Friday, December 31, 2021

Statutory Law vs. Natural Law

Most people think of laws as something passed by legislature. However, laws have a more fundamental origin than that, and this becomes apparent when statutory laws, passed by lawmakers, become corrupted.

An example of this is the Nuremberg trials that took place after the second world war. None of the Nazis on trial had broken any written laws. Their actions were well within the framework of German legal code as it was written in the 1930s and 40s. How then could they be trialed and sentenced? The answer to this was that they had acted against more fundamental legal principles. They had violated basic human rights; i.e. everybody's natural rights to life, property and liberty.

Statutory laws have a tendency to be corrupted over time due to corruption of the political elite. The state attracts unsavory characters who are attracted by the idea that their actions can be legalized through legislature. They band together. They push out those who stand in their way, and they end up passing laws that benefit themselves at the expense of everybody else.

This is a gradual process that can take decades to unfold. However, once in place, the corrupted legal framework can be swiftly put into action, and tyranny emerges as if out of nowhere, as we've seen over the last couple of years. All sorts of horrors have been unleashed. Hardly any of them illegal according to national legal codes.

The morally upright have reacted in horror at this sudden turn of events. Is this legal? we wonder, sensing that something is terribly wrong. However, the majority of people have accepted the new situation without question. Legality equates morality in their minds. To them, it's opposition to statutory law that's immoral.

The sudden outbreak of hobby-fascists at the start of the hysteria is a typical example of how statutory law is confused with morality. Many were openly aggressive towards anyone disobedient of the edicts coming from the state. But this has changed. Hobby fascists have all but disappeared, which indicates a shift in attitude towards the state itself. 

There's a long way from where we are today to a situation where natural law returns as the primary source of legislature. No-one in power needs worry about potential lawsuits in the current climate. However, things may unravel over the coming years. Those who have ignored natural law in their pursuit of power and control over others are not safe. Statutory law is no excuse in an environment where natural law has a strong standing. 

The current situation is precarious for the ruling class. Statutory laws were conveniently changed shortly before the outbreak of mass hysteria. The definition of words like pandemic and vaccine were altered. It's evident that this was put in place by unscrupulous people so that they could profit both in terms of money and power.

Those behind the scaremongering are safe at the moment. They are shielded by statutory laws and a public that's still in the grip of hysteria. However, once there's a shift in sentiment sufficiently strong to repeal unjust laws and allow for natural law to act as a base for prosecutions, the culprits will have little chance of escaping justice. It's obvious from very basic principles that they were in the wrong. Coercing and tricking people into taking an experimental drug for which the long term consequences are unknown is a clear violation of bodily integrity, property and liberty. There's no way to argue from natural law that they were innocent of the harm they wrought.

History tells us that unjust laws always end up repealed. However, there's no telling how long the current legal framework will remain in place. It can take decades before justice is served. But it can also happen swiftly. My guess is that it will happen swiftly and relatively soon. Once the enormity of the injustice is fully understood by the fearful, their fear will turn to anger, and they will demand justice. Statutory law will be set aside so that the culprits can be judged against basic legal principles. Natural law will come back in vogue and justice will be served.

Contemplating nature
Contemplating nature

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Remarkable Lack of Moral Fiber

Working on my list of vaccine proponents, I came across a pool of prominent individuals who've embraced vaccine mandates without question. They are the CEOs of large American corporations. Hardly any of them voiced any moral or legal concerns with mandates. Their substantial resources and army of lawyers were not engaged in defense of voluntary measures. They chose instead to use their resources against their employees, and vaccine mandates were widely adopted.

It's as if it never occurred to the CEOs that the mandates may have been in violation of basic moral and legal principles, and that any court case based on natural law will find the CEOs guilty and their companies liable for damages. It will be a clear cut case because the vaccines are not fully tested, and coerced medication is a violation of bodily integrity. 

The mandates have set the CEOs up for massive lawsuits. Once the tide turns, and people start to realize the magnitude of the injustice done to them, court cases will commence.

Some of the CEOs who were quick to adapt vaccine mandates appear to be waking up to this fact. They're getting second thoughts. They're starting to argue against mandates. They realize that they may find themselves face to face with the mob, so they are eager to build a plausible defense for themselves.

There's also a notable number of CEOs announcing early retirements. This too may be due to a desire to get out of dodge. But their past failure to act proactively in defense of their employees will remain with them. Their victims will demand compensation for the damages they've caused, including anxieties and hardships.

Making things all the worse for the CEOs is the fact that they don't enjoy the legal protection afforded to politicians, and with their victims running in the tens of thousands, legal blowbacks are virtually guaranteed, and they have no-one but themselves to blame.

The mandates stunk from the start. The CEOs should have noticed and acted accordingly. But their remarkable lack of moral fiber made them oblivious, and so they're likely to find themselves hounded to their graves by their victims.

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Jumping spider looking for prey

By Opoterser - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Monday, December 27, 2021

Turning the Tide

Pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers have this in common:
They will never be fully vaccinated.

The definition of "fully vaccinated" is changing. It used to be two shots. Now it's two shots plus a booster.

A consequence of this is that the number of fully vaccinated people has dropped. Under the old rules, many western countries had vaccination rates above 70%. But the new rules pushes this down below 50%.

Adding insult to injury, the new rules treat those not fully vaccinated as unvaccinated. Hence, it's again the unvaccinated that are in a majority.

The idea here is to encourage people to take the booster. However, the opposite is likely to happen. There will be a reversal of the tide. What used to work to the advantage of the vaccination campaign will start to work against it.

Peer pressure used to be a tailwind. Once the vaccination rates crossed 50%, the momentum became even stronger. A lot of people took the vaccine simply to conform. But now that we're dropping back below 50%, the same mechanisms will start acting in reverse. There will be pressure to refuse the booster.

Adding to this tailwind is the fact that the vaccine is a failed experiment. What was sold to us as 97% effective, is now something that lessens the symptoms. The virus has on its side mutated into a benign cold. There's no need for a vaccine, even if it worked.

There's also the sinister backdrop of sportsmen dropping dead, and there's a noticeable shift in mortality rates. No-one can any longer argue that the vaccines are harmless. The loonies are no longer the ones suspicious of the vaccines. It's the ones who still believe the official narrative that are detached from reality. 

I predicted back in November that something like this would happen. But I didn't expect the change to be this rapid. I thought those in charge of the vaccination campaigns would go about their business in a more intelligent manner, and not pull the rug out under their supporters as fast as they've done.

The reclassification of what it means to be fully vaccinated is a gift from the vaccination camp. It's an opportunity that we should take advantage of. Whenever appropriate, we should emphasize that Cough It is over, and that there's hope for those who repent.

If anyone expresses concern about the virus, we tell them how harmless it is. When they express concern about their vaccination status, we tell them that they will be fine if they avoid the boosters. Tell people to have faith in nature's ability to fix things. Be positive and lead by example. Have people over for dinner. Be friendly to everyone. Paint a rosy picture of the future, and dismiss the Great Reset as the dystopian pipedream that it is.

Let people know that the future of mankind is liberty under natural law.


Friday, December 24, 2021

NFTs and the Assignat

NFTs are all the rage these days. My youngest son in Norway got into one of these schemes early and made a small fortune from it. It's a fad comparable to Bitcoin. However, instead of having no anchor in anything but its own scarcity, NFTs are anchored in something real.

NFTs are contracts that assign ownership to those holding them. These contracts can in turn be divided into parts, so that fractional ownership becomes possible.

Damian Hirst has recently adopted this approach for his artwork. People can opt to buy his art as an NFT, and the artist has made $25 million as a result. The owners of his NFTs are happy to hold a contract rather than the artwork itself. Some are happy to own a fraction of one of his paintings. For many, virtual possession through a contract is preferable to physical possession. The owners trust Hirst to store the artwork securely, and they are fine with the fact that they can only see their art indirectly on a website.

This may sound like a novel solution. However, the idea is hundreds of years old. The Assignat that circulated as currency in France during the 1st republic was based on the same idea. Holders of Assignats were part owners in land confiscated from the Catholic church.

The problem with the Assignat was that it separated the owners from actual possession, so the state was free to issue new Assignats on the same land. Ownership was watered out over time, and the Assignat became worthless. Only those who cashed out their Assignats for direct possession of assets like land or gold ended up as winners in this scheme.

NFTs will follow a similar path to oblivion. Hirst might not issue new NFTs on the paintings he already made, but he's likely to produce another batch relatively soon. The lure of another $25 million is not something he's likely to resist for long. Hence, there will be an ever-increasing number of NFTs coming from Hirst and other artists who pick up on this scheme. There will be a huge number of NFTs, and their owners will in many cases be unable to get hold of the underlying asset due to fractional ownership. No-one can go to Hirst and demand half a painting. The whole NFT is required for that.

This highlights the distinction between ownership and control. Ownership is a formality that comes with responsibilities and liabilities. Control, on the other hand, is about physical possession. Hirst can display NFT artworks that he's storing for their owners. He can stand next to them and make good PR for himself. He can charge people for coming into his studio to see them. He has control of it. However, he has no responsibility or liabilities related to the art apart from keeping it safe. If the taxman decides to tax the value of his collection, it's the NFT owners that have to pay.

Hirst has managed to retains possession of artwork that he sold, thanks to NFTs; the Assignats of the 21st century.

FRA-A73-République Française-400 livres (1792) 2.jpg

By National Museum of American History - Image by Godot13, Public Domain, Link

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Nanotechnology and the Myth of Moderinty

The myth of modernity moves from one hot topic to another. Whatever is perceived as the technology of the day takes center stage, and all sorts of stories take hold. Some see a bright new world. Others see nothing but dystopia. However, whichever side the believers take, they share the overarching idea that modernity is about to supersede God himself.

Nanotechnology is currently the hot topic that conjures up the imagination of the believers. There's no limit to what this technology can do, according to them. Every bodily function can be controlled and monitored, including our thoughts and feelings. But this vision is a far cry from what can actually be achieved. Nanotechnology is no closer to controlling us than alchemists are to the philosopher's stone.

Believers in modernity have a tendency to also believe in the state as an omnipotent institution. There's a close connection between state worship and modernity worship, and political leaders tend to exploit this fact. They align themselves with the technology of the day, and declare themselves gods.

Believers in modernity become in this way convinced that resistance is futile and our fate is sealed. However, nature is much more complex and subtle than anyone can comprehend. Even the most dedicated scientist can only hope to grasp a fraction of it. To think we can put it all together into a system of control is delusional. But this isn't going to stop them from trying.

If they haven't already put nanoparticles into vaccines, they are sure to do so soon. They will fiddle around, and they will get a few of their beliefs confirmed. Nanoparticles may well be able to transmit and receive electromagnetic signals. But this is where it will end. There won't be any mind control or the like.

We don't need to fear a dystopian future in which everyone is but a drone controlled by the bureaucracy of the state. There's no chance of nanotechnology ever becoming the control tool that it's made out to be. However, vaccine producers have no reason not to experiment with this. They have legal immunity and a large pool of willing subjects for experimentation. There's nothing stopping researchers from incorporating nanoparticles in vaccines. The temptation to do so must be substantial, and this should be our true concern.

The combination of legal immunity, vaccine mandates, blind devotion to science, and a love affair with nanotechnology is going to make a lot of people seriously ill.

Tovenaarsleerling S Barth.png
Politicians fixing things

By Ferdinand Barth - Goethe's Werke, Public Domain, Link

A Drop in Fertility Rates

Birth rates in the US have fallen to their lowest on record. This is the opposite of what I expected to happen back in 2020, when we were told to stay home for two weeks to flatten the curve. Being more together tends to increase birth rates. The same holds for times of perceived danger. Survival instincts kick in, and babies are made. Yet, here we are, less than two years later, and women in the US are hardly having any babies at all.

Falling fertility rates are normally associated with famines and dystopian outlooks, such as poverty and slavery. Richard Cantillon noted this in his book on economics back in the 18th century, so this is hardly a new insight, and there's no reason to believe that things are any different today. Hence, the drop in fertility rates may simply be due to a sense of hopelessness. The new normal that politicians and journalists are pushing is such an unpleasant proposition that people refuse to make babies.

On a more sinister note, miscarriages have become increasingly common this year. The vaccines are causing women to abort. Vaccines are also making it harder to conceive due to abnormal bleeding and other side effects. The fact that young men are falling ill with heart disease is no help either. It's hard to make babies with a compromised heart. 

We are again seeing the damage done when Lucifer's inverted logic is applied to society. The ruling class may have saved some old people with their draconian measures, but they have sacrificed young people and their babies in order to achieve this result. The net result has been destruction at a biblical scale.

Paradise Lost 12.jpg
Paradise lost

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Anger Stage

The psychology driving the virus scare appears to be following the five stages of grief, as I predicted back in August. The vaccinated are transitioning from denial to anger. Their rants are getting louder. They blame the unvaccinated for their misery.

This explains a passive aggressive post that came up on my Facebook wall yesterday. It alleged that the unvaccinated are filling up hospitals. However, there was no data to support this claim. The post was nothing more than an anecdotal utterance from some anonymous nurse.

Rational discourse with such people is futile. But there were nevertheless two well written rebuttals. One pointed out that the post was anecdotal, and that facts aren't backing up the claim. The other one pointed out the lack of political will to invest more in health care. None of them bothered to provide links. The information is available to anyone who chooses to look. There's no point in providing links to people who refuse to see.

My first reaction was to do nothing. There's no point in angering those who're already angry. However, after some reflection, I thought of something that might help my friend transition from the anger stage to the bargaining stage. It might even help others in his position to move one step forward.

I pointed out the undeniable fact that the vaccine needs a booster every six months, and that the number of vaccinated people will go down unless everyone takes both the vaccine and the boosters. Seeing that only 70% of the vaccinated are prepared to take the booster, we're likely to have less than 50% vaccinated in a year from now.

I made no value statement related to this, so my friend can read it without feeling angry at me. However, it underscores the fact that the vaccination program is doomed to failure unless we make vaccines compulsory.

My friend is no fan of compulsion, so I assume that he's going to be against such a solution. The only way to save his failed project will be to plead with people, which would mean a transition from anger to bargaining. The same goes for any other of my pro-vaccine friends who realizes the depth of the problem before them.

My comment was designed to induce a feeling of helplessness among the vaccinated, and in this way discourage them from taking the booster. People are reluctant to join lost causes, and will abandon them once they realize their futility. My guess is that no-one will be inclined to take the third booster when it becomes available in a year from now because it will be clear by then that the campaign has been a failure.

Headache-1557872 960 720.jpg

By Phee - Pixabay, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Monday, December 20, 2021

Notable Deaths

Wikipedia keeps track of notable people, including their dates of birth and death. This is in turn organized into lists which we can scavenge for data related to our society's current obsession with viruses, vaccines and deaths.

Notable people represent a fairly homogenous group of individuals. They are generally healthy and well educated. They tend to live long lives. The young ones are not much different from what the old ones were when they were younger. There's no reason to think that one year should be any different from any other year when it comes to mortality rates unless there's some external factor involved.

A change in mortality rates among notable people is therefore a good indicator of a change in external factors.

Using my browser's find function on Wikipedia's lists, I 've collected data for 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018. The find function is useful because it saves me from counting. A quick visual check is sufficient to validate and filter the captured data.

Wikipedia's list for 2021 is not complete, so it's a little early to say anything definitive about that year. But 2020, 2019 and 2018 can be compared without other caveats than the fact that Wikipedia is an ongoing project, so total numbers for 2020 can be expected to be greater than 2019, and 2019 can be expected to have more deaths than 2018. The distribution of deaths among age groups, on the other hand, can be compared.

There's so much data in Wikipedia's lists that I've limited myself to the months of January, April, July, and October. The assumption being that one month from each season is enough to collect a representative sample of the entire year.

Comparing the distribution of deaths between 2020, 2019 and 2018, I found no significant change. The virus didn't cause a noticeable spike in deaths in any age group during 2020. If there was a pandemic that year, it hit the old and the young with equal percentage force.

However, comparing 2019 with 2021, we find a spike in deaths among people in their 60s. Deaths go from 11.4% in 2019 to 14.1% in 2021. There's also a spike in deaths among people in their 30s. 2.1% in 2019 becomes 3.6% in 2020. 79% of the deaths in 2019 occurred in people 70 years and older. This age group accounted for 74% of the deaths in 2021.

From this we see that there's been a shift towards younger people dying, and that this shift started in 2021; the year of the vaccine rollout.

Here's the data and calculations:


20s = 5 = 1.12%

30s = 16 = 3.57%

40s = 10 = 2.23%

50s = 28 = 6.25%

60s = 63 = 14.10%

70s = 103 = 22.99%

80s = 138 = 30.80%

90s = 78 = 17.41%

100s = 15 = 3.35%

110s = 2 = 0.45%

Total = 448

January 2020:

20s = 11 = 1.38%

30s = 11 = 1.38%

40s = 18 = 2.26%

50s = 47 = 5.89%

60s = 82 = 10.28%

70s = 152 = 19.05%

80s = 263 = 32.96%

90s = 192 = 24.06%

100s = 22 = 2.76%

110s =  0 = 0%

Total = 798

April 2020:

20s = 8 = 0.71%

30s = 14 = 1.24%

40s = 20 = 1.77%

50s = 47 = 4.15%

60s = 112 = 9.89%

70s = 273 = 24.12%

80s = 409 = 36,13%

90s = 238 = 21.02%

100s = 21 = 1.86%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 1132

July 2020:

20s = 7 = 0.85%

30s = 12 = 1.45%

40s = 23 = 2.79%

50s = 71 = 8.61%

60s = 101 = 12.24%

70s = 190 = 23.03%

80s = 236 = 28.61%

90s = 168 = 20.36%

100s = 16 = 1.94%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 825

October 2020:

20s = 5 = 0.74%

30s = 10 = 1.47%

40s = 26 = 3.83%

50s = 39 = 5.73%

60s = 79 = 11.63%

70s = 153 = 22.53%

80s = 204 = 30.04%

90s = 151 = 22.24%

100s = 12 = 1.77%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 679

January + April + July + October 2020:

20s = 31 = 0.90%

30s = 47 = 1.37%

40s = 87 = 2.53%

50s = 204 = 5.93%

60s = 374 = 10.86%

70s = 768 = 22.31%

80s = 1112 = 32.30%

90s = 749 = 21.75%

100s = 71 = 2.06%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 3443

January 2019:

20s = 12 = 1.52%

30s = 13 = 1.65%

40s = 15 = 1.91%

50s = 44 = 5.59%

60s = 75 = 9.53%

70s = 164 = 20.84%

80s = 260 = 33.04%

90s = 183 = 23.25%

100s = 20 = 2.54%

110s = 1 = 0.13%

Total = 787

April 2019:

20s = 9 = 1.46%

30s = 12 = 1.94%

40s = 11 = 1.78%

50s = 28 = 4.53%

60s = 71 = 11.49%

70s = 134 = 21.68%

80s = 203 = 32.85%

90s = 139 = 22.49%

100s = 11 = 1.78%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 618

July 2019:

20s = 5 = 0.79%

30s = 18 = 2.84%

40s = 22 = 3.47%

50s = 35 = 5.52%

60s = 72 = 11.36%

70s = 125 = 19.72%

80s = 197 = 31.07%

90s = 149 = 23.50%

100s = 11 = 1.74%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 634

October 2019:

20s = 7 = 1.19%

30s = 12 = 2.03%

40s = 11 = 1.86%

50s = 31 = 5.25%

60s = 57 = 9.66%

70s = 129 = 21.86%

80s = 195 = 33.05%

90s = 135 = 22.88%

100s = 13 = 2.20%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 590

January + April + July + October 2019:

20s = 33 = 1.26%

30s = 55 = 2.10%

40s = 55 = 2.10%

50s = 138 = 5.27%

60s = 275 = 10.50%

70s = 552 = 21.07%

80s = 855 = 32.63%

90s = 601 = 22.94%

100s = 55 = 2.10%

110s = 1 = 0.04%

Total = 2620

January 2018:

20s = 8 = 1.07%

30s = 20 = 2.68%

40s = 13 = 1.74%

50s = 36 = 4.83%

60s = 78 = 10.47%

70s = 171 = 22.95%

80s = 246 = 33.02%

90s = 156 = 20.94%

100s = 16 = 2.14%

110s = 1 = 0.13%

Total = 745

April 2018:

20s = 9 = 1.57%

30s = 11 = 1.92%

40s = 12 = 2.09%

50s = 21 = 3.66%

60s = 59 = 10.28%

70s = 124 = 21.60%

80s = 189 = 32.93%

90s = 134 = 23.34%

100s = 14 = 2.44%

110s = 1 = 0.17%

Total = 574

July 2018:

20s = 10 = 1.75%

30s = 14 = 2.45%

40s = 16 = 2.80%

50s = 38 = 6.65%

60s = 69 = 12.08%

70s = 130 = 22.77%

80s = 175 = 30.65%

90s = 98 = 17.16%

100s = 21 = 3.68%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 571

October 2018:

20s = 5 = 0.88%

30s = 14 = 2.46%

40s = 18 = 3.16%

50s = 31 = 5.44%

60s = 54 = 9.47%

70s = 128 = 22.46%

80s = 187 = 32.81%

90s = 122 = 21.40%

100s = 11 = 1.93%

110s = 0 = 0%

Total = 570

January + April + July + October 2018:

20s = 32 = 1.30%

30s = 59 = 2.40%

40s = 59 = 2.40%

50s = 126 = 5.12%

60s = 260 = 10.57%

70s = 553 = 22.48%

80s = 797 = 32.40%

90s = 510 = 20.73%

100s = 62 = 2.52%

110s = 2 = 0.08%

Total = 2460


CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Tales from a Covid Survivor

I had the opportunity today to talk to the father of the girl behind the outbreak in my son's class back in November. Turns out his whole family caught it. His daughter had no symptoms. His son and wife had a light fever, and the man himself lost his sense of smell for a few days.

He had to self isolate for a total of 24 days as a result of this. First, because he'd been in contact with his own family, and then due to the virus itself, which he caught when the rest of his family were fully recovered.

The good part of this is that he and his family now are immune. They cannot infect anyone, and no-one can infect them. But he's nevertheless showing up in front of my son's school with his mask on. I didn't make a point of this, but I find it telling that even those who know they're immune choose to comply with the mask rules.

However, seeing me without my mask on, he decided to refrain from putting it on. He also let it slip that he finds the political aspect of the pandemic concerning. Yet, there he was, prepared to put on his mask at a moment's notice.

Camp x-ray detainees.jpg
Guantanamo Bay detention camp

By Shane T. McCoy, U.S. Navy - (copied from so that the image can be used on Wikinews.), Public Domain, Link

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Vaccine Death Statistics

I now have about 360 names on my list of vaccine proponent. Eight of these have died since the vaccine rollout, which might sound alarming. However, the average age of the people on the list is about 50, so the number of deaths is not outside of that which would be expected. A normal year has a death rate of about 1.5% of the population, so 2.2% is well within reason for the age group in my list.

I must admit to some scavenging for dead celebrities, which skews the data towards a higher percentage. However, I've deliberately avoided very old individuals. Just about everyone was fit and healthy at the start of this year. This should counterweight my prejudice, and make the list fairly neutral.

We can conclude from this that there's no clear overweight towards higher than normal mortality among vaccine proponents. But we're dealing with a virus that has a mortality rate of 0.03%, so a mortality rate of 0.04% due to vaccines would be sufficient to make them counterproductive, and such differences can only be calculated from national statistics.

My sample of 360 individuals is too small for such a comparison. To see the impact of the vaccines, we need to keep an eye on the overall mortality rate of nations, and compare this and following years with the years leading up to the pandemic. Lists of individuals, even with hundreds of names in them, will have little value in this respect, unless there's a dramatic change in mortality rates in one of the two groups.

Wecker mit Radium.jpg

Friday, December 17, 2021

The End of an Eruption

It looks like the La Palma eruption has come to an end. There was an explosion at the volcano on December 13, and things have been quiet since.

Explosion on December 13 2021
Explosion on December 13 2021

This is how eruptions end, according to experts. Vents clog up. Pressure builds. Vents pop. They clog up again. They pop again. This goes on for a while until the eruptions comes to a halt.

Comparing the plume of the explosion to the stable plume at the height of the eruption, we see how much bigger the plume of an explosion is than that of a steady eruption.

High plume on November 14 2021
High plume on November 14 2021

However, the plume itself is no mystery. It's merely updraft from what's going on below. What's difficult to explain is the way volcanic ash remains suspended in the air at a steady height, sometimes for days on end before falling down to earth.

There's no updraft under such a cloud. If anything, there's down draft due to cool air under the cloud. My preferred explanation is that clouds carry charge, and are suspended in the air due to electrostatic repulsion with the ground. The ash cloud is suspended at relatively high altitude because it's relatively more charged than other clouds.

This led me to think that the height of the ash cloud might tell us something useful about the volcano. However, this didn't work. There's no predictive power in the level at which the ash cloud settles.

There's no excess charge in the volcano. The ash cloud is no more charged than the earth surrounding the volcano. This is not to say that electricity has nothing to do with volcanos. There might be currents involved. Magma may be created electrically due to electric currents flowing along fault lines. There are no lack of mysteries surrounding the mechanics that drive volcanos.

La Palma Volcano on November 1 2021
La Palma Volcano on November 1 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Billie Eilish and the 10 to 19 Year Old Kid

Things are turning increasingly ridiculous, with news stories desperate to push the vaccine on people who run absolutely no risk by staying unvaccinated.

Billie Eilish, who confesses to have damaged her brain by watching too much porn, claims that the vaccine saved her life. She caught the virus despite being vaccinated, but it would have been fatal if it wasn't for the vaccine. How exactly she knows this is unclear. But it's a common enough claim. I have vaccinated friends who make similar claims about themselves. Their illness would have been so much worse without the vaccine.

Meanwhile in Portugal, a kid aged 10 to 19 died from the virus. The death of this kid is used as argument to push vaccines on kids as young as 10. However, the fact that the story was this vague about the kid's age and vaccine status tells us that there's not much to go on for the vaccine pushers. 

Had the kid been 10 years old and unvaccinated, this would have been clearly stated. The age range and the omission of the kid's vaccine status is enough to tell us that the kid was 19 and vaccinated. This is beyond disingenuous. It's a joke, and it makes a mockery of journalism.

Billie Eilish 2019 by Glenn Francis (cropped) 2.jpg
Billie Eilish

By Toglenn - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Fighting Inflation

The Fed claims to be committed to fight inflation by hiking interest rates and reducing their asset purchases. Interest rate will be set to 2% in a year from now. However, with prices going up by almost 10% a year, this is hardly going to impress anyone. People will still borrow to buy stuff. People with access to cheap credit can make money by borrowing at 2% to buy stuff that goes up in price by 10%.

The proper financial definition of the word inflation is an increase in the amount of currency in the economy. So there will be inflation as long as people keep borrowing currency. With the Fed itself doing this, and commercial banks still having plenty of customers willing to borrow, there will be inflation.

If the Fed was serious about fighting inflation it should halt its asset purchases and set interest rates at or above 10%. Only then would there be a halt in the expansion of currency.

The exact level at which the interest rate needs to be set is hard to say. There is a point where people will start returning their borrowed currency to banks, and thus create deflation. Every loan that's repaid results in currency leaving the economy. If there's a lot of this going on, prices of all things will start to drop due to a need to cover debt obligations.

It's impossible for a central bank to judge exactly where the threshold is between inflation and deflation, so the Fed is going to err on the side of inflation. It's stated target is a 2% increase in annual prices. The Fed calls this its inflation target. But it's not really about inflation. It's about prices. The Fed is deliberately muddling the distinction between inflation and price inflation.

Inflation is an increase in the currency. Price inflation is an increase in prices. Inflation is something the Fed influences directly with its interest rates and asset purchases. Price inflation is a secondary effect, sometimes delayed for years. To focus on price inflation is therefore disingenuous. It allows the Fed to make bad decisions on inflation, claiming that they are harmless due to the time delay between inflation and price inflation.

This is not due to ignorance at the Fed. They know exactly how inflation feeds into price inflation. They know that price inflation is due to a combination of inflation and the speed at which currency circulates in the economy. It's possible to delay price inflation by reducing people's expectations. If there's a war or a pandemic, people cut back on their spending. A coordinated campaign of fear allows the Fed to inflate without there being a corresponding increase in prices. However, once prices start ricing, the rate at which people spend goes up, and we get price inflation.

Out of control price inflation is called hyperinflation. It typically happens after a prolonged period of inflation. The only effective way to stop hyperinflation is to stop the creation of currency. Interest rates must be set high and asset purchases must stop. This will re-price everything according to the amount of currency in the circulation.

As things stand, prices are going to continue up. There's nothing more to be gained by the Fed in the time delay between inflation and price inflation. The opposite is the case. Prices will continue up on momentum no matter what the Fed does, save a massive liquidity drain. Only deflation will save the US from price inflation. The Fed must encourage people to return their borrowed money. But that would pop every investment bubble, and is therefore unlikely to happen any time soon.

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Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Building a Community

Things are coming together at a rapid pace. Much of it bad when viewed superficially. But it's all good in the end. God, aka Nature, is putting things into motion. There are opportunities for those who care to look.

I had a lunch meeting with my Christian friend here in Porto, and our ties have been strengthened. He has invested money in modest real estate projects in remote locations, with the idea that his properties can be developed for rural tourism, and simultaneously function as fall back places to live in case things get too whacky in town.

As it turns out, he already has a German friend coming over as a vaccine refugee. Things are so bad in Germany that people see themselves forced to leave. Portugal is a favored destination, due to its culture and history of low key anarchism. Portugal does not have the totalitarian and conformist inclination that we see so many other places. Portugal is full of secret societies and hiding places. It was never fully conquered by the state apparatus, despite being the oldest nation state in the world.

My friend had an experience with vaccine passports similar to what my wife had a week ago. He went to a restaurant with some colleagues. As the only one of them, he had no proof of vaccination, but the waiter gave him a free pass anyway. Once again we have confirmation that laws are not followed rigidly in Portugal. It's part of their culture to let things like this slip.

The following day, my friend was approached by one of his colleagues. He half expected his colleague to scold him, but the opposite happened. My friend was praised for his bravery. His colleague expressed regret over his vaccine status. He would have loved to have been among the unvaccinated himself.

However, far from everybody is regretting their vaccine. My wife was surprised to get an e-mail from our son's private school, urging parents to get their kids vaccinated. It came as a shock to my wife, because she has always held the school's owners in high regard. They are widely read intellectuals, frequently quoting classic liberal thinkers. But I never trusted them, so I wasn't all that surprised.

The schools owners are among the fearful, as I suspected, and it's now on full display, so we'll have to think up some alternative for our son.

All this adversity, while unpleasant, has woken people up to the true nature of the state. My views are being vindicated, and my solution is being taken more seriously. My Christian friend is still attached to the nation state and party politics, but he's increasingly curious about my suggested alternative, not least because it contains a practical guide to the construction of God's Kingdom on Earth. No Christian can deny the appeal of such an idea.

I'm telling my friend that if he wants to build this alternative, he is in a position to do so. Furthermore, the Kingdom of God is not Paradise. It's not something that comes about on its own. It has to be built by us. Nothing will happen unless we start on it. Jesus isn't coming down to sit on his throne unless we make that throne ready for him. Not that I believe in a flesh and blood return of Jesus. I prefer the less magical interpretation, that it is his golden rule that "sits" on the throne. His return is a spiritual awakening. It's the arrival of the 5th Empire, aka God's Kingdom.

My friend and I are now in an informal alliance. We are in charge of two domains that fit together nicely. There's potential for mutually benefitting cooperation. His friend from Germany is likely to fit into this puzzle as well. My wife and I have other friends who also see the need for alternative infrastructure. My youngest son in Norway is another ally. It's all coming together, as described in my book. It's no longer pure theory. It's a real possibility that an increasing number of people are ready to try.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Message from a Former Slave

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.

- Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass (circa 1879).jpg
Frederick Douglass

By George Kendall Warren - This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the National Archives Identifier (NAID) 558770., Public Domain, Link

Monday, December 13, 2021

Friendly Reminder to All Parents

Sacrificing your children to the common good is not Fascism.
It's Satanism.
Know the difference.

- Lord Lucifer


By Eliphas Levi - Eliphas Levi, Public Domain, Link

Sunday, December 12, 2021

How to Play a Winning Hand

We are about to enter the third year of the virus psyop, and the official narrative is now in such a bind that even the fearful are starting to notice. It's hard to see how the narrative can be kept together for another year, so I remain confident that the scare will be over by this time next year. In retrospect, it will be clear that the plan was half baked from the start, and doomed to failure. The net result of it will be the opposite of what was intended.

The only lasting impact of the scare will be an awareness of the tyrannical nature of the current system. Politicians aren't our representatives. They represent themselves and offer their services to the highest bidders. Democracy is not a guarantee against tyranny. The state is corrupt regardless of how it's organized, and the only fix to this is to get rid of the state itself, as suggested in the Bible.

The Kingdom of God, aka the 5th Empire, is self-organizing. We don't need rulers to sell us quack medicine. We don't need rulers to tell us what to do. We have the golden rule, and justice can be derived from it without any middle man.

This is not to say that we're going to go directly from the current system to anarchy based on the golden rule. Most people still believe that they would be unsafe without rulers telling them what to do. However, there's a growing awareness that something is fundamentally broken, and this is something we should take advantage of.

Key to success in this respect is not to gloat and not to make a big deal out of the fact that we were right, because this is not about winning or about us. It's about the future. We're laying the foundations for something better. Besides, victory is assured. It was baked into the pie from the start.

A fad cannot last, and the vaccine was a fad. It reached peek popularity several months ago. This is clear from the lack of celebrities pushing boosters. It's also clear from the lack of commitment to take them among ordinary people.

Logic tells us that the number of fully vaccinated people will fall from this point on. Without close to 100% commitment to take the required boosters, the number of fully vaccinated people will drop from current levels, and fall below 50% by this time next year. Some states like Austria plan to mitigate this by making vaccines and boosters mandatory. But this does nothing to bolster popularity for the vaccine. It serves only to highlight the sinister nature of the state, and the dangers inherent in it. It makes it clear to everyone that people in politics are rotten to the core.

Politicians everywhere are all in when it comes to this scam, and they are going to lose bigly. Their names will for ever be associated with opportunism and tyranny. They have exposed themselves for who they are, and all that's needed to keep this awareness alive is to mention this every now and again, and to point out that the political support for the vaccine was universal. Politicians of all colors gave their support for the experiment, and close to no-one stood up against it. No-one had the moral integrity to point out that an experiment of this kind should not be encouraged.

Media is in a similar bind. Journalists everywhere were touting the virtues of vaccines and lockdowns non-stop for months on end. They too have lost their credibility. Yet, they too have doubled down in face of rising opposition. No-one in politics or the media have changed their mind. The narrative is being repeated, even as it's falling apart, and no-one has the integrity to stand up and say so.

There's a growing disconnect between political sanctioned views and the opinions of the public. I polled my brothers about the vaccine some six months ago. I asked them whether they would take it, and two of them were intent on doing so. As it turned out, all three took it, with one taking it out of convenience. I'm not planning to poll them about the booster, but I suspect that one or two of them will decline the offer. Me and my brothers will go from 75% compliant to 50% or less within the next six months.

This will happen everywhere, and the harder politicians push against this, the more they will be despised. Places like Austria, Australia and New Zealand are likely to see dramatic changes. Austria is planning to roll out their vaccine mandates in February. That's early spring, a time when people feel optimistic and ready for something new. The dominant strain of the virus will be the harmless Omicron. Nobody will take their booster with enthusiasm in such a climate. It's hard to see how the mandate will become anything but a failure.

All of this will happen without any effort on our part. Acting normally will be sufficient to make people around us abandon their fears, and once the fear is gone, tyranny goes away with it. Our mere existence will be sufficient to bring an end to the scare. Everybody knows our position. They know we're right, and they know that we do not fear the virus. They know that we're healthy and unvaccinated. We don't have to repeat any of this. We don't have to say anything. We can sit back and enjoy the show as God, aka Nature, brings this to a completion.


Saturday, December 11, 2021


I'm not a great believer in divine intervention. However, to the extent that this happens, there's several things we can say about it. For one, it must be unpredictable. Otherwise, it would be part of the normal operation of the universe, and hence discoverable through science and deductive thinking.

Miracles in the form of divine interventions are the exclusive domain of God. If people could perform miracles, things would get seriously weird. The temptation to benefit personally from it would be too much to handle. There would be constant meddling in all sorts of affairs. It would make a mockery of justice and the laws of nature. It would also make existence pretty much meaningless, as is evident in the lives of people who have it too easy for they own good.

The rich and powerful are blessed with the man made miracle of central banking. There's hardly a thing these people can't buy and control. Yet, nothing but evil comes of this. With easy access to free money, most waste their lives in pursuit of pleasures. There's no struggle to attain anything, and everything becomes in this way empty and meaningless. It's not uncommon to see such people burn themselves out at a young age.

Others get caught up in the pursuit of power. They imagine themselves gods, and their fancies to be destiny for all. All sorts of evils come from this, as is evident from the destruction wrought by such people over the past few years.

Very few end up using their lucky circumstances for the good of others, and the money that they dish out to various noble causes is but a fraction of what has been stolen from the public through the inflation caused by central banks. Besides, many of their noble causes are corrupt, causing more harm than good.

It all goes to show that man made miracles aren't miracles at all. They are inherently evil in that they cause more harm than they do good. It's not up to us to dish out money to people, or to print it for ourselves to spend as we please. This is not how God intended things to work, and even a kid can tell us this.

My ten year old son brought this up the other day. He told me that he wouldn't give away all his money to charity if he found himself rich one day. He would spend some money on charities. But he would keep most for himself.

I took the opportunity to suggest that he could create a company that would employ people at a good salary, and the idea was immediately understood. That's better than merely handing out money, he said. It would make everyone better off, including himself. I didn't have to explain this to him.

It's not up to us to act as selfless angles. We're supposed to act in society through cooperation with others. Anything else would be presumptuous and demeaning to others. This is why I rarely give money to beggars. However, I don't scorn them or ignore them. I engage in their little chatter. Some, I even greet with a friendly good day when I pass them in the streets.

Miracles are the domain of God, and no-one should expect them to happen. No-one should make it a part of their plan, because hope is not a strategy. Hope is not in itself going to get us anywhere. There has to be action and planning. We have to do something with our lives. We can't just sit idly and wait for miracles to make everything good.

This is not to say that miracles never happen. Things have a tendency to turn out well, especially for those with a plan based on an understanding of what's going on in the world. But such lucky turns of events are rarely due to divine intervention. They're merely manifestations of the miracle of existence. This is how God intended things to work from the start.

An example of this is the recent appearance of the Omicron variant. It's causing problems for those pushing vaccine passports and similar measures. It's dealing a blow to the official narrative, which relies on the idea that the virus is dangerous and deadly. However, the appearance of this mild variant isn't evidence of divine interference. It's arrival was entirely predictable based on basic insights into how viruses work.

Miracles in the form of divine intervention are rare and unpredictable. However, the miracle of existence is neither rare nor unpredictable, and this is the domain where we live our lives. Our mission is to do the most of this. To do otherwise is to waste the gift that is life itself.

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Politicians fixing things

By Ferdinand Barth - Goethe's Werke, Public Domain, Link

Friday, December 10, 2021

The Problem of Evil

I never found the problem of evil to be a good argument against the existence of God. However, I'm not very impressed by typical counterarguments either. Certainly not any argument framed mainly in terms of the greater good, because the greater good argument suggests that some people must be sacrificed for the benefit of others, something that is in itself evil.

I'm more in favor of arguments spun around the idea of God as being the will of the universe. Nature is God's creation, and has as such something of His will in it. This goes for all things, but is especially noticeable in animals and humans.

We exercise free will, and are therefore capable of evil. God can on His side interfere in this. He can knock people out as He sees fit with cases of sudden adult death syndrome and the like. However, there's no point in striking everyone down with a bolt of lightning at the first hint of evil, because some evils highlight a decay of morals, and foster as such a return to God.

I've personally become more religious due to repeated evils inflicted on others and myself. That has in turn fostered a sense of purpose and optimism in me. On balance, my life has become better.

But God doesn't act for me alone. He acts out of his own will, and his plan is for all of us to find enjoyment and gratitude in His creation.

The exact details of his plans are hidden from us in the uncertainty of the future, and therefore unknowable. This is a blessing, because life would be endlessly boring if the future was known.

The fact that miracles are as rare as they are indicate that God made things perfect from the start. He's not constantly fixing things. There might not be any miracles at all. But certain events seem miraculous. Very few people go through life without ever experiencing some episode with a divinely happy ending.

All of this is what life is about, and the reason God allows evil to exist. God is making things interesting and challenging for us, and we should be grateful for this, because a life without challenges, temptations and obstacles would be predictable and boring.

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Creation of Adam

By Michelangelo - See below., Public Domain, Link

Thankful to Science

I added a large number of celebrities to my list of sinners yesterday. I copied them from another list that included Tweets and other types of public statements. I didn't have to look up any quotes because they were all in the list that I was copying from. This made it quick and easy to extend my list. It also highlighted some interesting aspects of the vaccine-mania. The foremost of them being the widespread tendency to express gratitude towards science and scientists.

A lot of the Tweets included a "thank you science" note. This illustrates to what extent science has become a god to many people, because those who express this type of gratitude are no less religious than those believing in God. Instead of "thank you God" they say "thank you science".

However, science is nothing more than a structured approach towards the study of nature, aka God and His creation. Science can be done properly, with due respect to nature and its complexities, or it can be done sloppily with disregard to complexities and a willingness to hide uncertainties and caveats. Promoting a vaccine with unknown long term side-effects is not science done properly. It's tyranny. But those who blindly believe in science are unable to see this.

Making the charade even more absurd is the emergence of patron saints and Jesus figures. There's this idea that Anthony Fauci and science are the same thing. He's Jesus, as it were. We can thank Fauci for the vaccines just as much as we can thank science.

But the religion of science isn't limited to vaccines. There's also climate change, and it too comes with a central religious figure. Greata Thunberg is the patron saint of climate change believers. She's also the youngest person on my list of public figures promoting the poorly tested vaccines. This comes as no surprise because science, Fauci and Greta is a trinity on par with God, Jesus and the holy spirit.

All of this is done in such bad taste that it serves to repel people like myself. It's a travesty of science, which should be about studying nature with an open mind. It's also a travesty of religion, which should be about the mysteries of existence. It should encourage us to be ourselves to the fullest, and to trust in nature's immense ability to provide for us. There's also wisdom and past experiences encoded into religion, and sloppy science is a horrible alternative to all of this.

The result of this is that I, and many liberty minded people with me, have turned religious over the past years. We're not rushing to churches to hear truths sanctioned by authority. Rather, we're looking for insights into the past and how previous generations have dealt with times such as ours. The Bible has become relevant to the liberty movement, with stories and insights we can use to navigate the madness that surrounds us. No wonder then that Bible quotes are increasingly popular among the liberty minded.

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Greta Thunberg

Eco-anxiety - By Anders Hellberg - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Omicron in Oslo, Norway

Oslo has been the epicenter of the biggest outbreak of Omicron outside South Africa. Looking at the details of the outbreak, it's clear that we're dealing with something very contagious. Out of a total of 111 guests attending a party in Oslo, 80 were subsequently diagnosed with the virus. A few hours in a room with a no more than a handful of infected people resulted in a 73% chance of contagion for everyone else.

Every one at the party were vaccinated, so it's clear that the vaccine doesn't do much to dent the spread. The only argument that could be made for vaccines at this point is that they may make symptoms milder. However, this is pure conjecture. There's no reason to believe that unvaccinated people will be any more affected than the vaccinated.

The symptoms have been mild, leading some experts to conclude that Omicron may be the variant that finally breaks the virus down to something harmless.

By the look of it, Omicron will be everywhere pretty soon, and no-one but the most frail will get very ill from it.

Omicron heralds the death of vaccine passports. There's also no point in wearing masks or engage in social distancing. None of this works, and none of it makes any sense in light of how harmless the disease is.

Oslo Sentralstasjon.JPG

By Wasielgallery - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder

The current surge in illnesses unrelated to the virus was entirely predictable. Yet, it's coming as a surprise to many experts. Puzzled by the surge in heart disease and nervous disorders, they've decided to give the phenomenon a name. They're calling it Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder.

It will be interesting to see if anyone dares to apply the scientific method to this new disorder. Will they relate cases of this disorder to the vaccine status of each one afflicted? Will they relate it to the use of masks, social distancing and intake of news stories?

It should be fairly easy to establish the root cause of the disorder. Even I can think up a form for doctors to fill in with a handful of simple yes and no questions. It could look something like this:

  • Have you taken the vaccine?
  • Do you wear a mask when outside?
  • Do you observe guidelines on social distancing?
  • Do you sanitize your hands more than once a day?
  • Do you watch more than fifteen minutes of TV news every day?

Put the results of this survey into a spread sheet, and we'll discover the source of this medical novelty.

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By Phee - Pixabay, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Informative Dreams

Like most people, I rarely remember my dreams. I don't believe there's anything lost by this. The way I see it, dreams are merely our minds sorting things out through the night. They are background processes. Useless information is tossed out, while more interesting stuff is processed and archived.

Whatever there is of value is put aside in a place where it can be easily accessed. This is why we often find solutions to problems in the mornings, shortly after waking up. It's why we insist on sleeping on it, when faced with a difficult decision. The background processes are excellent problem solvers. They are unconstrained by inhibitions. They do their thing without judgment.

The uninhibited side of dreams allow for a lot of creativity. However, it can also pose a problem for us. Things that we'd rather not think about is processed and put in front of us. When we wake up, we hurry to burry the information in the back of our minds. This can be very bothersome.

Failing to present information plainly, our subconscious present it in memorable dreams instead. What's suppressed is draped in stories that we can deal with without immediately burying it, and it is this kind of dreams that we recall without much effort. The dreams we fail to remember are forgotten because the information in them is readily accepted by us. It's only the dreams that we do remember that contain suppressed information.

I'm thinking about this today because I've had two informative dreams over the two last nights. The first one was a vivid presentation of something I'm well aware of. However, it's not something I'm going to share in a blog. Some things are best left in silence, and that dream was an example of that. But the dream I had this morning was of a far less personal character. It contained a prediction related to the latest rumblings between the US and Russia.

I was onboard a large military ship recently modified to look like a shark. Sitting in a bus traveling up a long corridor, I saw Russian soldiers rapidly moving into position. However, I didn't care about this at all. I went to my room at the end of the ship. Sitting there, a Russian soldier appeared in the doorway with his gun at the ready. It didn't scare me one bit. I told him I was unarmed and that I wasn't about to put up a fight. He left without any fuss, and I thought to myself: "where's the clown brigade?"

I'm not sure why this was presented to me in a dream. The message seems obvious and uncontroversial: I'm not going to put my life at stake to support the clown brigade. Russia will do it's thing with little to no resistance. It will be like Crimea all over again. All of a sudden, there will be Russian soldiers everywhere. No shots will be fired. Another chunk of Ukraine will fall under Russian control, and nobody will care one bit. Not even the average Ukrainian will be much fussed about the episode.

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Mark Esper with Jens Stoltenberg

By U.S. Secretary of Defense - 200212-D-AP390-6107, CC BY 2.0, Link

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How to Weather a Storm

Austria's government is going full steam ahead with its plan to make vaccines mandatory. As expected, there won't be anyone going door to door to enforce the mandate. Instead, there will be fees to pay for anyone wanting to stay unvaccinated.

This illustrates the stranglehold that the current system has put on most people. Everything we own is registered with the state, and can therefore be confiscated without the use of force. However, there are enough loopholes for Austrians to escape the mandate.

The most straightforward way to circumvent the mandate is to bribe someone to provide a vaccine passport. This is not free, but less costly than to pay the fee demanded by the state. The other obvious solution is emigration. But the options don't end at this. It's possible to stay in Austria, and remain unvaccinated, without having to pay the fee.

Key to this possibility is the recognition that the state will only punish those who can be punished through the system. People without any registered wealth will not be punished because they cannot be fined, nor can their wealth be confiscated without force.

This is the option I chose for myself when I faced a confiscatory tax on the sale of my house in Norway, so I know from experience that it works. However, it requires a number of drastic measures. It also requires legal proxies that can be trusted. Apart from this, the arrangement is flexible. It can be implemented in stages, with family members leaving the system at different times.

The steps required by each individual are as follows:

  1. Sell everything
  2. Buy physical gold
  3. Close all accounts
  4. Register all remaining assets with a proxy

The proxy may be someone who's fine with being vaccinated, living abroad, or fine with the annual fee. This may be the husband or wife. It may be a child or a parent. It may be a friend. The important point is that the person can be trusted to act as a proxy. The proxy provides whatever is needed for the sovereign, be it proxy bank accounts or proxy ownership.

This may seem drastic, but emigration is in many cases even more dramatic. Besides, choosing to become a sovereign by leaving the system comes with immediate rewards. The sovereign will never again have to report to authorities. Taxes become a thing of the past, and rules that are enforced solely with fines can be ignored. Emigration doesn't provide such rewards. The emigrant merely changes one master with another, and the new master may turn out just as bad as the previous one.

A castle high on a rocky peninsula above a plain. It is dominated by a tall rectangular tower rising above a main building with steep slate roof. The walls are pink, and covered with a sculptural pattern. There is a variety of turrets and details.

By Ángel Sanz de Andrés - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The 5th Empire - Sins and Crimes

The legal system we're currently living under has two features that are contrary to natural law. First of them is the use of incorporated entities as proxies. This allows for voodoo justice where straw men are put on trial rather than the individuals responsible. Examples of this is court cases against the state, corporations, and NGOs.

Incorporations allow for corporate rights that go beyond rights natural to individuals. The state is allowed to do things that individuals can't. The state is free to use force in ways that would have us go to prison if we tried the same ourselves. Examples of this is taxation, war and the draft. Corporations are also granted special rights, as are NGOs. They too can engage in dubious behavior without legal repercussions.

The other feature contrary to natural law is a general muddling up of sins and crimes. Few sins are crimes, yet all sorts of sins are made punishable. Hate speech is one such sin. Homosexuality, which is still illegal in many countries, is another example. However, there are only three types of crimes possible. They are:

  1. Crimes against a person's body
  2. Crimes against a person's property
  3. Fraud

This is why Jesus made a distinction between sins and crimes, and why he reduced all laws to a single principle; namely the golden rule. For something to be a crime, there has to be a victim and there has to be a perpetrator who acted carelessly or intentionally to do harm. Both the victims and the perpetrators have to be real people. God's Kingdom on Earth doesn't recognize corporate entities.

This makes for a simple and straight forward legal system that anyone can apply within their own circle of influence. All that's needed is common sense and a willingness to hear statements from both sides.

An important part of this system is the wide range of sinful behavior that's allowed to exist. For example, misleading someone is only a crime if it was done intentionally. Fraud implies intent. It's not fraud if the sinner acted in the sincere belief that the action was good. However, no-one is allowed to bundle coercion and force into this.

A doctor, sincerely believing that a vaccine with unknown long term side-effects is right for a client, is not engaging in fraud. But if that same doctor injects someone with a mystery serum against the client's will, a crime has most definitely been committed. The doctor cannot argue that the forceful injection was done in good faith. The golden rule does not allow for this kind of interpretation, because everyone has sovereignty over their body and properties. That's implicit in the golden rule.

On the other hand, if someone pulls someone's arm in order to save that person from some imminent danger, such as an oncoming car, that someone must be considered innocent of any harm done. But if the danger was mistaken, there might nevertheless be a case to be made. Things can get tricky. No two cases are the same. That's why there must be a judge involved. Someone with a good head on their shoulder must act as an arbitrator.

The arbitrator's job is to determine if there has been a crime, no crime at all, or merely a sin without a crime. If there's no crime, the arbitrator must dismiss the case. Whatever sin may have taken place is not for us to judge. That will be up to God, aka nature, to take care of.

It's not a crime to engage in sinful acts if there's no victim but ourselves and our co-sinners. But that doesn't mean that there will be no consequences. I have a brother in law who's gay. I like the guy a lot. He's funny and often brutally direct. There's something noble about him. He doesn't beat around the bush. But his lifestyle has landed him in trouble. He's in his sixties. He's tired and often ill. He could use some help. But he doesn't have any children, and he can't very well ask his friends and relatives to step in to help him with his many little troubles. This is similar to that which befalls other people who have chosen to be without children, and I don't see his sin as any greater than that.

The perception that crimes and sins are equivalent has led to the widespread idea that homosexuality is not a sin. There's also the counterargument that it's a sin and therefore something that should be made illegal. However, both camps are wrong. Homosexuality is a sin, but it's not a crime. My brother in law has no children. That's a regrettable consequence of his lifestyle. It's God's punishment, and it's not up to us to add to or subtract from this.

Forgiveness is a key element in God's Kingdom for a reason. We're all liable to make mistakes. No-one is perfect, so we can't go around criminalizing imperfections. Obsessing about sins is in itself a sin. Calling for laws to criminalize that which isn't criminal is a sin. Constantly worrying about every action we take is also a sin. It contradicts the golden rule, because no-one with a healthy love of life wants people to hold back on the experience for fear of making a mistake.

With law reduced to the golden rule and that which can be derived directly from it, personal responsibility becomes key. No-one can escape it. We cannot sue others for mistakes made by ourselves. We can only sue if there's physical harm through direct action or fraud. Running out to take a vaccine with unknown long term side-effects is a sin on our part. We cannot in retrospect sue anyone for this action. However, if there is evidence of fraud, there may still be a case to be made.

I've compiled a list of public figures who've promoted bogus vaccines. The vast majority of them have done so with no evil intent. They acted out of ignorance, and in the belief that their sources were sincere and well informed. However, some bogus statements look a lot like fraud. Facebook censors claim that the vaccine is safe and effective despite ample evidence to the contrary. Twitter censors are actively promoting this same idea. This means that there might be a future case to be made against the CEOs of these companies. But it will be difficult and probably a waste of time and resources for everyone involved.

The problem with a case against the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter is that it has to be demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the CEOs were actively engaged in the fraud, and not merely mistaken. It must also be demonstrated that the plaintiffs were so taken in by the fraud that it prompted them to go along with it. That's such a difficult thing to prove that it's probably best to let God take care of it, forgive ourselves for our sins, and go back to living our lives as fully as possible.

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