Saturday, April 4, 2020

The 5th Empire - Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience is not about petitioning the government for basic rights and/or privileges. Rather, it's about living life as free and detached from government as possible. This means that we obey the laws we find tolerable and ignore the laws we find intrusive, provided they are impossible to police. It is for instance impossible to judge whether someone is simply out walking for a bit of fresh air or out on an important errand. A curfew that only allows "essential" movement can therefore be ignored. On the other hand, easily enforceable laws should never be opposed, no matter how intrusive we find them.

We should never gather in groups and march together. That merely stirs up tension. The objective is not to cause a stir and a fight. The objective is to render government irrelevant. The trick is therefore to skirt the fringes of what is considered legal. Make it clear to everyone that we do not take government dictates very seriously. Encourage others to live as freely as we do ourselves.

I like going for walks in the neighborhood. I have no intention to give up this just because of a flu. But I don't make a big deal out of this. I'm not deliberately going to places where the police is patrolling the streets. My walks take me to the outskirts of the city where no-one ever bothers me, and I delight in the fact that everything is quiet and laid back. The atmosphere is quite serene.

Once this type of behavior becomes second nature, we find ourselves inside the 5th Empire. As citizens of the 5th Empire, we operate with a minimum of exposure to government and the banking system. We observe politics as the clown show that it is, because we are not dependent on it in any significant way. It does not matter whether it is the red or the blue team that's in charge. We do what we please regardless.

Country lane.jpg

By Jongleur100 - Own work, Public Domain, Link

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