Monday, February 1, 2021

First Rule of Brainwashing is Constant Repetition

The first rule of brainwashing is a constant mind-numbing repetition of a narrative. As such, there's no difference between brain-washing and indoctrination. In both cases, the aim is to make the target repeat the message without question, first to themselves and secondly to everybody else. The victims become in this way part of the operation. The message is spread through repetition. However, since no real thinking went into accepting the message, there's no way for the victim to argue coherently for the narrative. The victim will therefore respond with anger if the narrative is challenged. Since this is inevitable, the brainwashers must encourage this type of reaction. The second rule of brainwashing is therefore to elevate anger against dissenters to a virtue.

Seen in this light, it's interesting to see the constant repetition of the mask-wearing narrative on TV, often combined with simmering hatred towards anyone not wearing their mask correctly. Top politicians denounce the dissenters, subtly encouraging their minions to approach such people with anger.

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Guantanamo Bay detention camp

By Shane T. McCoy, U.S. Navy - (copied from so that the image can be used on Wikinews.), Public Domain, Link

The whole mask wearing thing is as taken straight out of the Guantanamo Bay play book. First they break the weak. Then they empower the weak to go after the strong. The feeble minded become the lords of the strong willed. Society as a whole becomes an upside down world where the corrupt rule over the strong by the help of an army of feeble minded minions.

Public schools used to encourage independent thinking, but is now little more than indoctrination camps for the young. True science has been replaced by pseudo-science. Instead of facts, children are presented with heroes that must be worshipped without question.

Greta Thunberg 01.jpg
Greta Thunberg

Eco-anxiety - By Anders Hellberg - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The propaganda is now so deafening that it hurts. Mainstream news has become unbearably painful to watch. The situation is claustrophobic. However, there's cause for optimism. Confidence in politicians an journalists have fallen off a cliff. There's an awareness of what's going on. Even the most brainwashed among us are catching on to the fact that none of our moral superiors know anything of substance. They have no real answers. They go about harassing us, blaming every little thing, real or imagined, on us.  They are our tormentors.

To protect ourselves, we withdraw from social media, we start teaching our children at home, we make it clear to friends and family where we stand and why we don't trust anyone anymore. The message is spreading. Things are about to change. Fear and compliance is about to be replaced by fearless anger directed at the people who so cynically thought they could manipulate the whole world into an image of their own liking.

Execution robespierre, saint just....jpg
Execution of Robespierre

By Unknown author - This image comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b6950750j, Public Domain, Link

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