Sunday, September 8, 2019

The 5th Empire - Universe of Particles

It was some time around 2011 that I was made aware of the fact that Earth appears to be expanding. A Facebook-friend mentioned it as a curious aside in one of his posts on a political group I was following. His point was that we do not know half as much as we tend to believe. There are a lot of unanswered questions out there, so it is delusional to think we can construct a perfect society based on our current knowledge. There must be room for alternative views and experimentation.

A quick search on YouTube came up with some very convincing animations, illustrating that Earth does in fact appear to be expanding. The visual evidence was undeniable. But how could this be? The idea of an expanding Earth violates a whole host of established facts related to gravity and geology.

The only somewhat reasonable explanation I could find was by a certain Peter Woodehad, who suggested that Earth is hollow, and therefore able to expand without any added matter. But this again, violated laws related to gravity. An expanding Earth would have gravity at surface level decrease, yet evidence in the fossil records indicate that the opposite has happened. Gravity has increased by quite a lot. Dinosaurs were as big as they were in their time because gravity was less.

Trying to figure out how Earth could be expanding, with gravity at the same time increasing, became something of an obsession with me. I wrote all sorts of essays on the topic, which in the end culminated in my book, "Universe of Particles".

The final break through came in the months after I sold by house in early 2017. Measurements made by NASA's space probe Juno suggested that Jupiter is hollow. I was made aware of a theory by a renowned astronomer, Halton Arp, suggesting that cosmic radiation makes matter more massive over time. I had also come across a very simple model of the atom, presented by the successful radar engineer Morton Spears back in the 1990s.

Putting all these elements together, I ended up with a complete physical model, only slightly different from conventional quantum physics, capable of explaining all sorts of phenomena, as well as how and why our planet can expand with gravity increasing.

What is interesting to note in all of this is that it would never even have occurred to me to look into this had it not been for Facebook. Most of the leads in this story came from Facebook, with the rest coming from YouTube and Google. Far from being sinister and dangerous, these online resources have been of immense help. They may be up to all sorts of unsavory snooping and manipulation, but when all is said and done, the net effect of these content providers has been for the better.

Similarly, when it comes to my political views, Facebook has been a great resource. The 5th empire, as sketched out in my book on the voluntary society, is little more than a summary of unorthodox political ideas picked up from the Mises Institute and other libertarian sites.

Social media has been the driving mechanism behind the spread of unorthodox ideas, and I suspect they will continue to function this way. They may want to direct and censor ideas, but they will not be able to put the genie back into its bottle. There's just too much going on to centrally manage.

However, as explained in "The 5th Empire - A voluntary society", most people are coming to a radically different conclusion than what I have reached. They want increased government powers. Totalitarian ideas are growing more popular and widespread by the day.

Having long since given up on the idea that people will see the light and turn libertarian in their attitudes, I have taken practical steps to protect myself and my family. If things get nasty, with wars and social unrest, I have the resources to get myself and my family out of dodge. I also have a pretty fair idea of where the best places to hide might be.

This does not mean that I'm completely silent in my opposition to totalitarian ideas. I share my thoughts freely with those who care to listen. But it is a waste of time to try to convince those who are set on totalitarianism that their ideas will lead to war, strife, misery and death. They may not even realize their mistake once reality catches up with them. They are lost, and cannot be saved.

However, I will pursue my interests undeterred. I will keep my physics blog up to date. I will keep an eye on the public space. I will take care of myself and my nearest. Whenever appropriate, I will highlight something baffling that goes contrary to "settled science". I will plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of the totalitarian crowd. Very few will get it. But those who do may still find a way to escape the totalitarian apocalypse that they mistakenly believe to be utopia.

The underlying message in much of my writing is that if current thinking related to such phenomena as the dinosaurs and the size of Earth turns out to be wrong, imagine how many other ideas may be wrong as well. In this respect, "Universe of Particles" is a highly subversive book. It suggests that things are not what most people believe them to be. The high priests of science do not know nearly as much as they pretend to know.

As things stand, "Universe of Particles" is seeing a steadily increasing interest. I may even become semi-famous one day. This will in turn add to my sense of success. Making this all the more enjoyable is the fact that such a success is wealth of a non-material kind. It is impossible to tax and therefore completely out of reach for the taxman.

Antifa @ Trump in Phoenix 8-22-17.jpg

Woke totalitarians

By Carptrash - I, Einar Kvaran, took the picture Previously published: none, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

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