Sunday, October 1, 2023

Contagious Optimism

I've just read an article in ZeroHedge outlining the various draconian measures we can expect to see from the globalist elite as they push ahead with their great reset. The article contains eleven assumptions related to this presumed plan, all of them likely true in my view. However, what struck me as interesting wasn't the article itself, but the comments. While everybody agreed with the premises laid out in the article, hardly anyone agreed with the overall gloom and doom. Just about everyone was an optimist.

All sorts of things were pointed out. One being the way internet has worked to our advantage. The network effect has kicked in. Censorship backfired. Truth prevailed, and more and more people are waking up to the reality of it all: An unsavoury group of misfits is trying to install a dystopian world order with themselves as our rulers.

There's also a general agreement that 2022 was a turning point. That's when we had peak booster hysteria, peak Pride, peak global warming, peak anti-Russia, etcetera. The reset that the elite has spent decades working on is falling apart. But their reaction so far has been to double down in their efforts, which at this point will only fuel the current awakening.


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