Sunday, March 1, 2020

Overextended Chains of Command

History has shown over and over that any system relying on long chains of command do not work. Many a military defeat has been due to an inability to keep command lines open, or due to orders issued by people so far removed from the front line that they completely failed to understand the complex situation at the ground.

It should therefore be self evident that any new world order based on a single ruling body is bound to fail. There is absolutely no reason to fear such an arrangement. If anything, it will serve to weaken government at the local level.

Imagine for a moment a bureaucrat issuing a decree for the entire world from a central command position. The only way this decree can be upheld is if it is faithfully passed on down the chain of command to local government officials in every town and village. But how eager will such government officials be in executing ideas that are neither their own nor very logical as far as the local conditions are concerned.

More likely than not, local bureaucracies everywhere will become extremely inefficient, arbitrary, and reluctant. There will be all sorts of local arrangements that will bypass the central decrees. There will be corruption. There will be mistrust. No-one in the end will trust government to do anything at all. In some places, there will be a complete collapse of the local bureaucratic order. There will be all sorts of clandestine alternatives. The new world order will fall apart even before it is fully implemented.

Great Seal of the United States (reverse).svg

By Ipankonin - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

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