Friday, December 3, 2021

Making a List

Having looked in vain for a list of public figures in favor of vaccine mandates and other measures discriminatory against the unvaccinated, I decided to make such a list myself. It will be handy to have for future references.

Making the list, I had to search the web for information on each individual before adding them to it. I don't want to mess it up with names of people who don't belong there. If it isn't entirely clear where a person stands on the issue, that person doesn't belong on list. There has to be a clear quote or action.

A thing I discovered in the process is that there aren't all that many people willing to take a clear stand on the issue, and that those that do tend to get a lot of opposition. Another thing I discovered was that many statements are made in the name of organizations. People are reluctant to stand up for their desire to restrict others, so they issue such statements on behalf of associations, unions and the like.

Individuals coming out in favor of harsh measures against the unvaccinated are rare. They appear to be in the minority. However, media spins it otherwise. They make vague references to the will of the people, making it sound like there's a great number of people in favor of strict measures. But the official narrative is an illusion. There's much less support for it than the narrators claim.

The Emperor's New Clothes

By Vilhelm Pedersen (1820 - 1859) - English Wikipedia ( ), Public Domain,

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