Monday, June 8, 2020

Late Stage 1st Republic

Riots and demonstrations all over the world, including loud protests here in Porto, have had a big impact on the street scene. The number of people wearing face masks has been cut by half over night. While this may not have been the intended effect of the protests, it's by far the most noticeable difference.

Among other positive developments over the last few months, we can mention the complete loss of subtleties and restraints among the elites. They have thrown all pretense aside, and positioned themselves firmly on the side of draconian government. No-one should be let out of the house unless allowed to do so by them.

What is considered important by the elite is now abundantly clear. Big corporations like Amazon are doing well, while mom and pop stores are being looted after a prolonged shut down. Going out to partake in politically correct demonstrations are important. Visiting a dying aunt at the hospital isn't.

Corporate media is showing its colors too. Editors who do not follow the script to the letter are dismissed. Subtleties are no longer allowed. Any article showing sympathy for the moms and pops trying to compete with big corporations lands a pink slip for the editor. Dissent, however minor, is no longer accepted. Truth be damned. The story is all that matters, and must be promoted non-stop.

When it comes to money matters, no-one blinks an eye over trillions of dollars being printed at will. The more the better. A few hundred dollars go to the down and out. The rest is handed over to big corporations. To even suggest that this may end badly gets us labeled as evil, ignorant and incompetent.

This means that anyone engaging in rational thought is by now either fired or retired. The idiots are in control, and judging by the sharp drop in number of people wearing face masks, the message has been received and understood by most. Very few are still inclined to trust the media or their government.

What we are witnessing is similar to late stage revolutionary France. Purists were busy purging their ranks of dissenters while printing heaps of money for their corporate buddies. Mom and pop shops were looted by mobs. Anyone intent on making an honest living risked arrest. With politicians firmly taking the side of the looters, people woke up to the insanity of what was going on, and when the generals finally entered, there was hardly a protest to be heard. A new order was put into place, based on sound money and equality before the law.

Having reached a similar level of insanity, we're likely to see a sudden shift rather soon. The madness that we are currently seeing cannot be sustained for much longer. People are waking up. The game is coming to an end. Something new is just around the corner.

The time to prepare for the counter-revolution is running out, but there's still time to make sensible adjustments. We must put our savings in gold, keep a low profile, and learn the ins and outs of the parallel economy. Although quick in retrospect, revolutions take time to pan out. We don't want to be stuck with worthless money, or be dependent on bankrupt corporations, when things get ugly.

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