Tuesday, February 4, 2020

When the Conditioning is Complete

We live in the most well regulated society in the history of mankind. We are conditioned from a very early age into believing that we are free and prosperous, and that the state is the source of this freedom and prosperity.

While this is all well and proper to most people, believing as they do that this is in fact how things are, some find this enthusiasm for the present state of affairs stifling. The constant enthusiasm for political solutions, continuously touted by the media, and repeated ad nauseam by peers, colleagues and family, can really get on one's nerves. Especially for those of us who are of the freedom minded kind.

The realization that almost everyone is in favor of the Status Quo, is at first daunting and depressing. However, on closer inspection it becomes clear that this fact is something that can be taken advantage of. The heartfelt belief that we are all lucky to be inside the system generates an equal sense of pity for those who are on the outside. I'm sure most of my family members feel genuine pity for me, living in self imposed exile outside the warm embrace of the state. Confident in the soundness of their own belief and love of the state, they feel sorry for me. Some may think that I will regain my sanity at some point. Others may think that I'm forever lost in my delusions. However, none of them want anything but good for me. They are not envious. They don't see me as a parasite. They see me as lost in the wilderness.

This view of the world is so completely and utterly absorbed by most of our fellow men that even tax collectors are likely to feel a certain sting of pity for those who leave their "obligations" behind. They see my lot as evidence of a tragedy of some kind. I have either lost my mind or my possessions. Either way, there's no point in pursuing me. I'm a lost cause, better left to himself to figure things out on his own.

Meanwhile, I'm living better and freer than I have ever done. I'm living my philosophy to the full (PDF), and I'm reaping rewards, both material and spiritual. All thanks to the fact that most people cannot imagine living a life in freedom, and truly pity me for where I am and what I'm doing.

Rembrandt - De Poolse ruiter, c.1655 (Frick Collection).jpg

By Rembrandt - The Frick Collection, Public Domain, Link

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