Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Double Slit Experiment

Having found a way to explain the single slit experiment in terms of particles only, the double slit experiment becomes relatively easy to explain. The mysterious interference patterns are due to the way high energy photons interact with the low energy photons that make up Morton Spears' Quantum Space.

Space is full of low energy photons that resonate with each other in such a way that certain areas of space are more likely to be occupied by a photon than other areas. This results in a standing wave.

Since the standing wave is made up of low energy photons, it can be easily disturbed. Low energy photons have very little momentum, and are physically smaller than higher energy photons.

When a high energy photon makes its way through space, it bumps into the low energy photons on its way. This disturbs the standing wave, and it is this disturbance that ripples through space as a wave front. The disturbance is a wave propagating through a standing wave.

High energy photons, making their way through space are in turn affected by the ripple that they create. The precise end destination becomes uncertain.

As with the single slit experiment, the higher energy photons are less affected by the disturbance in Morton Spears' Quantum Space than lower energy photons. High energy photons end up producing a tighter pattern than low energy photons.

Electrons, which are much larger than photons, are still not so large that they are completely unaffected by quantum space. Even atoms have been found to be affected.

However, the interpretation that this somehow means that particles move through both slits as they make their way towards the detector is completely wrong. The particles move through one slit only. The multitude of low energy photons that make up Morton Spears' Quantum Space on the other hand, move through both slits.

It is the low energy photons that set up the interference pattern. The high energy photon, electron or atom moving through space are merely bouncing along on the disturbed standing wave.

There is nothing mysterious going on. Everything can be explained with particles and the probability of any given particle being knocked about in a certain direction.

The eventual point of impact of a high energy photon moving through a slit is probabilistic. It cannot be determined beforehand because we do not have sufficient knowledge of where things are located. However, it is a gross miss-interpretation of data to assume that something is somehow non-mechanical and mysterious simply because they follow the rules of statistics.

The double slit experiment is not proof of an otherworldly reality at the subatomic level, but proof of the existence of a medium in space through which everything moves.

If Morton Spears' is right about gravity, then space must be full of low energy photons. It is these low energy photons that are indirectly detected as refraction through slits and around corners.

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