Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Shock and Awe by the Wicked

Shock and awe is a strategy frequently used by the wicked. By coming out swinging, the impression is created that they are more powerful than they actually are. The hope is that their adversaries submit to this, and that victory is thus ensured. However, if the adversaries hunker down and dig in, the shock and awe becomes increasingly impotent. Unprepared for a long and tenuous fight, the wicked exhaust themselves. Their allies, all exposed by the initial onslaught, becomes correspondingly easy to neutralize. Little by little, territory is won back and often added to by the virtuous.

An example of this scenario is currently playing out in the Caucasus, with Azeri forces battling Armenians. The Azeri came out swinging, but failed to take any major strategic positions. The Armenians dug in during the initial onslaught. Then, as the dust cleared, they first won back control of the skies, before rolling out heavy artillery. Little by little, lost territory is regained.

Similarly, we have a legal battle going on in the US. Through trickery and fraud, Biden was declared victorious by the media and multiple corporate entities. The pressure on Trump to declare defeat was enormous. However, he refused to do so, and the tide in Biden's favour appears to have already peaked. Little by little, shenanigans is being exposed and presented to the public.

While it's still possible that Biden's fraud will land him victory, it seems increasingly unlikely. Having come out swinging behind Biden, media has lost a lot of credibility. People are becoming increasingly sceptical to anything coming from them, further eroding their power. The dust is about to blow to the side, exposing a deeply flawed system.

It appears that the beast is losing to the lion, and that some kind of new order may set in. Super-national organizations and corporations, including media houses, are being exposed as integral parts of the beast. The illusion of independence has been shattered, and hence their power. If Biden nevertheless wins, his presidency will go down in history as seriously flawed and impotent.

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The beast

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