Monday, June 22, 2020

My Tao - Layers of Spin

The world is going mad before our very eyes. Every possible issue has been turned into politics where feelings trump facts. The weather has been subject to politics for so long, many are not aware that it hasn't always been this way.

As of late, the madness has been turned up another few notches. There is massive monetary manipulations of the markets, there is a mysterious flu pandemic that we must submit to, there are riots in the streets over the death of a suspect detained by the police.

All is spun into complex webs of political narratives. Everybody has an opinion, but no-one has any facts. Bricks appear in the streets before "spontaneous" riots break out. Restaurants and shops in black communities are torched by mysterious white people during racial riots.

The motives for these actions are unclear. The only thing we can say for sure is that life is being made increasingly difficult for an increasing number of people. If this is done on purpose or not is a matter of opinion. So is the color of the perpetrators. Far left blames far right and visa versa, and there's no middle ground. We are either with them or against them.

Spin is carefully put together, and only spotted as such in retrospect. When people woke up to the inconsistencies in the climate narrative, they got distracted by the flu. When that narrative fell apart as well, there were suddenly riots in the streets. The distractions are constant and never ending.

We are rapidly approaching peak politics, a world where nothing is left to the individual to decide, except for which faction to side with. In such a world, there's no point in trying to voice reason. This is not a time to show our colors. Rather, it's time for positioning. We must focus on the likely outcome of current events. The whys and the whats are for historians to figure out. Our job is to navigate these troubled waters with an eye for consequences rather than cause.

Cloud cumulonimbus at baltic sea(1).jpg

By Arnold Paul - Selbst erstelltes Foto, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

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