Monday, June 12, 2017

Stalinism in Science

Universities are closed institutions. Uncontroversial ideas are not met with an open mind and debate, but shut down and suppressed. People who do not conform, but stubbornly insist on highlighting inconsistencies in current theory are ignored, fired, and revised out of text books.

This practice is not a relic of the past but alive and well today. If anything, it's more institutionalized now then ever before. Peer reviews function as inquisitional courts of modern science. They do not exist in order to enlighten, but to make sure that heretics are identified and neutralized.

If it was any other way, universities would recognize a wide array of theories and models. The fact that they don't, tells us the sad truth: Universities are Stalinist institutions, complete with inquisitional courts, revisionism of history and purges of dissidents.

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