Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Mass Condensation

Having established that the basic premise in Halton Arp's hypothesis is correct, we can take a look at what might cause matter to become more massive over time.

Halton Arp suggested that radiation in the form of high energy photons condense onto matter, thereby increasing the mass of matter over time.

Small atoms + high energy photons = bigger atoms

Sticking with Morton Spears' particle quanta as our only building blocks, we see that the increased mass must be due entirely to a growing proton.

The electron consist of only 3 charged quanta, which corresponds to the negative orb of a photon.

The proton, on the other hand, consists of 2177 charged quanta. It consists of hundreds of photons.

It seems quite plausible, then, that the proton may have started out much smaller, and that it has grown to its current size over time.

The mechanism for this would be one in which protons sometimes consume gamma-ray photons as follows:
  1. A gamma-ray photon crashes into a proton.
  2. The photon breaks into an electron and a positron.
  3. The proton consumes both the electron and the positron.
If this is how things work, then we can assume that the number 2177 for the current size of protons is an average. Some protons may be slightly larger, and others may be slightly smaller.

As time goes on, the size of the proton will grow. Gravity will become stronger as a consequence, and so will inertia.

Going back in time by studying the fossil records, we should find evidence of an environment in which gravity and inertia was less. As it happens, that's exactly what we find.

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