Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Electron-Positron Pair Production

Gamma ray photons are known to spontaneously produce electron-positron pairs when in close vicinity of massive atomic nuclei. At the exact moment that a gamma-ray disappears, an electron-positron pair appears.

The standard explanation for this is that virtual electron-positron pairs get transformed into real electron-positron pairs by gamma-rays when inside the strong electric fields that surround massive atomic nuclei.

However, as explained in the chapter on the photon, the spontaneous appearance of an electron-positron pair can be explained entirely as a transformation of the photon itself. Photons in the Velcro model consist of three negative and three positive quanta, precisely what's needed to produce an electron and a positron.

Furthermore, the strong electric fields in the vicinity of massive nuclei are unlikely to have anything to do with the transformation. The gamma ray is hugely larger than the neutrinos carrying electric force, and unlikely to have much trouble dealing with them.

However, a collision with an atomic nucleus would have some serious consequences for a high energy photon.

Gamma rays are as big as photons get. They are enormously stretched, and cannot stretch much more without breaking apart.

When a gamma ray strikes a massive atomic nucleus in such a way that it must yield most of its energy to the nucleus, the gamma ray has a huge problem. The nucleus has inertia. It resists change to its energy. It takes time to transfer energy from the gamma ray to the nucleus. But the gamma ray cannot slow down. It must therefore stretch while the transfer of energy takes place.

In head on collisions with massive atomic nuclei, gamma rays end up tearing themselves apart, thereby producing an electron-positron pair.

Gamma ray photon heading for trouble.

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