Thursday, February 8, 2018

Muon Decay

I have never studied particle physics very closely, but I have nevertheless made the observation that there are only four stable subatomic particles found in nature. These are the:
  1. Neutrino (one neutral quantum)
  2. Photon (three positive quanta and three negative quanta)
  3. Electron (one positive quantum and two negative quanta)
  4. Proton (1089 positive quanta and 1088 negative quanta)
All other subatomic particles decay into these. The free Neutron for example, decays into a Proton, an Electron and a Neutrino.

Yesterday I came across the fact that the Muon decays into an Electron and two Neutrinos.

The anti-Muon decays into a Positron and two Neutrinos. Positrons again, are either gobbled up by atomic nuclei or recombined with an Electron to form a Photon. 

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