Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Electron

Of the three quanta proposed by Morton Spears, only the neutrino appears freely in nature. The positive and negative quanta react too readily with each other to exist as independent particles.

The electron for instance is not a single negatively charged quantum, but a structure in which two negative quanta are connected through a central positive quantum.

The way we know this is through observation of the neutron found in atomic nuclei. A neutron decays into a proton, an anti-neutrino and an electron within 15 minutes, if disconnected from an atomic nucleus.
Free neutron decay.

According to Morton Spears' model of the atom, the neutron is a mega-structure consisting of thousands of quanta. The proton is another mega-structure, exactly as big as a neutron, minus three charged quanta, and one neutral quantum. The charge difference between a neutron and a proton is exactly one negative quantum.

The anti-neutrino that is released when a free neutron decays into a proton is one of the many "flavours" of neutrinos. The electron must therefore consist of the remaining three charged quanta. One must be positive and two must be negative.

Unlike the neutrino, which has no inertia, the electron has inertia. It resists any change to its energy. However, it is capable of storing much more energy than a neutrino, which has little to no energy storage capacity.

In the Velcro model, there is no energy stored outside matter. All energy is stored in various ways within matter.

Complex structures have more ways to store energy than simple structures, so assuming our universe holds more energy than can be stored in single, unstructured quanta alone, nature has no choice but to produce structures such as the electron to absorb its energy.

The way electrons store energy is by growing larger. A very energetic electron is larger than a less energetic electron. However, all electrons are much larger than neutrinos, even when the electrons are at rest. The very structure of the electron is an energy storage for the universe.
The electron and the much smaller neutrino and photon.

Due to its inertia, the electron is is an inefficient energy communicator. The photon which has no inertia, is much more efficient. However, the electron is capable of storing more energy than the photon.

Electrons are energy storage vessels with the inconvenience of inertia. Photons are energy communicators with the inconvenience of a relatively low energy storage capacity.

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