Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Dawn of the post-Progressive Era

The progressive era is in its death throws. There is debt everywhere. Political hubris is astonishing. The evils of the system is plain to see. Anyone putting their trust in this system is either naive or willfully ignorant. The system will not take care of us in our old age. It will not protect us.

We're at peak centralization, and what's ahead of us is an unwind of centralized power that will take decades to complete. The UK leaving the EU is only the first step on this path. As people increasingly realize the scale of the mess produced by the central political elite, there will be more calls for decentralization. Not only will more countries leave the EU. The US will fall apart too.

The truth is that Washington has produced nothing but debt, war and misery for the masses. When pensions fail to materialize, and everything stops working. This will be plain for everyone to see. Everyone will want power to be limited and local.

If the Wuhan coronavirus turns out to be a product made in a government lab, Chinese people may also start questioning the wisdom of centralized power. They too will want an end to the dead weight and immense moral hazard that comes with centralized government.

Even people in small countries like Norway are starting to realize the hazards of centralized power. Money, taken from the public purse, has been handed over to the Clintons who in turn white washed the money through Epstein and a Norwegian affiliate. Money is wasted on all sorts of idiotic projects, if not spent on war and other nasty activities.

With decentralization, we'll get a return to sound money and free trade, unregulated by corrupt busybodies. This will mean a shift in resources from financial asset bubbles to real money, real production and real value. The early movers in this direction will benefit the most from this shift. A first step, virtually guaranteed to give a great return, is to move away from government cash and debt. Only those holding a substantial part of their savings in gold are guaranteed to prosper through the transition from centralized to decentralized society.

Piazza della Signoria.jpg

By Samuli Lintula - Own work, CC BY 2.5, Link

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