The short range repelling force is in other words only short range due to the fact that it is calculated from the surface rather than the center of objects. Also, there is nothing mysterious about the short range repelling force. It is the electrostatic force. Nothing more and nothing less.

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