Friday, June 23, 2017

Einstein in Trouble?

Before NASA's space probe Juno made measurements of Jupiter's atmosphere by bouncing microwaves off of it, most scientists were expecting to find a small high density core at Jupiter's heart. However, Juno found the opposite of what was generally expected. It found a large low-density core, and this discovery has the potential to completely upset the standard model.

The fact that none of the established theories of gravity predicted Jupiter's low-density core is in itself a big blow to the standard model. Predicting a planet's density-distribution is after all a basic part of any theory of gravity. Yet the only model that explicitly predicted a low-density core was the capacitor model, known only to a handful of amateur scientists.

However, the problem for the standard model does not stop at the fact that it failed to predict the density distribution of Jupiter. Central to the standard model is the existence of black holes at the center of galaxies. Without them, the gravity theories used in the standard model cannot explain the observed facts. But the latest findings from Jupiter makes the existence of black holes even less likely than they already were.

A black hole is supposed to be created in a so called gravitational collapse in which matter converges on a single point at the center of large objects. The idea is that matter rushes in towards the point of highest density, assumed to be at the object's geometrical center. However, Jupiter is showing us that its greatest density is not located in its core but in a spherical area at a considerable distance from the center, precisely as predicted by the capacitor model.

If the atmosphere of Jupiter was to collapse toward its area of highest density, we would not get a black hole, but a shell of extra dense gas located pretty much exactly where the highest density of Jupiter's atmosphere is currently located.

Assuming that there is nothing particularly special about Jupiter, we have to conclude that all large bodies have a similar density distribution. Stars. planets and moons all have their densest regions located fairly close to the surface. As a consequence, super-dense objects are unlikely to exist. Black holes and neutron stars which are only theoretically possible in a universe where gravity focuses matter onto a single point at the center of large bodies, have no way of being generated.

This means that Hawking's black holes are in trouble, and Einstein is in trouble too because Hawking's black holes are needed in order to make observations agree with Einstein's theory. Hawking did his work for the purpose of propping up Einstein. Now that Hawking's black holes are in trouble, Einstein's theory of gravity is in trouble too.

Not only did Einstein fail to predict Jupiter's low-density core, his theory does not explain galaxies and pulsars. Without the existence of super-dense matter, the standard model has no way to reconcile observations with Einstein's predictions. Einstein may of course still be right in parts. However, his theory is unlikely to remain a dominant part of cosmology in the absence of super-dense matter.

Cross section of a hollow planet
Cross section of a hollow planet

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