Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Human History

There are quite a few strange things to be noted about relatively resent times. How for instance were people able to build with such enormous blocks of rock as they did? Why did they choose to use enormous blocks of rock to build foundations of buildings? In what way was that a practical solution?

A building project is always a compromise between the practical and the impressive. It is therefore interesting to note the enormity of the blocks chosen. Ancient buildings were impressive for sure, but hardly practical. Unless of course, gravity and possibly even the hardness of rocks were different in the past.

It also appears that ancient civilizations were able to pour rock as we pour concrete today. Why did a simple technology like that suddenly vanish?

The time scale of human history makes it improbable that gravity was much lower in the past. It seems strange too, that chemistry may have been different. However, there is nothing to suggest that ancient people were particularly sophisticated. Their art was crude compared to more recent cultures like the Greeks and the Romans. They may have had some surprisingly fancy gadgets, like the light tubes that are pictured on Egyptian wall paintings. But there is nothing to suggest anything super advanced going on. The very pictures depicting the light tubes suggest to us that the culture was relatively primitive.

Everything points to a change in gravity and chemistry. But the time scale is wrong. This cannot be explained using conventional dating. There is a puzzle here that has yet to be solved.

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