Saturday, June 30, 2018

Earthquakes and Gravity Anomalies

There can be no doubt that earthquakes and gravity anomalies coincide. When comparing a global gravity anomaly map to a global earthquake map, we see that the two line up.

Gravity is at its strongest wherever earthquakes are at their most common, and it does not matter if the earthquakes are due to rifting or uplifting of mountains.

Quake epicenters 1963-98.png

Gravity anomalies on Earth.jpg

Public Domain, Link

Friday, June 29, 2018

Gravity on Mars

Mars has a diameter that is only a little more than half that of Earth. Surface gravity on Mars should therefore be a little more than half that of Earth, assuming that Mars and Earth have similar geologies. Calculating relative surface gravity based on diameters, we get:
6779 km / 12742 km = 53% expected surface gravity on Mars relative to Earth
However, gravity on Mars is much less than this. Calculating relative surface gravity based on actual measurements, we get:
3.7 / 9.8 = 38% measured surface gravity on Mars relative to Earth
The official explanation for this discrepancy is that Earth must be made of material that is significantly more dense than Mars. There must be a super-dense core at the center of Earth.

However, this explanation seems contrived, not least because Earth has a surface that is less dense than Mars. Earth has water and hydrocarbons. Earth's rocky mantel is relatively deficient in iron, while Mars has plenty of iron.

Mars is a dry and barren place
By NASA / USGS (see PIA04304 catalog page) -, Public Domain,

If planets can develop super-dense cores, it seems that Mars should be at least as likely to develop one as Earth.

Furthermore, there is no evidence for a super-dense core at the center of our planet. Jan Lamprect has long since showed that seismic evidence points towards a hollow Earth, rather than a solid one.

On the other hand, we do have evidence to suggest that Earth is substantially more charged than Mars. There are sparks in the form of lightning bolts going off all over our planet all the time.

We live on a giant capacitor that appears to be fully charged. If the enormous charge carried by our planet is only remotely important in the formation of gravity, we will have an explanation for the discrepancy between Earth and Mars.

There is no need for a super-dense core. What is required is some kind of proof that highly charged matter communicates more gravity than neutral matter.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Matters of Efficiency

Nature has a tendency towards efficiency. Not only do we see efficiency play a role in physics and chemistry. It shows up in biology and human behavior as well. This was noted by Darwin in his work on evolution, and by Mises in his work on economy.

The fact that something is possible, does not mean that it is likely to happen. It has to be efficient as well, especially if it is to become a widespread phenomenon.

The long necks of dinosaurs came about because it was efficient to develop long necks. It allowed dinosaurs to reach high up in trees for leaves to eat. To say that the long neck of dinosaurs became common for any other reason is pure nonsense, because there is no other efficient use of a long neck.

Giant flying dinosaurs were not only able to fly. They were able to fly with ease. Or else, what point would there be in flying? If it was difficult for them to fly, they would have adopted along the line of the present day ostrich. They would have become land dwellers. The fact that this did not happen tells us that the environment the dinosaurs lived in allowed for giraffe-sized animals to fly with ease.

Similarly, we can conclude from ancient ruins that the ancients had little trouble in cutting and fitting together huge stones. The widespread use of polygonal stone work in ancient times indicate that this was once easy to do. The frequent use of enormous rocks indicate that this too was relatively easy.

Megalith at Baalbek, presumably cut and transported with ease
By Ralph Ellis - Ralph Ellis images, CC BY-SA 4.0,

If it was any other way, we would not have seen the widespread adoption of these techniques. They would have been rare examples of fancy stonework, not the preferred techniques for most constructions.

It appears then that things were quite a lot different back in the days when the sky was golden. Working under the red sun of ancient times, people made stone structures that we no longer can replicate, and they did not do this solely to impress people. They did this because it was economic to do so.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jan Lamprecht's Hollow Earth

Using Newton's shell theorem as it relates to gravity, we come to the conclusion that there is no gravitational force at the center of large bodies like moons, planets and stars.

As a consequence, all these bodies are likely to be hollow. A cavity, once formed at the center of such a body, will have no way of disappearing.

There will be enormous pressure in the walls surrounding such a cavity, but that in itself is no reason to believe that the cavity will collapse. If a part of the internal wall should come loose, the cavity will not become smaller. The loose matter will simply float about in the atmosphere of the cavity.

Unless the entire planet collapsed in on its internal cavity, the cavity will remain.

Cross section of a hollow planet

An important point that can be gleaned from Newton's shell theorem is that there will be an overall tendency towards less density at the center of large bodies. The theorem implies a one way mechanism in which things can become less dense at the center, but never more dense.

High density matter expelled from the core will not return. Low density matter will tend to stay.

This means that planets can be modeled as being at their most dense at some distance from the center, after which they become less dense.

When Jan Lamprecth wrote his paper on hollow planet seismology vs. solid Earth seismology, he noted that this kind of planets will yield the easiest and most straight forward explanation for seismic data.

Jan Lamprect concluded therefore that Earth is hollow, with a low density interior wrapped in a high density crust.

This happens to be the exact same conclusion that we can draw from an open minded consideration of Newton's shell theorem as it applies to planets.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Floating Superconductors

When a superconductor is put close to a strong magnet, it will lock into the position where it has been put. It will neither fall nor rise. It will not slide off to the side. It will remain where it is relative to the magnetic field.

If the magnet is laid out like a rail in one direction, the superconductor will move freely in the direction of the rail while resisting any other motion.

The simple explanation for this is that the current induced into a superconductor by a magnetic field will produce an equal and opposite magnetic field that resists any change in position relative to the magnet.

This explanation requires no quantum physics. Standard electromagnetic theory is all that's needed. Move forward to 3:15 in the simple explanation, and the whole thing is explained in a few sentences.

This is essentially the same explanation that was used to explain induction of magnetic fields and electric motors and generators in my book.

Inducing magnetism into a ferromagnetic rod

The more elaborate explanation, invokes something called quantum levitation. Magnetic field lines are trapped. Quantum flux tubes are pinned in defects, locking the superconductor in space. Move forward to 2:00 in the explanation for the illustration.

The problem with the quantum explanation is that it invokes quantum tubes and field lines, both of which are entirely mathematical concepts.

The simple explanation mentions field lines too, but we can easily model these as high and low pressure regions in the aether.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Two Angstrom Towards the Blue End

The blues-shift of deuterium relative to hydrogen can be calculated from standard theory. It can also be confirmed in laboratory experiments.

What should be noted is that the deuterium spectrum comes out at about 2 angstrom towards the blue end of the spectrum as compared to hydrogen.

Heavy isotopes emit bluer light than lighter ones

It follows from this that an increase in mass of atomic nuclei will shift the light spectrum of the affected matter towards the blue end of the spectrum.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Planet Wide Dust Storm on Mars

A dust storm is raging on Mars, and it is now so huge it is encircling the whole planet.

This rare occurrence comes at a time when Earth is seeing increased geological activity and the red spot on Jupiter is becoming taller and more compact.

All the while the planets of the solar system are grouping together at one side of the Sun, and the sunspot cycle is heading for a minimum.

The current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24

By David Hathaway, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center –, Public Domain,

The evidence for a link between geology, climate and the alignment of the planets appears to be strengthening.

Homer's Wine Dark Sea

It was not until about 4500 years ago that humans first gave a name to the color blue. The first ones to do so were the Egyptians who knew how to produce blue dye.

The standard interpretation of this is that blue was seen as a special shade of green. Without a separate word for blue, people did not see it as all that different from green.

However, if this is true, then the sky and the sea should be described as green in ancient texts, and that is not the case.

The sea is described as wine dark by the ancient Greek poet Homer. He also describes oxen in the fields as red.

Roman illustration of Odysseus on a wine dark sea

By Giorcesderivative work: Habib M'henni - File:GiorcesBardo54.jpg, Public Domain,

This indicates that the sky was not blue, but red. The light reflected off of the sea would then have been properly described as wine dark, especially if there were some threatening clouds hanging over it. Brown cattle would appear to be red.

With everything bathed in a red light, things would appear red or golden in color, and blue would be very difficult to distinguish from green.

If our Sun was redder in color in the past, blue would have been a very rare color to see. It would in truth have been a special shade of green.

It would also mean that there actually was a golden age before our age, and that we should take this quite literally. The golden age really was golden in the sense that everything was bathed in a pleasant golden light.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Pilot Waves and Refraction

Pilot wave theory can be used to explain the double slit experiment. It also helps explain how mirrors can reflect photons so perfectly.

The presence of a pilot wave around every particle helps smooth out minor irregularities that would otherwise lead to scatter. Tiny photons interacting with the lattice of atoms would scatter all over the place if it was not for the pilot wave.

Pilot wave smoothing out the interaction between a photon and a lattice of reflecting atoms

This ability of the pilot wave to smooth out interactions between photons and atoms can also be used to explain the behavior of light passing through a transparent medium.

The slalom analogy used in my book becomes a whole lot less eccentric once the pilot wave is taken into account.

From experience we know that light can either reflect off of a transparent surface, or pass through it. The effect we get depends on the angle of the light as it hits the surface.

Light hitting a transparent surface at a slant angle will reflect. The pilot waves provide enough resistance to send the incoming photons back out.

Light hitting a transparent surface at a more acute angle passes through the medium. The pilot wave breaks through the lattice.

Pilot waves guiding red photons through a transparent lattice

The pilot wave deforms in the process. However, it does not loose its ability to smooth out minor irregularities. Each photon slaloms through the lattice with a pilot wave to guide it.

Red photons have smaller pilot waves than blue ones. They can slalom more directly through the lattice than the blue photons. They get through the lattice quicker than blue photons due to their shorter paths.

This also explains why very low energy photons do not pass through glass. They do not have the momentum to push their pilot waves through the lattice, and are therefore reflected.

Very high energy photons, on the other hand, can be stopped by adding led to the lattice. The heavy led atoms stop the high energy photons as they try to crash their way through the lattice.

Once the pilot wave is taken into account, it becomes easier to explain the fact that glass is perfectly transparent only for photons in a specific energy range.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Obscure Dinosaur Migration Paths

There are many mysteries associated with the dinosaurs. Not only were they way too large to have lived under current gravity and inertia conditions, they sometimes migrated in ways impossible on today's Earth.

Dinosaur fossils found in China are often remarkably similar to those found on the west coast of America.

The fossil records strongly suggest that dinosaurs could roam freely between America and China.

This is impossible to explain using conventional plate tectonics which has a huge ocean separating America and China in the time of the dinosaurs.

However, on an expanding Earth, where oceans first appeared during the age of the dinosaurs, the migration paths are no mystery at all.

Expanding Earth as seen from the south pole

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Polarization Through Reflection

When light hits a highly reflecting surface, like a mirror, no energy is lost. The bounce of the photons off the atoms that make up the mirror is perfectly elastic. The pilot waves that accompany each photon smooth out the irregularities of the mirror surface so that the bounce of the photon is perfect in every way.

Photon with pilot wave hitting a reflecting surface

So perfect is the reflection that we sometimes confuse it with the real thing. However, there is one telling difference between the light of the original, and the light of the mirror image.

Reflected light is polarized. Photons have an axis of spin which lines up with the surface from which it is bouncing.

Why this is so is simple to explain in terms of the two orb model of the photon.

Two orb photon as an assembly of six particle quanta

The two orb photon is not round. It is elongated along its axis of spin.

It follows from this that photons can be "slammed flat" against a surface. When bouncing off of a reflective surface, photons get their axis of spin oriented parallel to it.

Stream of photons hitting a reflective surface on their way from left to right

The polarization is not perfect. There will be plenty of photons at random orientations. However, there is an overall effect that can be quite pronounced. This is particularly noticeable when it comes to glare from a setting sun or other low light source. A pair of polarized sunglasses that blank out light with horizontal polarization can substantially reduce glare from sunlight reflected off of water.

It should be noted that this kind of optical polarization is not the same as the polarization produced by a magnetic field or electric current. Reflected photons are "slammed flat", but their orientation remains otherwise random. Their spin is not coordinated, nor is their plus-minus orientation.

Only when we have polarization, spin and plus-minus orientation, all coordinated, do we have magnetism.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Proton, Electron and Neutrino

Outside an atomic nucleus, a neutron decays into a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino within 15 minutes.

From this, we can conclude that a neutron is a proton with an electron stuck to it.

However, this does not explain the neutrino.

Free neutron decaying into a proton, electron and anti-neutrino

My initial thought on this was that the neutrino functioned as some kind of glue, but I have since come to a different conclusion.

In order to explain the Mercury anomaly, I had to introduce the concept of hollow particles. Electrons and protons have to be hollow in order to grow and shrink in response to changes in the aether.

From this, it follows that both electrons and protons are filled with neutrinos at above average pressure. Neutrinos are keeping electrons and protons inflated due to their tendency to stay inside fields of equally charged walls.

We can then imagine a free neutron as a proton with an electron stuck to it, and with neutrinos bouncing furiously inside of both the electron and the proton.

This can go on for some time without anything happening. However, at some point, one of the neutrinos inside the proton will make a direct hit at the electron. It will rip the electron loose from the relatively weak binding between the electron and proton.

Observed from the outside, we see the neutron spontaneously decay into a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino.

In the physics laid out in my book, all flavors of neutrinos are merely differences in charge and energy, and not due to any fundamental difference. The anti-neutrino label is therefore nothing more significant than a reference to a specific energy and charge measured for the observed neutrino.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


In the physics presented in this book, empty space is merely a void with no properties.

The 3 dimensions we normally ascribe to space must therefore be seen as fundamental properties of Morton Spears' particle quanta.

It is from these particle quanta that we get the 3 dimensions that we encounter in our interactions with reality.

A 3-dimensional particle

It may at first seem strange to ascribe dimensions to matter rather than space. However, all our dealings with reality are related to particles. It is only in relation to particles that we are able to determine direction, distance and time.

To assemble a larger particle form smaller ones we are limited by the dimensions inherent in the building blocks. All positions adjacent to a particle is determined by the dimensions of the particle. The only possible way to connect 3-dimensional particles to each other is inside the framework of 3 dimensions. Any assembly of 3-dimensional quanta must therefore also have 3 dimensions.

Similarly, a 3-dimensional particle can only move to a position adjacent to itself. Whichever way it moves, it will remain inside the framework of 3 dimensions.

If particles had more than 3 dimensions, they would be able to assemble and move in more than 3 dimensions. However, our world is that of 3-dimensional particles. We are therefore limited to 3 dimensions in all our actions.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Earth Expansion and Gravity

A common idea among those who believe that Earth is an expanding planet is that the expansion explains the impossibly large size of the dinosaurs. However, expansion in itself, without an enormous increase in dense matter, would lead to less surface gravity, not more.

The matter supplied to feed the expansion would have to be just as dense as the rest of our planet in order to result in a one to one increase in gravity relative to Earth's diameter. This was pointed out by Peter Woodhead in a short paper he wrote back in 2015.

If the added matter was anything less dense than rock and iron, surface gravity would grow very little with Earth's expansion. If the added matter was something as light as hydrogen, surface gravity would go down rather than up.

For surface gravity to have grown as much as is required in order to explain such impossibilities as the Quetzalcoatlus, Earth must have accumulated a very large amount of extremely dense matter.

Calculations put forward by Stephen Hurrell in his work on dinosaurs and the expanding Earth indicate that a one to one relationship between Earth's diameter and surface gravity is on the low end of what is required.

Certainly, in the case of the Quetzalcoatlus, gravity must have been a lot less than half of what it is today. Yet, the flying giant existed in times when Earth was already expanding, and therefore more than half of what it is today.

Making this even more problematic is the fact that the expansion of our planet is coming from within. It is not due to space dust accumulating on Earth's surface, because such an accumulation would not produce the sort of rifting and uplifting that we observe. Yet, there is no known mechanism in which a planet can spontaneously start producing extremely dense matter below its surface.

Earth's expansion seen from the south pole, with oceans as rift zones

However, there is a mechanism proposed by Halton Arp in which existing matter becomes more massive over time. In his work on quasars, Halton Arp noted a phenomenon in which inertial mass appeared to be linked to the age of matter. Young matter is less massive than old matter.

He termed this the intrinsic red-shift, and he proposed that this was due to a process in which radiation condenses onto matter as mass.

Of particular interest to the problem of dinosaurs and their sizes is that this solution gives an answer to an often ignored fact. Dinosaurs were not only too big for their weight, they were also too big for their own inertia. Their long necks would have been impossible to control due to inertia. The Quetzalcoatlus would have snapped its neck as it tried to hunt down prey with the tip of its enormously long beak.

A further advantage of Halton Arp's mass condensation is that it suggests an increase in mass of both our planet and its inhabitants on its surface. Since the force of gravity is calculated by multiplying these two masses, we no longer need as much added mass to Earth as we would have required if the change in gravity was due to a change in Earth alone.

Forces are calculated by multiplication of the elements involved

For gravity to have increased by 4 times, we would need Earth's mass to have increased 4 times if Earth was only contributor to the change. However, if both Earth and its inhabitants were to increase their mass, it is sufficient for each to increase in mass by 2 times. Earth no longer needs to quadruple its mass.

Halton Arp's mass condensation solves the problems of both gravity and inertia related to dinosaurs.

However, there is nothing in Halton Arp's theory that requires Earth to expand. Mass condensation does not make atoms bigger, only heavier.

This means that the relationship between Earth's expansion and Earth's increased gravity is far less direct than most Earth expansion proponents intuitively believe.

In my book, I suggest that expansion is due to radioactivity that happens to be a bi-product of mass condensation.

Radioactivity increases the volume of matter inside our planet. Whenever an atom decays through radioactivity, we end up with an extra atom or two. Where there was once one atom, there are suddenly two, or more.

However, this raises another problem. The expansion due to radioactivity reduces surface gravity, and it is somewhat doubtful that mass condensation is happening at a sufficiently rapid rate to outpace the expansion to the extent required in order to fully explain the dinosaurs.

I have therefore come up with another suggestion related to gravity. I've proposed that gravity of highly charged matter is greater than gravity of neutral matter.

This would mean that the capacitance of our planet must be taken into account when considering the overall effect of expansion on gravity.

Capacitance is related to size. An expanding planet is therefore increasing its capacitance. If there is a hollow at the core of our planet, as some believe, the capacitance will increase all the more.

Putting all these pieces together, we get a mosaic of interrelated mechanisms that together explain why our planet is expanding and how gravity at our planet's surface has grown as much as it has, despite relatively little radiation and mass accumulation.

Each factor on their own would not be sufficient to explain the expansion and increase in gravity. However, when put together, there is good reasons to believe that gravity has increased by a very large percentage, and that inertia has had a large increase too.

Gravity may be as much as 4 times greater today than it was back in the time of Quetzalcoatlus. It may be 5 times more than it was in the time of the Meganeura, long before our planet started to expand. Inertia may likewise be somewhere between 2 times and 3 times greater today than in the past.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


In one of his books, the author Henry Berg makes the observation that there is something profoundly strange about mirrors.

How is it that a surface made up of atoms can perfectly reflect photons that are many times smaller than even an electron?

From the perspective of a photon, an atom is like a mountain. The surface of a mirror is anything but flat. Yet, all photons striking the mirror will leave at an equal and opposite angle, with no energy lost.

The answer to this riddle, using the physics laid out in this book, is that the photons never strike the mirror. The pilot wave that accompanies every photon acts like a cushion, and it is off of this cushion that the photon bounces.

Photon with pilot wave striking a reflective surface of atoms

While photons are tiny, the pilot waves surrounding photons are big relative to atoms. They can easily even out a tolerably smooth surface without upsetting the photon side of the wave. Each photon sees a perfectly smooth cushion. It bounces off of this cushion, completely unaware of any minor irregularity in the surface of the mirror.

Mirrors can in other words be used as supporting evidence for the existence of pilot waves.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Earth's Magnetic Field

In one of his EU lectures Dr. Gerald Pollak makes the suggestion that the atmospheric jet stream of our planet may be an important contributor to its magnetic filed.

The jet stream is a persistent high velocity wind, high in our atmosphere, that moves from west to east.

With the ionosphere being negatively charged relative to Earth, we can assume the jet stream to be negatively charged as well.

That corresponds to an electric current going from east to west.

Using Ampere's right hand grip rule, we can now hold our right hand out with our thumb pointing left to determine the direction of the magnetic field going through our planet.

Jet stream generating a magnetic field

Our fingers point down, so we have a magnetic field inside our planet that has its north seeking pole to the south, exactly as we would expect.

A compass left free to move in the external magnetic field of our planet will point north with its north seeking pole.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Coulomb's Probability

The word "and" is normally associated with addition. If Jack has three apples and Jill has four apples, Jack and Jill have seven apples all together. If Jack pulls a pale up a hill with a certain force, and Jill pulls the same pale with another force, we add their combined force together to calculate their combined effect on the pale.

However, in some cases the word "and" is associated with multiplication. If Jack rolls a dice, he has a one in six chance of rolling a four. Jill too has a one in six chance of rolling a four. The chance of Jack and Jill both rolling a four is one in thirty-six. That is on in six multiplied by one in six.

This applies to collisions as well. If the chance of Jack being in a certain spot is one in a thousand, and the chance of Jill being in the same spot is also one in a thousand, then the chance of Jack and Jill both being in that spot at the same time is one in a million. That is one in a thousand multiplied by one in a thousand.

Should Jack and Jill for some reason increase their likelihood of occupying said spot by ten times, so that they each suddenly have a one in hundred chance of being there, the chance of a collision goes up by hundred times, from one in  a million to one in ten thousand.

If we now suppose that the reason Jack and Jill increased their likelihood of occupying a certain spot was because they cloned themselves into ten identical individuals, we start to see the outline of the multiplication part of Coulomb's Law.

Coulomb's Law

If Jack is a neutrino carrying charge information from q1 and Jill is a neutrino carrying charge information from q2, then their chance of collision is the chance of Jack and Jill being at the same place at the same time.

The number of Jacks and Jills are determined by the charge of q1 and q2, so if the charge on both points increase ten fold, the chance of a collision increases a hundred fold.

Furthermore, the density of Jacks and Jills around q1 and q2 falls off at the square of their distance. If we triple the distance r between the two points q1 and q2, the likelihood of a collision drops by nine times.

From this we can see that Coulomb's Law is nothing more than a probability formula expressing the likelihood of collisions between Jacks and Jills, with the overall supply of Jacks and Jills being expressed in the constant k.