Saturday, October 21, 2017

Neutral Particles in Magnetic Fields

The Velcro universe has a tiny imbalance due to positive charges being slightly more reactive than negative charges. This imbalance can be used to explain why the proton is so much bigger than the electron, why neutral atoms combine into molecules, and why gravity is a universally attracting force.

In a dialog with Dustin Wilde on Facebook yesterday, another thing came to mind regarding the imbalances of the universe. This time regarding spiraling motions.

The imbalance in the Velcro universe would make neutral particles behave as if they were ever so slightly charged with respect to a magnetic field. They would bend off as if they were negatively charged by a minuscule amount.

The reason for this is that the photon in the Velcro universe consists of two orbs spinning in opposite direction. When polarized so that photons all spin the same way along the same axis, we get magnetism.

This makes positive charge bend off in one direction and negative charge bend off in the opposite direction when moving through a magnetic field. Magnetic fields act like charge separators in this respect.

Neutral particles are unaffected by magnetic fields. Except, in a large enough field, the imbalance in reactivity between the positive and negative orbs of photons would come into play. Over a huge distance, a neutral particle will be pulled to the side by the positive orbs of spinning photons slightly more than it is pulled to the side by the negative orbs.

In this way, everything that moves through a magnetic field, bends off to the side. Charged particles bend off a lot. The effect is easy to detect.

Neutral particles bend off a tiny bit. This would only be detectable in huge fields. However, it would affect every neutral particle, including neutrinos.

From this, we get that everything bends off to the side when moving through a magnetic field. The only exception would be a neutrino that happens to be positively charged by the exact amount required to counterbalance the effect of the spinning orbs of photons. For all practical purposes, such neutrinos don't exist.

The imbalance inherent in the Velcro universe can therefore be used to explain why everything bends off to the side as it moves. Everywhere, there is electricity, everywhere there is magnetism, and everything that moves bend off to the side when moving through a magnetic field. Therefore, everything spirals.

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