Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fractional Reserve Banking is the Evil, not Interest

It is a mystery to me how people can believe that there is something fundamentally wrong and evil about interest on loans.

Why shouldn't we pay rent for borrowing money just as much as we pay rent for borrowing a car, a house or a boat? In all these cases, someone has to forego direct access to what was lent out, and should be compensated for this.

It makes no sense to expect people to give up temporary ownership of money without any compensation. However, if the money lent out is merely fabricated out of thin air, as is the case under our current banking system, then it can be argued that something evil is going on. In such a case, someone is making money from the mere privilege of typing numbers into an account.

What is immoral in our current banking system is not interest, but the banks' ability to create credit from nothing. It is fractional reserve banking that is the evil we need to get away from. Getting money for lending out something that has taken time and effort to accumulate is only fair and proper. Getting money for lending out something that took no effort or time to create is evil.

Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building.jpg

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