Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Key to Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty is far easier to achieve than many people think. It requires nothing more of us than for us to reach out and take it.

First thing to realize is that liberty is physical. It is not in books, it is not on the web, and it is not in some database somewhere. Liberty is nothing more than the freedom to do whatever we please within the means at our disposal.

From this, it is clear that we should keep things close. If someone can easily take away what we possess, we are less free than if it is hard to do. The farther away something is, the harder it is for us to control. The closer it is, the easier it is to control.

This is why I recommend staying away from debt, and keeping savings in physical things that cannot be taken away from us by the mere flick of a switch. Real estate, shares in companies, and gold or silver are all good alternatives to cash in the bank or crypto on the web.

Another thing to realize is that the only ones that can limit our liberty are other people, and they have to be physically close to us to do this. We are not limited in our liberty by people doing evil things far away from us. There is no need for us to concern ourselves with such people unless we have some possessions in these far away places, which would be contrary to the rule that things should be kept close.

However, if people are turning evil in our neighborhood, we need to take action. We don't want to be the last ones to sell our house when things start going down the drain. This does not mean that we have to move out of the neighborhood right away. It merely means that we pull things closer to ourselves when things start to look messy. Instead of owning a house, we rent a place. Savings are kept in metals or shares, depending on what makes most sense. That way, we can get out in a hurry without leaving anything behind.

Finally, we should always try to influence people in a positive way, not through party politics or agitation, but through example and personal interaction. Venting displeasure with things going on in far away places is a complete waste of time. Rather, we should focus on family, friends and neighbors. Make sure they respect us and trust us by being polite and respectful of them.

By keeping things real, keeping them close, and teaching by example, we can live full and free lives even if things around us are falling apart.


Close, real and an example to follow

By Valtov at fi:wikipedia - Originally from fi:wikipedia, Public Domain, Link

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