Thursday, June 8, 2017

Do Planets Modulate the Sun's Energy Output?

The Sun goes through 11 year cycles that increase and decrease in intensity in longer cycles, generally referred to as warm periods and little ice ages due to their climatic impacts.

The cause of these cycles are unknown. However, a close correlation between sun cycles and planetary resonances seem to suggest that it is the relative positions of the Sun and its planets that determines the energy output of the Sun.

This makes sense in an Electrical Universe perspective, since the relative position of the various objects in our solar system would determine the exact flow of the electrical current going through it. Certain configurations would lead to more current flowing through the planets, leaving less current for the Sun. Other configurations would result in the opposite. This rhymes well with the observed fact that electrical activity seems to increase on our planet whenever it decreases on the Sun.

The Sun and the Earth
The Sun and the Earth

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