Friday, February 9, 2018

Radioactivity in Magnetic and Electric Fields

Electric and magnetic fields can be used to alter the radioactivity of substances. Applying such fields extend or shorten the half-life of radioactive material. So much, I've been able to glean from the internet. However, I have not been able to find out what combination of fields produce which effect.

Using the Velcro model to make predictions, we get that repelling magnetic fields will expel neutrinos from the nucleus of atoms, while attracting magnetic fields would allow more neutrinos to enter. Conversely, a repelling electric field would allow for more neutrinos, while an attracting electric field would reduce the density of neutrinos.

In the cases where more neutrinos are allowed to enter the nucleus, we would expect the nucleus to expand and therefore become more fragile and prone to break apart. In cases where neutrinos are pushed out of the system, the nucleus should become smaller and more robust.

From this we get that radioactivity should increase when an attracting magnetic field or a repelling electric field is applied. Radioactivity should decrease when an attracting electric field or a repelling magnetic field is applied.

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