Monday, February 3, 2020

Words and Action

Karma has a tendency to strike when least expected. Usually at some peak in confidence. As the saying goes: pride goes before the fall.

This looks to be the case for hundreds of bewildered CPS workers in Norway. Just days ago, they stated confidently that their rules were internal and not subject to neither international conventions nor Norwegian law. The fact that the CPS had lost a stunning number of cases in international arbitration without any consequences at home seemed to support their statement. Norwegian politicians and mainstream media were either silent on the matter, or supportive of the CPS. The clear violations of human rights were going unpunished, and without any consequences whatsoever.

However, just a few days after the CPS made their hubris clear and evident for all to see, the ministry of finance decided to cut back on their funding. While still vocally supportive of the CPS, fed up politicians have decided to cut where it hurts. Hundreds of CPS workers have to go.

A similar story goes for the arts world, where people have been paid by the state for performances revolving around feces and pooping on stage. Politicians have verbally defended the need for a wide interpretation of art. Experts have come to the defense of the artists. But funding has been cut.

The foreign aid fiasco involving the Clinton Foundation, Epstein, and offshore companies owned by corrupt Norwegian politicians seems also to have touched a nerve, even if the words coming out of the foreign affairs department trivialize what happened as merely a few bad apples. Here too, there are cuts.

This illustrates perfectly that words do not necessarily match action. Certainly not when it comes to politics. Incumbent politicians will always defend the system as it is. Especially if the system is of their own making. However, once the winds shift, they will immediately start to dismantle what's out of favor. The politicians will continue to defend the system even as they dismantle it completely. It's not their words that matter. It's their actions, and those actions are most certainly guided by public opinion. What's happening right now with the CPS in Norway is in this respect both illustrative and reasons to be hopeful. Activism works.

Paradise Lost 12.jpg

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