Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Radioactive Astronauts

If Halton Arp is correct about mass condensing onto existing matter, then we can assume that the process might be reversible. Instead of matter gaining mass through the absorption of electron positron pairs, produced from gamma rays, matter can loose mass by ejecting electron positron pair which in turn annihilate, producing gamma rays.

The direction of the process is presumably determined by the environment in which the matter in question resides.

Imagine then a group of astronauts moving from a region of space in which matter is heavy, into a region where matter is light. The environment of the astronauts changes, and they becomes radioactive. The matter that makes up the space ship and the astronauts loose electron positron pairs, possibly at an alarming rate. There are gamma rays everywhere, and there is no way to shield the astronauts or the spaceship because the sources of the radiation are themselves.

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