Thursday, August 31, 2023

Leaders and Followers

When it comes to current issues, most people don't think. They don't form their opinions based on facts and reason. They base it on authority. If their chosen authority figures agree on something, they agree to it too.

This is how vaccines were pushed onto a majority of the population despite mountains of evidence to their ill effects. We even had people dropping dead live on TV, and still people flocked to their designated vaccination tents.

The urge to follow leaders is so strong in most people that even the most dire of warnings have no effect. However, this only works as long as the authority figures remain in their position of superiority. Once people wake up to the incompetence of their leaders, they will no longer obey. Instead, they will look for others to tell them what to do and think.

This is why it's so important for tyrants to silence all actual opposition. This is done through an elaborate system of apparent leaders. The tyrants at the top of the hierarchy make sure that there's plenty of factions for people to choose from. Both the incumbents and the opposition are under the tyrants' control. So is a whole host of protest movements, and pretty much every so called intellectual.

This became evident during the vaccine rollout when not a single intellectual, opposition group or protest group went against the call to have everybody vaccinated. The only debate was whether or not to include babies in the tyrants' great collective experiment.

But people are waking up to the fraud, and the control structure is now under stress. People are looking for alternative leaders. This is therefore a good time to push ahead with our own strategy.

Now that we've demonstrated that we were right, we can further impose our authority within our natural circle of influence. We can raise our voices, and more people will listen and take our advice rather than that of their failed authority figures. However, we mustn't loose sight of the fact that our strategy is radically different from the strategy used by tyrants.

We work at the grass root level, and we concern ourselves only with our natural circle of influence. We don't seek higher office. We have no use of propaganda machines. We don't need to control the opposition, and we don't need intellectuals to spread our message.

For most of us, our natural circle of influence is our family and friends. For those of us with capital, our influence extends naturally to our employees, the city management and similar institutions of direct importance to the daily operations of our enterprise.

Anything larger than a town or municipality has no natural need for leaders because there's no natural need for coordination at levels higher than a municipality. Cooperation between municipalities develop naturally through mutual benefits.

This means that national, international, and global leaders can be done away with without any ill effects to ordinary people, and this is starting to be come apparent to everyone. Institutions at these elevated levels are riddle with corruption and inefficiencies, and bureaucrats within these institutions have no special concern for the lives of ordinary people.

There cannot be any real opposition operating at levels beyond the municipality or town because all institutions at those levels are inherently corrupt. There's no point in reforming such institutions. They should instead be done away with, and we can do this simply by starving them of funds which they must necessarily collect from the grass root level.

Real opposition comes from the establishment of alternative leaders at the grass root level, and we are now at a point where this can be done more successfully than was possible only a few years back.

Our strategy should centre on personal success through practical implementation of our philosophy because no-one takes advice from losers.

This doesn't mean that we should obsess about earthly wealth and political ambition. None of that is necessary for success. What we should instead focus on is love, harmony and health. This, taken together is affluence, and it is in the end affluence that everyone seeks to achieve in life. We want to be with people we love, we want to live comfortably, and we want to be healthy. By focusing on this, we are likely to become successful, and this success will in turn spurn others to do as we've done.

Once people stop listening to leaders that are any higher up than the municipal level, the corrupt elite becomes weak, and it can in turn be starved of resources. What we end up with is a huge number of small political structures cooperating for mutual benefits. Ordinary people can then choose whom to cooperate with through employment and place of residence. If we don't like our local leaders, we move to a neighbouring town, or we seek employment with someone else.

Local community
Local community

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Limits to Free Speech

Jordan Peterson has lost a court case against his employers who demands that he takes training courses on internet sensitivity in order to remain employed with them. The issue at hand is that Peterson has, according to his employers, made controversial statements on various social media platforms. They feel that he's lacking in sensitivity, and that this hurts the integrity of their institution. Peterson on the other hand maintain that he has the right to say whatever he pleases, and that the training proposed is coercion against his right to free speech.

The fact that Peterson is a man that many sympathise with, and others detest, muddles the picture for most commentators. His sympathisers are quick to say that Peterson is persecuted 1984 style. His opponents, on the other hand, are quick to label Peterson's statements as hate speech. However, the truth is neither one nor the other, and this becomes clear if we look at a hypothetical case with a similar frame.

Let's say that a dealership is selling cars of a specific brand, and that they hire a salesman to represent this brand. If that salesman starts talking negatively about the brand on social media platforms, he deserves to be fired, even if the statements were made in the salesman's free time. This would have nothing to do with hate speech nor would it be anti free speech.

As it happens, Peterson's employers are in charge of a woke institution. Making distinctly un-woke comments on social media platforms is therefore a problem. Peterson isn't being persecuted, nor is he engaging in hate speech. He's merely a burden on the woke brand that his employers are promoting.

It's a pity that this is being turned into something that it isn't because the actual issue at hand is just as interesting. Peterson is exposing his employers' woke agenda. No-one can any longer say that the institution that Peterson is working for is politically neutral. Quite the opposite is true. The institution has a clear woke agenda for which its administration is willing to fire popular professors in order to maintain.

Jordan Peterson by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Jordan Peterson

By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Path to Liberty

It's slowly dawning on people that democracy hasn't resulted in more liberty. The people supposedly representing us aren't in fact representing anyone but themselves, their friends and their financial backers.

No amount of voting will change this because the system is fundamentally corrupt. Only the corrupt thrive, so it doesn't matter how well intended the newly elected politicians are, they are soon captured by the system, and they are either tamed or thrown out.

This is also why revolutions don't lead to anything but temporary relief from the ruling class, at best. No revolution has ever done anything but replacing one ruling class for another. Anyone joining a revolutionary movement thinking that it will bring liberty is naïve. If you're not part of the group of revolutionaries likely to take power, you're simply a useful idiot, canon fodder for the feuding elites.

This is why we should reject any call to overthrow the government. Instead, we should find ways to avoid it, starve it, and finally ignore it. While this may sound daunting and unrealistic, it's in fact the only path to liberty, and it comes with some notable perks along the way. For one, a lot of money can be saved and made without any risk simply by finding legal ways to reduce taxes and get subsidies.

First of all, we need to realize that our biggest expenses are taxes and fees levied by government. We must therefore find ways to appear as poor as possible in the eyes of bureaucrats. We must not own things that imply wealth, nor should we work long hours for salaried work if there are things of value we can do without reporting our gains to the government.

My younger brother owns two summer houses, and he works extra hours to pay for the taxes and fees associated with these properties. In contrast, I don't work at all, and I'm just as well off. The reason for this is that I live in a modest apartment in a low cost country, and my wealth is in a form that doesn't invoke taxation. My fixed income is therefore able to support my expenses.

The family business which provides me with a fixed income is heavily subsidized by the state, so I don't have to seek extra subsidies in order to live off the system. I'm benefiting from it without having to do anything. However, others may find that they too are eligible for state hand-outs. If these come with few strings attached, there's no reason not to get some of this.

A libertarian friend of mine lives on a permanent disability subsidy from the state, and I see no shame in that. In fact, finding subsides is just as an effective way to starve the beast as is tax planning. The trick is to be on the receiving rather than the giving side of the system.

Only when we have found ways to avoid and starve the beast can we go on to ignoring it. Politicians come up with all sorts of causes that they want us to join. They also have a whole series of things we have to partake in, such as elections and tax returns. However, almost all of it can be ignored without consequences. Only the tax return has to be taken care of, and that becomes very simple once we're down to no official income and no official wealth. In fact, I haven't filled in any tax return lately, so this too can be ignored once we're correctly positioned.

But the beast isn't going to keel over any time soon, so we must teach our children how to navigate the system. We should also share our insights with friends interested in learning from our experiences. This requires only that we point out the main features of our particular solution because everyone is in a different situation. Solutions have to be custom made by each of us. There's no one size fits all when it comes to liberty.

We should never push our ideas onto others because that's likely to draw resentment and anger from people who refuse to believe that the system is a trap to be avoided and exploited. However, if we lead by example, people will eventually start asking for advice. When people see that we live comfortably with less effort than they do themselves, they will want to know what's our secret, and that's when we introduce them to the virtues of libertarian anarchy.

The social contract
The social contract

Friday, August 25, 2023

Names of Covid Variants

Covid is the only virus that I know of where variants have been given names. No flu virus has ever had this happen to it, nor can I think of any other virus having named variants. HIV and Monkeypox don't come with named variants.

This should have been a red flag from the start because names are usually related to marketing rather than science. Scientists only give names to things that they want to promote in some way or other. They name things that they want to convey to the public. The rest is categorized with numbers and codes.

With this in mind, let's look closer at the names chosen for the virus and its variants. First of all, the name of the virus itself was changed from Wuhan flu, to Covid19. The original name told us two useful things:

  1. The virus is a type of flu.
  2. It originated in Wuhan China.

The new name told us the following:

  1. The virus belongs to the Corona family.
  2. It was first discovered in 2019.

This may look more scientific, but it's less useful. Instead of saying that the virus is a type of flu, we're given a categorisation that requires some knowledge of viruses to decipher. It's also more informative to know the origin of a virus than its year of discovery.

Interestingly, there were no talk of Covid19 variants before vaccines were rolled out a year later. Covid19 didn't evolve into Covid20. It has remained Covid19, even if it was clear as early as April 2020 that the original virus, as described to us by the media, no longer existed. Whatever we were faced with in the latter part of 2020 was not the original virus.

2021 became the year of mass vaccination as well as the year of the variants. We were still talking about Covid19, and we're doing so even today. The reason for this is that vaccines are made to target specific diseases. If the name of the disease were to change, so would the name of the vaccines, and it would cause suspicion if vaccines kept changing their names from one year to another.

However, the vaccines weren't very effective, and this was due to the fact that they didn't in fact target the disease. The explanation chosen for this was that Covid19 has variants, some of which evade the vaccines.

This created demand for variant of vaccines without causing suspicion over the fact that the vaccines were in fact targeting something other than the virus. Putting a scientific sounding name on the variants would further strengthen the impression that the vaccines only needed tweaking, and that the scientists had everything under control.

But there's something more going on than pure marketing, and this can be derived from the names chosen for the various variants. When we look at the names chosen for the dominant variants, a story emerges:

  1. Delta was the first major variant. The letter is used in mathematics to mean change.
  2. Omicron was the next major variant. The letter is an anagram for moronic.

Of all the Greek letters available to us, these were the two letters chosen by the people in charge. Now that we've run out of Greek letters, we're getting variants with names of Greek gods.

The variant expected to be dominant through this coming winter is Eris, goddess of chaos, strife and discord.

So, what exactly are the people in charge telling us? Do they expect that we will change, act moronic and engage in chaos, strife and discord? If so, our best response will be to do the exact opposite. We're not going to change our lives at their behest. We're not going to do stupid things to our own detriment. We're not going to engage in chaos, strife and discord.

What we should do, regardless of whether the above conspiracy theory is true, is to be measured and reasonable.

Eris Antikensammlung Berlin F1775.jpg

By Taken from, where it is/was stated: "photo. Museum (I.Gesk) © Berlin Antikensammlung", Public Domain, Link

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Return of the Mask Mandate

"History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce"
- Karl Marx

Mask mandates are back, at least in some places, and it makes me wonder how far this can be pushed this time around. Most people know by now that masks don't reduce transmission of viruses. Many also know or suspect that masks are counterproductive because they hinder free flow of oxygen, and they trap microorganisms like fungus and bacteria in close proximity to our airways.

For now, I believe that these mandates will be limited to a few companies and institution. However, there's no telling how far this may be pushed, so there's a possibility that this nonsense will once again be mandated by those who like to think of themselves as our rulers. How then are we to respond?

My advice is as always, to be meek. This means that we resist as much as is reasonable without running the risk of direct confrontation with the authorities. We comply reluctantly, and only to the point that is necessary in order to avoid serious trouble. Then, as the zealots loose their initial vigour, we push back.

This should be easier this time around because most people are by now sceptical to health authorities. While most people fell for the con the first time around, they're not likely to be equally gullible this time. Fact checkers will be more moderate, and there won't be as many idiots parroting the official narrative.

All that can be achieved by pushing mask mandates at this point is a loss of credibility. Places of higher education will demonstrate that they lack employees versed in critical thinking. Hospitals will demonstrate that they are ignorant of basic knowledge related to viruses, bacteria and fungus. Corporations will demonstrate that they hold their employees in low esteem.

Mask mandates are passé, and anyone embracing them will be ridiculed and shunned. Since we already know how to handle this kind of nonsense, the uncertainty and fear will be gone. Mask mandates reintroduced will be like a walk in the park relative to how nasty things got last time around.

Mask of the beast
Mask of the beast

The Perils of Power

Yesterday, we saw the Wagner chief's airplane drop from the sky outside Moscow. A few hours earlier, the top general in the Russian air force was fired. He's likely to face charges of treason. At best he'll retire early on a reduced pension. At worst, he'll be executed.

On a similar note, a Whitehouse chef was found drowned in shallow waters a few weeks back. That's the second Whitehouse chef to die in this way within two decades.

Most likely, all of these people were knocked off due to various missteps. The circumstances surrounding their fate can therefore serve as lessons regarding powerful people and how to navigate around them.

In the case of the two Russians mentioned above, their crime was to be less than 100% loyal to Putin. It is imperative for anyone inside a power structure to show absolute loyalty. It's also of absolute importance to never challenge the one in charge.

Having some skill that cannot easily be replaced strengthens one's chance of survival and success. Russia's foreign minister is an example of this. He's very skilful. He's also 100% loyal to Putin, and of no direct threat to him. The man has no outward ambitions to be anything but the foreign affairs expert, and he's therefore likely to do well inside the Kremlin regardless of what happens to Putin.

However, having a skill that can easily be replaced is of no value when it comes to chances of survival. This is the lesson we can draw from the two Whitehouse chefs. Their missteps may not have been anything of their own making. They may simply have overheard or seen something compromising, and the best cause of action against such people, if they can be easily replaced, is to have them assassinated.

Vladimir Putin (2018-03-01) 03 (cropped).jpg
Vladimir Putin

By, CC BY 4.0, Link

Monday, August 21, 2023

A Good Year for Wine in Portugal

This year is set to be unusually good for wine in Portugal. Not only is there more wine produced, but the grapes are of a high quality as well. This is interesting because Portugal has been officially in a state of drought since early 2022, and this summer is said to have been unusually warm and dry.

But drought, excessive heat and a scorching sun isn't compatible with bumper crops of high quality grapes, so we can only conclude that this summer must have been relatively temperate. We can also conclude that the year as a whole has had sufficient rain to support the vineyards.

It appears then that something is amiss with the official narrative. Portugal is not in fact experiencing widespread drought, and this summer has not been excessively warm. Most likely, this summer has been unusual only in that it has had stable temperatures in the high twenties C, which would be ideal for winegrowers.

This squares up with my personal impression of the weather in Porto over the past year. It has been wet during winter, and the summer has been pleasant with few excessively hot days.

Grape Vineyard.jpg

By Sanjay Acharya - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Olive Oil as Medicine

When I look up the medical uses for olive oil, I get a whole list of things its good for. It appears to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. When ingested, it prevents all sorts of illnesses, ranging from dementia to colon cancer. Applied to our skin, it treats fungus infections, dry skin and acne.

Having applied olive oil to various parts of my body for well over a month now, I can voucher for the beneficial effect. My bad foot is much better, my itchy butt crack is no longer bothering me, haemorrhoids are gone, dry skin, small wounds and a minor case of acne have all been healed. The effect is remarkable.

Especially surprising is the benefit of olive oil on acne because oily skin is thought to be an important factor in this condition. How then is the application of more oil of benefit? The only explanation is that oil mixes well with oil, and olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to acne, olive oil enters the wound and heals it. I'll keep this in mind once my boy reaches puberty. If he gets hit with acne, I'll suggest he applies some olive oil to them.

All of this must have been known since ancient times, because the Greeks applied olive oil to their skin as part of their washing routines. The fact that this is now something of a public secret is yet another sign of the harm that modern medicine has caused by pushing their own remedies over the age old ones. Natural remedies that have been effective for centuries have been replaced by expensive alternatives sold by the medical establishment.

Oliven V1.jpg
Olive oil

By Poyraz 72 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Significance of Javier Milei's Victory

Javier Milei is a self described anarcho-capitalist who've surprised many by winning the first round of the presidential elections in Argentina. While I doubt that this man will turn out to be a principled libertarian if he ends up the election winner, the mere fact that he's in the race at all is a sign of things to come.

Anarcho-capitalism is a fringe libertarian philosophy that would've had you immediately dismissed as a loony only a few years back. To talk openly about disbanding the central bank and several ministries, would've been seen as too extreme to be taken seriously. To suggest that our bodies are our sovereign domain to do as we please with, would have people shake their heads. Especially if you say that there should be no limit to this freedom, including the sale of our own body organs. Yet, all of this did nothing to hurt Javier Milei's popularity.

The man is unlikely to win. He may also be an unprincipled clown. But the ideas he's spreading are those of untethered personal liberty which I believe to be the king thought of the coming era.

The fact that this is happening in Argentina is also significant, because Argentina was the first major country to fully embrace the ideas of the progressive era. It may therefore also become the first country to embrace the ideas of the coming era.

Things are moving a good deal faster than I had thought only a few months ago. All progressive institutions are suddenly under attack, and the wind of change is gaining strength.

Garthsnaid - SLV H91.250-933.jpg
Navigating a storm

By maybe Allan C. Green or George Schutze or maybe Alexander Harper Turner - This image is available from the Our Collections of the State Library of Victoria under the Accession Number:, Public Domain, Link

Monday, August 14, 2023

Unintended Consequences

There's an expectation among many Norwegians that the state should not only provide them with services, but also make sure that no-one gets filthy rich. This idea springs out of the fact that the Norwegian state has amassed a substantial fortune from taxing oil producers, and the myth that Norway never housed filthy rich people. People see the state as their benevolent parent, who's job it is to feed them and also make sure that no-one gets more ice-cream than their fair share.

This has ushered in a host of politicians eager to do what is demanded of them, and the Norwegian state is now taxing the rich to such an extent that many see themselves forced to leave the country. As of late, there's been something of an exodus of rich people leaving Norway for less hostile grounds.

Having left Norway some sixteen years ago for various reasons, including economic ones, I can relate to what's going on. I can also see how this will in fact produce the very opposite effect as what was intended.

I have an eleven year old son here in Portugal whom I've never registered with the Norwegian state. He's only registered with the Portuguese state where tax conditions are less hostile to rich people. My thinking when my son was born was that he can always be registered in Norway at some future date if it should turn out to be beneficial. There was no need to rush anything, and as it turned out, this is now in his favour.

Anyone in Norway with above average wealth is being targeted with extra taxes, and this is no doubt one of the reasons my cousin has decided to sell his shares in our family company. However, every potential buyer of his shares is also being squeezed. There are few buyers, so my cousin has to accept a low price on his shares.

My son, who's not subject to Norwegian taxation, stands therefore at an advantage relative to the rest of my family. He can scoop up cheap shares without having to worry about excess taxation. But the benefit to my son doesn't stop at this. He'll also earn more on the shares than the rest of my family because Norway taxes dividend payments higher than Portugal.

Every owner of my family's company, with the exception of my son in Portugal, is pressured into paying more taxes. Every Norwegian owner of competing businesses are also pressured. This means that Norwegian shareholders are in need of extra revenues to pay their taxes, and the most straight forward way to get hold of such revenues is to rise the prices of their products and services.

Shareholders all over Norway are now demanding higher prices on everything their businesses produce, and with no competitor able to avoid this pressure, prices will rise. The tax-burden that was put on the shoulders of the rich will thus be sent onto the consumer in the form of higher prices. It is the consumer that has to shoulder the taxes that were designed to make the rich less rich.

No-one but the state gets any richer by taxing the rich. While the rich will feel some initial pain, as is the case with my cousin, the tax burden is quickly diverted to the consumer. I.e. it's the average guy in the street that ultimately picks up the bill. However, one group of shareholders will in fact benefit from higher taxes on the rich. That's the ones paying their taxes to states with favourable tax rules, and my son in Portugal is an example of this.

When prices go up in Norway so that shareholders can pay their extra taxes, every shareholder gets higher dividend pay outs. That includes shareholders who don't pay taxes to Norway. Consumers in Norway are in this way going to contribute to a wealth divide in which they have to pay more for goods and services, while shareholders outside Norway get to retain more money for themselves.

Norwegians will have to work harder and longer in order to pay for expenses heaped upon them by the state. But large chunks of this extra money will go out of the country, and foreign owners of Norwegian companies will in this way become richer at the expense of hard working Norwegians.

The irony in this is that the tax regime that was implemented for the express purpose of transferring wealth from the rich to the poor is going to do the exact opposite.

Waiting for my son's dividend pay out
Waiting for my son's dividend pay out

Sunday, August 13, 2023

All Vaccines should be Voluntary

I'm a libertarian anarchist, so it goes without saying that I believe everything that does not directly harm others should be voluntary. Our bodies and our labour belong to us, and no other person or organization has any legal claim to this. We rule over ourselves. Otherwise, we're merely someone else's cattle, and that is not the way God, aka nature, intended things to be.

But the vast majority of people don't see things this way. Almost everyone believe that we're to be ruled over by others. The progressive era of the past century refined this to the point where every aspect of life has some expert with the power to enforce their ideas onto everyone else.

The WHO, CDC and FDA are examples of this. There was a flow of decrees and edicts emanating from them during the virus scare, and pretty much everyone went along with it.

However, the progressive era came to an abrupt halt in 2022 as a direct result of the disastrous consequences of the way the virus scare was handled, and one of the progressive era's biggest institutions is now laying on the ground with a broken back. Mandatory vaccination for all, which was pushed through as part of the progressive agenda hundred years ago, is no longer an idea beyond reproach.

This is good news to liberty minded people, because the very idea that our own bodies can be ruled over by others is in stark violation of our beliefs. We should therefore take maximum advantage of the opportunity that the vaccine disaster has given us. We should suggest to everyone that cares to listen that all vaccines should be voluntary.

Our arguments for this are simple:

  • Our body is our choice
  • If the vaccine works, there's no danger to others in not being vaccinated
  • We know for a fact that a much touted vaccine turned out to be counter productive

The rational and moral high ground is immediately captured with these arguments alone.

Since we have proof of vaccine damage, this can no longer be brushed off as a price worth taking, considering the greater good of vaccines. Any such argument can be countered by simply stating that if it's obvious to most people that vaccines work, then most people will take them. We're not suggesting that we ban vaccines. We're simply arguing for the liberty to choose whether or not to take them.

Keep in mind that there's no point in debating the finer technical issues of vaccines. We know that mRNA vaccines are different from traditional vaccines, but that's not the issue. The point is that the decision to take a vaccine should be up to us, and in the case of our children, it's also up to us. Experts and politicians should not be in a position to mandate vaccines. Their only function should be to give advice and make sure that we are free to choose what's injected into us.


Saturday, August 12, 2023

A Counter-fear Campaign

Those of us who stood firm against the elite's campaign to have us all vaccinated have reasons to be pleased about how things have unfolded since peak insanity hit some time during 2022. However, the war that the elite is waging on us is not over. It has moved on, with climate change now the big bogyman that we're all supposed to fear.

This too, is something we must oppose because the elite will not stop before they are thoroughly defeated. If we let them get away with their scheming against us we'll be back to the sort of insanity that they created with the virus scare, and we don't want that.

The good news is that they're unlikely to succeed with their eco-scare because we now have the advantage of a proven strategy. We know that the network effect works. If we voice our scepticism within our private sphere of influence, there will be an awakening that grows exponentially over time. We will see the same abrupt change among politicians and pundits when it comes to "green" policies as we saw with the virus scare.

We also learned the value of meekness in the face of overwhelming force, and the gains that can be made through a strategy of attrition warfare. Persistence and flexibility was key to our success. Ego, on the other hand, is something we need to keep at bay. We don't need heroes or leaders, and there's no value in telling people that we were right on previous occasions. People either know that we tend to be right about things, or they don't. We don't have to say it ourselves, nor do we need to rub it in. Ego will be awarded in due time simply by other people realizing how right we were all along.

Key to our success lies in the realization that fear is not only a mind killer, it is also the opposite of love. The reason the elite is so intent on creating fear among us is that people who live in fear are easy to control. Fear can make people act very much against their own interests. Those who are riddled with fear are dangerous and liable to do all sorts of things that hurt not only themselves, but society at large. Ubiquitous fear result in chaos, and the elite's plan is to create a new world order out of the chaos that they sow.

This means that our strategy going forward must target fearfulness. We have to promote courage as the ultimate virtue. Wherever we sense an irrational fear, we need to point out that fear is hardly becoming of anyone unless it's founded in something real and immediate. To fret about something that may happen decades or centuries into the future is not a constructive mode of existence.

Faith and hope are sources of courage, and we should promote this through a generally optimistic outlook on life. We must also refrain from scaring people ourselves. Unpleasant truths about the vaccine and the destruction brought on by the lockdowns should always be padded in a bundle of hope and optimism. The same should be done when it comes to other scary scenarios.

Keep in mind that courage is not the same as daredevilry. Nothing is gained by jumping out of aeroplanes, climbing steep mountainsides or any such similar activity. Courage comes from faith, hope and love. There's no other source of it.
