Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Black Holes cannot Exist in the Velcro Universe

Forces in the Velcro universe are due to over and under-pressure of zero-point particles. Attracting forces are due to under-pressure and repelling forces are due to over-pressure.

For a repelling force to exist there has to be an outside reservoir of zero-point particles to draw on, and for an attracting force to exist there has to be an outside reservoir of zero-point particles to do the pushing together of surfaces.

This means that an attracting force can never be stronger than the zero-point pressure outside the field.

Since force is produced by particles, no force can crush a solid particle. A hollow particle such as an electron or a proton may be deflated, but never crushed into oblivion.

At the most extreme, a force may reduce things greatly in size. But that's it. There can be no transition into something different. Once everything is deflated down to solid particles with no hollow inside of them, no further reduction in size is possible.

From this it is clear that black holes cannot exist in a Velcro universe.

Furthermore, for a strong gravitational field to exist, there must be neutrinos and inertial matter. However, to deflate inertial matter, neutrinos must be removed completely.

It is in other words impossible to have both a strong gravitational field and deflated matter at the same time. As soon as deflation is attempted, gravity becomes weaker.

Where there is gravity, there must be inflated inertial matter. There is no way to have one without the other.

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