Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Attrition Warfare on the Offensive

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”

― Victor Hugo

Almost two years have passed since I started writing about attrition warfare as a strategy for liberty, and as it turned out, this strategy has proven itself effective. It has also become widely adopted due to the network effect, where people communicate informally through friends and family.

Where we used to see defensive positioning, we're now seeing offensives. The virus scare of 2020 to 2022 has subsided, and there's an awareness spreading. The elite don't care about our health, the climate or the economy. They care only for power and the money that comes with it.

Those who stood firm while the elite was pushing forward with their agenda are now sensing opportunity. My older brother has pushed forward with evidence proving that wind turbines are inefficient and disastrous for the environment. He's also presenting evidence related to electric batteries and how polluting and ineffective electric vehicles really are.

His rhetoric would have been quickly knocked down by #Science touting friends only a few months ago, but this is no longer happening. The religion of #Science is on the decline. This fabrication by the elite is no longer as effective as it used to be. As proof of this, all we have to ask ourselves is when was the last time anyone posted #ThankYouScience as part of their status updates.

This illustrates the two separate modes of operation employed by God, aka nature, and the devil, aka clever power grabbing spin doctors. Nature employs unstoppable surges while spin doctors are constantly jumping from one story to another. To see what truth looks like, as opposed to deception, we need only look at news headlines a few years old. Deception doesn't age well, while truth shines bright.

For spin doctors to retain their power over the population, an endless stream of stories must be produced, and truth must be censored. But truth shines so bright that it cannot be censored. To hide the truth, spin doctors would have to not only sensor their opposition, they would have to sensor their own articles as well.

Simply posting two year old news onto our Facebook timeline reveals to all that we were lied to. I see no reason to be more blunt than this, so that's what I'm currently doing. I post these flashbacks about once every month. I'm doing my bit in our fight for liberty, and others are doing their bit. There's no need to coordinate this. The network effect takes care of this without any need for a central command.

Camp x-ray detainees.jpg
Guantanamo Bay detention camp

By Shane T. McCoy, U.S. Navy - (copied from so that the image can be used on Wikinews.), Public Domain, Link

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