Monday, December 27, 2021

Turning the Tide

Pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers have this in common:
They will never be fully vaccinated.

The definition of "fully vaccinated" is changing. It used to be two shots. Now it's two shots plus a booster.

A consequence of this is that the number of fully vaccinated people has dropped. Under the old rules, many western countries had vaccination rates above 70%. But the new rules pushes this down below 50%.

Adding insult to injury, the new rules treat those not fully vaccinated as unvaccinated. Hence, it's again the unvaccinated that are in a majority.

The idea here is to encourage people to take the booster. However, the opposite is likely to happen. There will be a reversal of the tide. What used to work to the advantage of the vaccination campaign will start to work against it.

Peer pressure used to be a tailwind. Once the vaccination rates crossed 50%, the momentum became even stronger. A lot of people took the vaccine simply to conform. But now that we're dropping back below 50%, the same mechanisms will start acting in reverse. There will be pressure to refuse the booster.

Adding to this tailwind is the fact that the vaccine is a failed experiment. What was sold to us as 97% effective, is now something that lessens the symptoms. The virus has on its side mutated into a benign cold. There's no need for a vaccine, even if it worked.

There's also the sinister backdrop of sportsmen dropping dead, and there's a noticeable shift in mortality rates. No-one can any longer argue that the vaccines are harmless. The loonies are no longer the ones suspicious of the vaccines. It's the ones who still believe the official narrative that are detached from reality. 

I predicted back in November that something like this would happen. But I didn't expect the change to be this rapid. I thought those in charge of the vaccination campaigns would go about their business in a more intelligent manner, and not pull the rug out under their supporters as fast as they've done.

The reclassification of what it means to be fully vaccinated is a gift from the vaccination camp. It's an opportunity that we should take advantage of. Whenever appropriate, we should emphasize that Cough It is over, and that there's hope for those who repent.

If anyone expresses concern about the virus, we tell them how harmless it is. When they express concern about their vaccination status, we tell them that they will be fine if they avoid the boosters. Tell people to have faith in nature's ability to fix things. Be positive and lead by example. Have people over for dinner. Be friendly to everyone. Paint a rosy picture of the future, and dismiss the Great Reset as the dystopian pipedream that it is.

Let people know that the future of mankind is liberty under natural law.


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