Saturday, September 7, 2019

The 5th Empire - Recovering from Depression

Once the tax evasion scheme I had built up over years started crumbling, it was evident that things were much more precarious than I had lulled myself into believing. Even without direct taxation on my wealth and income, my house in Norway cost me a lot every year in the form of indirect taxation. All sorts of fees had to be paid. The mortgage, although small relative to the value of the house, was also a considerable drain. Now that direct taxation was added, with the very real threat of confiscation if not paid, I realized that I was trapped. The window of opportunity was closing. Without radical changes, everything would be lost.

I was hit by a terrible mix of angst and depression. I even became suicidal, something completely foreign to my character. But I managed nevertheless to orchestrate a refurbishing of my house, and a successful sale.

In all of this, it dawned on me that I was doing this just as much for my children as for myself. I was not really all that worried about my life or liberty. I was worried first and foremost about my wealth. I did not want to see it lost, confiscated by bureaucrats. Fully realizing this, I transferred all my registered wealth into the hands of the younger generation. I made clear that I would still claim some of the capital income. I would still be in charge. However, I made a point of not making this legally binding in the conventional sense. I did not sketch out any contract. Nobody signed anything. The scheme is based solely on trust.

My children are free to scheme against me. They can keep all capital income to themselves, and I will have no legal recourse. However, I am confident that I have brought my children up sufficiently well for this not to happen. As long as I remain reasonable in my claims, they will pay. They know that the scheme is benefiting themselves just as much as me. They also know that the person risking a jail term is me, and I'm doing this to save us all a heavy tax that would ultimately impoverish us all. There is also the issue of pride. I have tree children in Norway. If one of them refuses to pay, there will be pressure, not only from me, but from the two other children as well. All in all, no legally binding contract is needed. Pride and trust is more than enough when dealing with well mannered family members.

Once the scheme was fully implemented, I experienced a great sense of relief. The state could still put me in jail, but they could no longer take away my wealth. All was now in the hands of others. All sorts of benefits related to this scheme was also becoming apparent. There were no more fixed expenses related to the house. The overall taxation related to my shares was lower now that they were divided among my children.

With my estate fully divided, there was no longer the need for a will. In the event of my death, everyone would simply take full control of their part. The moment I'm gone, there are no more claims from me. Everyone will be 100 % free from my meddling. This in turn, greatly reduces the chances of any quarrels between siblings. The division has been made. There is nothing more to fight over.

Once completely free from the state, I felt liberated and invigorated. Having seen with my own eyes how things can be organized around truly anarchist principles, I wrote down my findings. I started with a practical guide to investing. It outlines my thinking related to the proceeds from the sale of my house, and how to get a good and secure return on these savings. I wrote it in general terms so that anyone can read it and use it for themselves. I titled it "Gold Oriented Investing".

Then I wrote a short outline of the economy, with emphasis on the sort of arrangement that I've made for myself and my family. I titled it "An Anarchist's Guide to the Economy". As a follow up to this I wrote a general summary of anarchist philosophy, titled "The 5th Empire - A voluntary society".

With my mind fully open to alternative ways of seeing things, I came across some interesting thoughts related to a physics problem that had intrigued me for several years. It was suddenly clear to me that a slightly different perspective on what's going on at the subatomic level can open up for a solution to some of the most baffling facts encountered in natural sciences. This resulted in me writing "Universe of Particles", and setting up a website with that same name.

As it turned out, my investment strategy has given above average returns, and my theory of physics is getting positive attention. Long gone are the days of my angst and depression.

A baffling fact: Earth appears to be expanding

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