Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why electric currents come with a twist

Magnets can be used to induce currents in wires, and separate charges in gases. Conversely, charge separation results in electric currents, and electric currents induce magnetism. What we have is a fractal relationship between magnetism and electricity. Small currents, with correspondingly small magnetic fields, self organize into larger currents and fields. Grand currents with enormous electric fields fall apart into smaller currents with smaller electric fields. This is going on everywhere, from the minutest of cells and microbes to galaxies and galaxy clusters.

There is no top or bottom in this hierarchy. It's all part of one giant cosmic whole. However, there is a small imbalance in it. When magnetized photons separate charges, sending positive ions one way, and electrons and negative ions the other way, the tiny attraction between two abrasive textures comes into play. We find that the mechanism that explained the relative size difference between electrons and protons, and also the gravitational force, can be used to explain why electric currents twist.

To understand this, let us first apply our theory to the phenomenon of charge separation and induction of electric currents by the use of a magnet:

Charge separation by swiping a magnet forward

The photons in the illustration are oriented according to the north seeking pole of a magnet. When swiped away from us, into the paper, the photons' negative orbs drive positively charged particles to the left. Correspondingly, the photons' positive orbs drive negatively charged particles to the right. This is due to the combined effect of the photons' spin and the direction of the swipe. The resulting current is in this case to the left, as can be confirmed by applying Ampère's right hand grip rule.

All of this conforms precisely to reality, confirming that our theory is valid. However, positively charged particles will be pushed a tiny bit less hard to the left, compared to negatively charged particles to the right. This is because abrasive surfaces do not rub as smoothly against each other as woolly surfaces. The abrasive orb of photons interfere destructively in the transfer of energy from the swipe to the positively charged particles.

With no corresponding destructive interference in the transfer of energy onto negative particles, we get a tiny imbalance. To compensate for this, positively charged particles move in straighter lines than negatively charged particles, and it is this compensation that induces an overall twist.

Due to self-interference through magnetism, even electric currents constituted of electrons alone twist. The induced magnetic field around wires reflect back to the current of electrons, which in turn start to twist due to the tiny difference describe above.

Again, we are talking about a trillionth of a trillionth degree in difference. This isn’t something that is easily detected directly through measurements of force. However, it becomes visible on grand scales.

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