Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Great Appeal of the State

It may at first seem strange that so many people accept the myth of the Social Contract which binds us to the whims of our political overlords. Many people are even enthusiastic about the state.

But this is not as mysterious as it may first seem once we realize what the state offers in return for our slave contracts, namely the freedom to push responsibility over to our overlords. This freedom is also a fiction of course, but is generally believed to be at least as real as the Social Contract.

In the name of the state we are allowed to kill people without any responsibility, as long a it is done according to our overlords' rules. We like to believe that wearing a uniform and swearing allegiance to a piece of cloth frees us from personal responsibility when we drop bombs on innocent people from great heights, or perform mass murder of other forms.

However, the greatest appeal of the state is not war, but its function as caretaker. It takes care of us in much the same way that a parent takes care of a child, all be it in a much less loving and careful manner.

Imagine having to take care of our own pensions, life insurances, health care, and so on. Imagine having to administrate large sums of money. Imagine making a mistake and having to explain this to ones spouse, relatives and friends.

I recently sold my house in order to pay my taxes. A large sum was left to me to invest as I pleased after the state had taken its share. Finding sensible investments was a pain and a headache as I had no idea what to choose, and this will remain a concern for ever. I will always be anxious about my investments. It is easy to see that many would rather see the state take care of it all. Even if the state mismanages the money, it will feel less painful than to take full responsibility for ones own potential mistakes.


By Albrecht Dürer - Collection privee, Public Domain, Link

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