Friday, March 23, 2018

Morton Spears' Particle Quanta

In my theory, I use the simple model of the subatomic proposed by Morton Spears in his second book on gravity, published in 1993.

The reason for this is that it is the simplest model I could find that suits the purpose of my physics. Nothing more elaborate is required.

Morton Spears' model is much simpler than standard physicists. Morton Spears does not invoke a large array of Quarks, Leptons and Bosons. Instead he makes the proposition that the subatomic is made up of three indivisible particle quanta. One is negatively charged, the other is positively charged, and the third is neutral.

Morton Spears' 3 particle quanta

An objection to this simple alternative to standard theory is that we have evidence to suggest that Quarks, Lepton and Bosons are real. However, the evidence can just as well be used to defend Morton Spears. All that is observed is that when atoms are smashed together with great force, they break apart. A large number of short lived particles appear before promptly recombining into something more stable. Nothing is proved beyond the fact that atoms are made up of a large number of smaller parts.

Choosing conventional particle physics over Morton Spears' model would merely complicate things as far as my particular theory is concerned. I chose therefore to go with Morton Spears, and since nothing turned up in which I would require Quarks, Leptons or Bosons, I stuck with his model.

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