Tuesday, March 10, 2020

An Irrational Inability to Act

Malmö in Sweden must be one of the most politically correct places on Earth, which means that there are a whole range of things that people do not allow themselves to say or do. Foremost of this is any criticism of people who are not ethnically Swedish. People with a different skin color from the ethnic Swede are per definition good and well meaning.

This led to a rather comical situation during the women's rights march held in Malmö last Sunday. A gang of Muslims decided to join in. They marched rather menacingly next to the women, something the women in their political correctness had to ignore, as these men by definition are on their side in the fight for justice. Not even when one of the Muslims held up a sign stating plainly and clearly in correctly written Swedish that Sweden must dies, could any of the women bring themselves to the point of protest. Instead, they quietly accepted the idea that "Sweden must die" as somehow in line with the idea of women's rights in general.

The long term effect of this is of course that women's rights in Sweden will be associated with wonky radical ideas pertaining to genocide and civil war. This one Muslim anti-women's-right protester managed to cause long term damage to the women's rights movement in Sweden, simply by exploiting the fact that he could not be confronted or contradicted due to political correct doctrine.

Meanwhile at the Greek-Turkish border, Turkish border guards tore down the barbed wire fence holding tens of thousand Muslims back from invading Europe. Armed thugs started to cross the border into Greece. However, a bit of quick thinking on the part of the Greeks have saved the day for now. Tractors, hauling tanks full of pig's piss and manure headed for the border where they immediately started to spray their fouls smelling, but largely harmless cargo out along the no-man's land separating the two countries.

A whole army of would be invaders have thus been kept at bay, not by any physical means, but by the deep seated superstition of the average Muslim. The same type of irrational thinking that prevented the Swedish women to call out their Muslim co-protesters, is preventing hordes of Muslim invaders from crossing a border that is largely unprotected. In the minds of brainwashed people, certain things cannot be done, not because it is physically impossible, but because the act cannot be thought, let alone acted out.

Epandeur de Fumier Rolland.JPG

By Chatellier - Own work, Public Domain, Link

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