Monday, December 3, 2018

Clueless Elite

In light of what's going on in Paris these days, with people protesting the increasing cost of living and the fact that it is getting impossible for the lower middle class to make ends meet, it is interesting to see where the political elite chooses to focus. Yesterday, immediately after reports from Paris, a TV interview was dedicated to the opinions of two environmentalists. Privileged, and paid by generous government grants, no doubt, they lamented the fact that things were too cheep! The cost of living for the poor and downtrodden was simply not high enough.

"Imagine," one said to the other, "It is possible to get a T shirt for the cost of a sandwich." The other shook her head in disgust. "This is clearly not sustainable," she said. "Something has to be done."

What they were clearly unable to imagine was the effect such musings would have on the TV viewers. Imagine for a minute being in the situation that a sandwich out of doors is simply too expensive to pay for, and the only clothing within reach are the cheapest items. Now suddenly, you are deemed not only poor, but vulgar as well. Is it any wonder that people in Paris are rioting?

The problem is not cheap clothing, but expensive bureaucrats. If we could get rid of them, prices of all goods would go down, and the poor and down trodden would no longer be poor. But this is of course impossible to see for those in the privileged position of a state grant or other government sponsored program. We will never hear the elite propose that they abolish themselves. They will come up with all sorts of schemes. What they won't do is to get off of people's back.

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