Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Living in the Real World

I'm sometimes accused by family and friends of not living in the real world. I guess it's their way of explaining my eccentric behavior. However, one would think that if someone isn't living in the real world, things would eventually turn out badly for that person, and that hasn't happened. On the contrary, I'm doing well despite not having worked for a boss for over then years.

The secret to my success, beyond my privileged position as the recipient of a generous inheritance, is my understanding of the state as a criminal organization that puts a financial drain on savings. With this in mind, I sold my house in Norway to avoid fixed expenses and taxes, and I put my savings into precious metals to avoid inflation. I also avoided the vaccine, which I correctly identified as poison peddled to the public by state agents on behalf of corporations.

When I compare my present state with that of my brothers and other people who should in theory be as well off as I am, I find that I'm doing better than them. I don't have to work in order to pay my bills, and my savings are doing at least as well as theirs. So who exactly are the ones that live in the real world, and who are the ones that don't? I would say that it is the ones who live the best with the least amount of effort that have figured it out, not the other way around.

Living in the real world
Living in the real world

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